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Tonatiuh Rises Again


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
mmmmh i seee alot of progres inhere!!...i c you're not the sitting type of person ether.....love the new setup mate...and i'd love to see you rock it....Nhow i got the time ...and i'll be lurking :D
thx again for the visit in my thread...had to come over and say high :wave:


Looking great T, I hope my bubba comes out looking half as nice as yours:joint: Take care brother.


wow bro got a lot of killer strains man sounds like u got it going on glad to see u back around growing some good smoke good vibes man,,,peace


hey i dont mean to bring Negitive vibes the the Growasis was Hot, and to all of u who gave me neg rep go fuck urselfs, i have been here for T since he started on these forums, pluss i am a horticulture Science major, i probly have more going for me then u people who just like to spout off at the mouth. Again Sry T to bring Drama into ur grow space. i hope all is well and the pics look amazing. like i said i have been off the forums for over a year till now and i guess this is how people treat others who are out of the loop /sigh well i guess i wount come back T and well gl with all ur future grows and always be safe.



There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Tona- I switched to 2 4k flowering rooms too. Good shit:joint:. Glad to see you back in action, swingin hard like we do:friends: Shits lookin off the meat-rack....but thats all I expect from you fam;)

mr.Piston- dont see the need to puff your chest out man, how can you say you got more going than these people? Do you know them? How about taking the trolling foul mouth shit to the tokers den...Your clouding the REAL growers area here with that neg vibes shit. No pics, no log....doesn't seem like you got SHIT going on. Its not how we treat people been gone for a year, its how we treat people that come in and shit on one of our f.a.m.i.l.y that had issues and had to start over. Believe me, this was the NICE way to handle ya....seen a lot worse attacks. Tona has busted his ass, helped a lot of people, and has a 10x better set-up now IMHO. Doesnt need people coming back from wherever you were talkin down on his grow. but what would I know, your the horticulture expert huh....maybe your right, and shouldnt come back.

good vibes


Well obviously I have more going on than some of these pricks if I spent so much time in real life and was gone awhile while they are living on this site 24/7. LoL are you trying to seem like a stereotypical stoner? "No negative vibes man, be chill dude." Wow, ya you really got me there....And there IS more to life than growing pot which is why I haven't posted anything in awhile, becuase I have more to my life: I have a fiance', a family, a LEGAL job, and school. So why don't you be "chill man" and get off my ass. I simply asked a question, I did not insult I simply asked a question. And I'll be damned if some super paranoid assholes are going to come into T's forum and tell me I'm an ass for asking an innocent question. "Freedom of speech man" I was still catching up, I was misinformed so all of you get off my ass. Maybe you should spend more time helping other people growing a single plant in their bedroom closet, then spending your time finding people to bully and harass. And whether I come back or not depends on the human decency and civility on this site which has been lacking since I left.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup fellaz,got the veg space rollin took this pic just as the lights were goin off...all cheese in the 1 gal. pots except 4 MSS and that pathetic lookin G-13 x mikado cut i was gifted,its hidden from view by the 3 gallon snow cap ill get a pic later today,mf hasnt done a damn thing yet.i washed off all the old soil down to the peet puck last night,there was good roots it seems like it just got stalled or some shit idk....wadnt me :D ...,i have no idea what kind of soil it was,then i put it in the 1 gal. with FFOF we'll see if that helps it or not....1 gallon of soil is all im willing to waste on it if it dont snap out of it its gone...

DBG and Mrs G :wave: TY so much for the back up :respect: love you guys!!!!!!
some folks just dont understand the work it takes to do this shit....one man crew too,see ya tonight in chat my friends.peace-T-

verdant-wattup man,bro i was thinkin that too but idk how it could have,there hasnt been any seeds or anything goin and this is a new space...imma just see what it does,i really hope there wasnt any pollen flyin around.

hoos-wassup my friend,yea bro the bubba isnt goin anywhere anytime ever hehehe,not as long as i can help it yo.thanks for the good vibes.
peace bro,-T-

C-dubb-wattup playa,good to be postin again yo.....i been callin ypou for 2 days....ur phones ringin now as a matter of fact....pick it up F.U.C.K.E.R.
peace brother,-T-

sublime-wattup maing ty for the good vibes,peace-T-

Core-wattup yo,hehehe you know me bro cant sit still too long.always glad to have gurus like urself hangin out in the new diggs.thanks for the props on the new set up brotha,i know it aint all the way don yet but you know like i know its alot of time and cash gettin a proper room up and rollin yo.i will be to see what you havin goin on today in a few bro.peace-T-

bud-TY bro,yea really....i will deal with that in a sec...

esbe-wattup my friend,i hope the trimming party was as fun as they always look in the pictures my friend,good times for sure.thank you for the visit ,i know this is a busy time for you.peace-T-

seismic-im sure it will bro,if you have any questions or need any advice with it just holla at me my friend....they are nute hoggs btw after like weeks 3-4 she can really take it.

ido-yo,yo wassup bruh.ty man good to be back in action again,stop thru anytime you know theres always room in here.peace-T-

bigscoot-wattup man.the A.O is real good,fast yield and some fat ass budz too.you will see in like 5 more weekks yo.

moses-thanks bro,im tryin to make the transition to water but its hard to let go of the soil game....would be nice to not have to get rid of the old soil though.peace bro-T-

simple gree-wattup F.A.M. you know how we do,reppin as best i can right now yo.
thanks for the props homie,im gonna put some of that budder in action here in a lil bit,ill get some pics up.

mrpiston-....dude,what the fuck happened to you in the last year to make you such a prick?you come in and lol at my new room. then you say you aint bringin neg vibes in the same sentence, ur tellin all my friends to go fuck themselves?c'mon yo get your mind right.they neg repped you because they are my friends.i was offended too,what do you have goin?nada thats what....you say you are into ur "real life" stuff? well i just finished photo voltaic classes and solar production classes,my classes make me money whats urs gonna do? so holla back when you finish some shit yo.....all the school you go to ur still gonna be a educated no common sense havin mf.
see what yo dont understand is that to some of us this is our life,not the internet but growing,we love to learn and we strive to be the best.we have a common hobby and we aint paranoid just cautious and safe...we also steer clear of self rightous assholes that think they have more goin for themselves then everyone else in the room.i dont like the way you treated my friends and F.A.M. please dont come back in my thread.you can neg rep me if you want to but i promise thats not a game you want to start with me.

Tango-yo yo wattup F.A.M good to see you postin regularly again too my friend,hope all is goin good for you and they talkin good about what may come...you know how we do homie F.U.C.K.E.M. for life.....and as far as mr.piston goes,if he comes back spewing more bs,please just ignore him yo....lets not clutter up the thread with troll feedin cool?cool. :friends: you know i got ur back 100% bro thanks for gettin at him before i had the chance,but i do think weve made our point and anything else will be feeding his hungry ass...peace my friend-T-

hmmmmmmmmm thought there was one more post....oh well F.U.C.K.E.M. :nanana:


hey my pappy use to tell me,,, IDO, fuckem if they don't like it,,,peace

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Everything is looking top notch

Got some news for you bro.. we will have to hook up soon


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
C-dubb-fasheezy brotha.:friends:

ido-exactly bro...thems good words to remember alot of times yo.
ur pappy was a stand up guy huh?

sleepy-ty bro,im stayin busy as a beaver hehehe....however that sayin goes....beavers cant do the work all high like me though hahahah...

drdog-wattup bro,im trying to hit you up on the batline now,ill try again in few when i get ready for the day.

well my friends i have some pics but for some reason the will not load for me last night.i will try to get them up here in a lil bit.
ok so check this out,i had a question for all you guys that may know...i always put my clones from the E-Z- cloner into light warrior because i hear that ffof is kinda hot for seedlings when they are young...so i assumed it would be the same for cuts...well last night i had some clone in the E-Z that really needed to get cupped,i had no light warrior to put them in so i used the ffof,you think they will be cool in there?i hear like once the clone has good roots they are like mature enough because they are clones and not seeds,then on the other hand some folks say its too hot for clones...i only put ten of the 50 i needed to cup in the ffof to see what they do but i would really like to eliminate buying the light warrior if its possible.....just wondering what to expect these 10 i cuppped into ffof last night to do.if anyone has some experience with this thanks in advance...peace-T-

Big D

Hey T, everything is looking good bro :) You should be OK with the cuts you put in FFoF, I have never had any probs with that, except for maybe some HAZE variety's but they don't like a whole lotta nutes ever! Anyway you should know here in a few but I think you'll be FINE!

Peace to you bro.... D





Hiya T!

Your girls are looking GREAT! :respect:

If your clones are already in the FF,
let 'em rip. You might be onto something!

We'll know soon enough.


Active member
hey T.
was wondering what happen to yaa.
glad it was nothing bad because your new space is off the fuckin chain!
you kno ill be here watching this madness unfold!
good vibes and keep it up man!