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Tonatiuhs' Oasis


Grower of fine herbs...
Dang T looks like you got lots of nice work ahead of you. Congrats on that homie, anyway keep up the hard work things look to be paying off nicely!



ICMag Donor
Dang Tona! looking good bud :D lots of seeds, your going to be a busy boy!! have fun, never know what you'll get!
bummer about the accident, its happens...doesnt sound too bad, thank godness
Have a great weekend! mrsb


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
centralcoast-fasheezy bro theywill be done up propper for everyone to see.

C-dubb-fasheezy i guess so huh bro...there will be plenty of these goin around real soon.

northernkronik-yea maing,looks like F.U.C.K.E.M. has some work ahead of us...i gotta get some help showin these off from the F.A.M. it will take too long for me to get at them all myself...plus i like to spread the love around yo.peace-T-

mrs B- :wave: wattup homegirl thank you and yes ma'am i am gonna be a busy mf huh!!! thats why im glad i have such talented friends that will help me show these little gems off to everyone far and wide :wink:
yea the accident wasnt too bad i think i should be fine i cant wait to have a look tomorrow and hopefully the one stem wont be too droopy...you have a great weekend to :friends:

yea like i was saying above these beans will be grown out by me and some of my F.U.C.K.E.M. family,i am more then positive they will be in the best hands and will get all the love thy deserve.be on the lookout for madd threads to be poppin up from some bad mf's yo.peace-T-


The Mad Monk
Tona, what can I say man? Things are looking lovely as usual in the tent. You ain't kidding, that bubba is looking really nice. Primo trim job, that should help things out a lot as I'm sure you're already noticing.

Have fun running them karma's. I'll def be looking out for those threads. Always enjoy stopping by and catching up on the latest. Much respect man, you do it right for sure.


T, please make sure to post up some links to them threads bro..
I hate playing hide n go seek!
..didn't even know you had the other thread going on the tent!
damn tona, those are some really nice genetics. all those jack crosses! do you know where karma got their jack herrer from ? i know sensi says they have "the jack" but i saw recently that greenhouse seeds is coming out with their own jack herrer.

i know i should probably just ask on the karma boards, but i was just curious if you knew.

take care, i'll be lookin forward see that stuff all grown up in a few months.



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Karma's Jack is up on the 'Boo and has an explanation there:

Karma said:
The Jack is still a winner for many of us. This line is heavily incrossed. Its a crossing of Sensi Seeds Jack Herer and from a local Dutch breeders Jack Line.

The results (Jack Herer F8) are few pheno's, a great long flowering sativa with that fresh citrus kind of taste, and the more indica pheno that will finish in 9 to 10 weeks, with a more spice taste.

I've been wanting the Mirre for a while now (since I missed getting a freebie pack,) maybe I should just pull the trigger on that puppy. I'm sure T will convince me with his lovely pictures.... :D



There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
:woohoo: Hells yeah Karma hooked it up! Im gonna be running some SERIOUS Karma gear this year!!...lol. Got Chemage and Bubba Brother running now...
I dont got to telly a everything in here looks top notch homie! Big ups:joint:

good vibes


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
a lil music ,this one of them instant classics when i 1st heard it...i hope you like this chit...


ras-fasheezy bro,im glad to be running Karmas gear he has some top nothch stuff hes workin with.BIG UPS to Karma fasho.
thanks for the compliment on the tent bro.stop on thru anytime maing you know ur always welcome.

B/R-my northern brother :friends: hows it growin yo!
yea man we will be doin these and some O.G.A gear and my so so long over due R.K.S. here in maybe a week or so.i have the light warrior already just gotta time it right so they are ready by time the tent is done...a lil extra veg time never hurts though :joint:

C-dubbers-whatuppers yo.i will try to remember to post them up maing... i forget how to make the thread not look like a link in my sig thats why it aint in there yo...p.m me and explain how to wrap it and then i can fix my sig LOL...fareal though.

CF-yo yo wattup big bruh,fasheezy mad props to KG for the showin the love.
peace homie.-T-

osecret-wattup maing...strain got the info on the jack right there for ya.
they will be nice and rightous in a few months for sure yo.

strain-thanks for sroppin the info yo,im sure you should go ahead and get them maing.i have a homie here now rinnin that and if there was anything to complain about he would have told me for sure,hes a honest dude...sometimes brutaly honest :muahaha: but anyways he said nothing bad at all...grab them up my man,i have some i will be running too.peace-T-

tango-thanks maing,i cant wait to see what ur mad man bean poppin ace does with them bro thats exactly why i hit ya up...i know you love poppin beans...and fasheezy Karma gets props for having the kind heart to share these with the F.A.M. peace-T-

Big D



Man those Karma fellas sure are cool hunh? You're pretty much set up for awhile... good for you! I know you have fun with those.



Wow bro after two days finally looked threw most of this thread needless to say impressive. Great camera work and grow room shots to. You definatly have it dialed in. Kudos from socal.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Wow, T! Looks like Brotha K threw some fine up buzz work your way.
I love weed that takes the top of your head off with a hit or two...and I bet all those will do just that! Looks like a mucho delicioso summer ahead for Tbone!

(much love on your sobriety, cdubb! hang in there friend!)


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
D-wattup holmz...yes Karma is a really good dude.he always been a good friend to me,i cant wait to i get to meet him in person one day....will definetly have fun with them yo,and also share the journey with all you guys..peace-T-

footie-fasho bruh....gonna have mad jack crosses goin in the growasis :woohoo:
peace yo -T-

kuna-fasho,thanks man.

stepper-wattup my man! always good to have ya by brother.:respect:

hoosier-yessirrr....some real fine work indeed...im lookin real forward to the kushage cross personaly...actualy im lookin forward to all of them...the happy brothers have me super impressed in structure and vigor,i can only imagine what these will bring.
peace my friend. :friends:

im tryin to get picks up but the uploads aint working,i will try again later.


I had problems with the uploads too, Tona..I know it's a bitch, but try em one at a time..it seemed to work for me. lemme know if you still need that sig hooked up too!

thanks hd, Im hangin!


Tree Grower
Finally all caught up......one hell of a impressive thread Tonatiuh............K+ to Karma for being so generous :woohoo:.


just got back from a beautiful run in the woods......hitting the bong with some 60+day cure in jar Lifesaver and just enjoying.

If possible, I believe that seed line-up has further strengthened your pimp hand.

---edit---you were talking bout my avatar---ever heard of the poetry book Leaves of Grass?

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