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Tonatiuhs' Oasis


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
tona, thank you , just showing some mns shit for seis...TONA all your PLANTS look great..wish you all the best..peace


tona champ them mofo is looking great and the butter looks toxic :D Hope it will knock ya of ya feet my friend , have a great day and thanks 4 them lovely pics to ...


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
jip,yea bro i seen that thread too,pretty cool huh....i hope to see him around these parts.
as far as the yellowing,the ones that are extra close to the light are a little lighter at the top but i was attributing that to the light...i'll watch them and see what it does.

footie-i was thinkin the same thing...well hoping hehehehe...i have np problem stakin the chit outta my grow bruh,thats always a good thing.peace-T-

groady-no problem bro,i always enjoy seein new stuff.thanks for the kind words.peace-T-

kallen-wattup pimpin,dude this budder looks real potent,i think i can see the kief in it a lil bit.i think i have the payow!!!! LMAO...no problem ,i have a few more pics.peace....


just a few budder pics and some bubba shots...

here goes the budder yesterday when i put it in the fridge...

this pic is when it started to seperate good,after a couple hours chillin

and today,the finished product.i think that whats left from the kief,the red lookin stuff..

thats a big ass serving fork next to the chunk for size comparison...its about an inch thick.

a few bubba shots,they are darker everyday...ten more days or so on these.
good thing too cause i cant stop reachin for these jars hehehe...

some lower buds

and just some randoms...






hope you enjoy.peace.-T-


Active member
ICMag Donor
THat butter looks deeelish! I'd enjoy a nice slab of that. Wonder how the old lady would fair if a man buttered up his junk real good with that?:yoinks:

I gotta say that bubba has been the real star of the show so far....imho. :)


THat butter looks deeelish! I'd enjoy a nice slab of that. Wonder how the old lady would fair if a man buttered up his junk real good with that?:yoinks:

I gotta say that bubba has been the real star of the show so far....imho. :)

rlmao,,, your sick and i love it


wassup brother T!!! :wave: :pimp3: hope all is well, sure looks like it is in your neck of the woods. lol well i said i would stop in sometime and update, by your graces, so here i am. here's the 1200 box, the last run of moonshadow (Chemo x C99):






and the veggies.



i got rid of the moonshadow (ok but just not fire) and lost the gov mule (long story, but sucked! she was the purple :nono:), and am back to the Viper x Trainwreck. All these girls are from the reveg experiment, all from one plant that was chopped and revegd for almost two months before being cloned and carrying on. (in the below pic, she is in on the right)







the Viper x Trainwreck was what gave me these lovely girls, when I first started. looking back i have no idea why the hell i tried another strain. lol







alright T, thanks for letting me make a guest appearance on your thread. still no internet but hopefully soon. soon enough to see the end of this run. :D

laters pimp, your garden is, as always, an inspiration my friend. :respect:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
strain-LOL ...sorry we are not accepting applications at this time...:muahaha:

C-dub-LMAO...just ate 4 bb muffins,smokin FAT BUBBA j...waitin for the ride to start ..peace-T-

CF-fasheezy big bruh,im gonna be baked all day today...just glad there aint much to do in the rooms tonight LOL...peace-T-

hoosier-LMAO,you crazy fucker....imma tell my chik it will hit her faster if she .....nevermind :nanana: :muahaha: ...peace bro.-T-

B/R-wattup pimp! thanks man...ya know...the closer the bubbas are to gettin done i find myself reachin for the jar more and more hehehe...really bro,thankyou for the compliment.peace-T-

C-dub-....tryin to get there...hehehehe...peace yo.

footie-...idk what to even say to that...sicko...LOL.peace-T-


Karma-sandwiches for the whole place comin right up...i have some topless chiks on there way around to all ur tables to take ur orders..:muahaha:

Ceeeeeduuuuuubbbbbbb-i will order out,LOL...


leel-:yoinks: wow bruh you been busy...back tp the tw's huh,i bet they are gonna be even better now that you lettin stuff go 70 + days yo...way better then you remember it.
some monster fatty ass buds too...flower room looks great bro,and so does the veg,real picture perfect yo.....and yo,im lovin that freaky deaky lookin reveg bro...bad ass!
thanks for droppin the pics bro,lookin great.peace-T-

nevermind the brownie mix on the towel,im makin them too...and btw,these muffins are kickin in right about now too...



you make a mean lookin muffin chef Tona!!
how you feelin right about now?
..just gave the wife a nice dose of budder for herself as well..guess I'm stayin in tonight too! :laughing:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
C-dubb-well the easy answer is these things had me baked LMAO....you see i havnt even posted in my own thread for 2 days hahahaha...all buddered up.
the chit is strong yo,eat two and ur out for the count...the 1st day i ate 3 and whoa,i couldnt will myself to get up and do what i wanted to do.i didnt even wanna reach for my ciggs i was so lazy high...like drunk high LMAO...
i gave my homeboy 3 last night,i think hes gonna take them camping LOL,i gave him a big chunk of budda too,told him be careful with that chit.my lady ate 1 muffin at like 5 pm and was sleep till 4 in the morning,she said she woke up stoned :woohoo:
i ate the last 2 late last night and was sleep by around 3 am,not bad for me considering 5-6 am is my normal.i think some cookies are next,my cousins and them hogged up all the brownies i only got 1 LOL...i told them come and get them though so...
i will get that out to you this week yo,im just waitin for some info from 1 more F.U.C.K.E.R. and i'll go do what i gotta do.peace -T-


i put a shelf in my tent,it will be less packed as soon as the cuts from the big mamas take root and i can get them outta there.the shelf is just for veggin new/potential mamas and stuff like that...them are the cuts from the seeds of the HB's and all them...



flower tent day 23,the mofos are crazy tall.i cant raise the light anymore,all i can do is bend them down.next time 1 foot tops and these need the trigger.i think they are done stretchin now...i hope :)...i think im gonna have to do some major rearangin in there soon...

and a happy brother nug,sorry about the hps glow...



coolcool Thanks man! :friends:

umm..I hate to point out the obvious, but why can't ya just take those bags off the pots they are standing on to make more headroom in the tent?? or maybe just make some kind of wooden tray that is only made from slats kinda like a pallet or something to aid in drainage for the bags? :chin:

the happy is sure happy huh?


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
the tallest ones arent the ones on the pots bro,they are on the pots to make them as tall as the big ones...tryin to even the canopy out the best i can.if i take them off the pots they will be dwarfed by the big ones and get no light...thats why i was sayin i think im gonna have to do some rearanging in there,put the taller by the taller and shorter by the shorter...i kinda hate to do that though cause then all the mofos,hb's,and so on wont be by eachother,they will be scattered around...oh well though i think its gonna have to be done definetly...amof im doing it tomorrow..i'll get a pic when i do.peace-T-