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To Mist Or Not To Mist?

OK, I have a guestion about misting a plant that is in its 4th week of flowering...I have been misting them every time the lights go off with destilled water...

So my guestion... > Is it ok to mist plants in the 4th week of flowering?
Im worried about MOLD ...
+ ... When should I stop misting? IF I should stop... :p

Any advice would be much appreciated.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
You should have stopped the moment they sprouted. Why would you do this?


european ganja growers
the only thing i mist is the inside of my dome/propagator that fresh cuts sit in ..... stop misting now bro:yes:.and never do it again :wink:

keep it green


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Encourages mold, leaf burning and, too close to harvest, degrades THC. Other than killing pollen, I don't know of any benefits to watering above ground. For more aggressive growth, look into DWC


Green is Gold
A light misting of water is not going to harm your plants, or bring down the potency. Think about it like this, when or if you plant your mj outside, don't they get RAINED ON while in flower? Does that rain water hurt the buds or do they just continue to do their thing after its stops raining? The whole point of growing indoors is to get your setup as close to the outdoors as possible, since outside in nature is the plant's natural habitat. Outside it rains from time to time, even during the flowering season and I don't see anyone putting up tarps or sheets to stop that from happening. The only thing you are doing wrong with your misting is that you are doing it during the dark and THAT most definitely will lead to mold growth. Damp buds plus darkness plus a little humidity will equal mold growth. However when you mist during lights on, the water is absorbed through the leaves and buds same as if they were to get rained on, and any extra water there will eventually EVAPORATE due to the heat of your lamp(s). By the time lights off comes, they should be nice and dry for you. When you mist in the dark there is no heat to make that extra water evaporate so that is why doing it during the dark period is discouraged. The water just sits there and evaporates very slowly instead of fast like you want. I would say mist as much as you want during lights on, but stop doing it when the lights are off. As for when you should stop misting entirely, its probably a good idea to stop all together in the fifth or sixth week as they begin to swell up and get really dense.


I dont care what happens outside,I'm growing indoors which is a world of difference.People that try to mimic the outdoors instead of finding what works best indoors are losing out.Dont mist your plants in flower bro,I wouldnt suggest misting at all really.I like to use a cool mist humidifier during veg because spidermites hate it,but thats about the only benefit you'll get.


Green is Gold
I dont care what happens outside,I'm growing indoors which is a world of difference.People that try to mimic the outdoors instead of finding what works best indoors are losing out.Dont mist your plants in flower bro,I wouldnt suggest misting at all really.I like to use a cool mist humidifier during veg because spidermites hate it,but thats about the only benefit you'll get.

People try to mimic the outdoors because, *gasp* that is where the plants grow at. Or are they growing underwater* or in some other place that I'm not aware of? Another thing is you're telling him not to mist but then you don't give any reason why he shouldn't. At least provide some kind of reason why you think its not okay, something better than "because I said so". From what I have read so far you anti-mist people are saying it degrades THC and causes bud rot, well the first one is flat out wrong and as far as bud rot that will only happen under specific circumstances such as if it gets DARK, DAMP, AND HUMID in the growing area. Buds don't just get spontaneously moldy when they touch water, it takes other shit to happen to form mold. Another thing that can cause mold growth is poor air circulation. I repeat to the OP that lightly misting your plants while the lights are on won't do jack shit to your buds.

*Submerged underwater completely, not in hydro in case you think I'm stupid
A light misting of water is not going to harm your plants, or bring down the potency. Think about it like this, when or if you plant your mj outside, don't they get RAINED ON while in flower? Does that rain water hurt the buds or do they just continue to do their thing after its stops raining? The whole point of growing indoors is to get your setup as close to the outdoors as possible, since outside in nature is the plant's natural habitat. Outside it rains from time to time, even during the flowering season and I don't see anyone putting up tarps or sheets to stop that from happening. The only thing you are doing wrong with your misting is that you are doing it during the dark and THAT most definitely will lead to mold growth. Damp buds plus darkness plus a little humidity will equal mold growth. However when you mist during lights on, the water is absorbed through the leaves and buds same as if they were to get rained on, and any extra water there will eventually EVAPORATE due to the heat of your lamp(s). By the time lights off comes, they should be nice and dry for you. When you mist in the dark there is no heat to make that extra water evaporate so that is why doing it during the dark period is discouraged. The water just sits there and evaporates very slowly instead of fast like you want. I would say mist as much as you want during lights on, but stop doing it when the lights are off. As for when you should stop misting entirely, its probably a good idea to stop all together in the fifth or sixth week as they begin to swell up and get really dense.

Very logical advise ! Seems 100% realistic to me !:smoweed:


Sativa Tamer
Misting flowering plants is very suspecto IMO. What do you hope to accomplish by doing this?

If you told me you were foiler feeding and not just misting with water there would be more of a case, but it would still be risky depending on your setup.

When there is a lot of rain and humidity later in the outdoor season, there is also a lot of loss due to mildew and bud rot. Inside you can control this by keeping things dry, but at the same time making sure that plants get enough water through the roots to finish properly.



Active member
Moved half my indoor crop outside (just for a couple hours) near end of flowering and got an unexpected light sprinkle on them. Harvested all in a few days and only the ones moved outside for that brief period, got mold. Maybe a plant already acclimated to outdoors could have stood a chance?


Plants grow better in greenhouse then outdoors dude. This is because they dont get knocked around by the rain and winds (YES heavy rain and wind can tear leafs and knock off trichomes). Also MJ grows too fast to get dust on it. Daily misting will actually hurt the leaves because the water evapes fast and leaves behind salts/chloramine and residue which do the opposite of what you hope misting will achive. If your humidity is fine then there is plenty of water in the air for the leafs. In flower you want as little water around the buds as possible. Which is why after a rain you go out and shake the exess water off your buds.

I don't know where you got this idea that misting a grown plant (not foliar feeding) is helpful in an indoor setup with proper humidity?


Active member
misting the leaves will help remove dust from the leaves and thats good also i think it makes the plants happy:)
The water droplets create tiny magnifying glasses.

When combined with HID lighting (MH or HPS) that intense light can burn the leaves and cause spotting.
as you can prolly see, many people dont mist much at all.
I mist my veg plants with plain water but stop when they go into flower.

but really, the resin coating is kinda waterproof... so it should resist water theoreticly.
if you feel you must mist, DEF start doing it when the lights are on so that it has time to evaporate, because water sitting on your buds all night in the dark is definatly bad news.

IMHO... as long as you have proper ventilation and the water dries fully there shouldnt be a problem, but i dont think its needed.