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To All Tobacco Haters


Grinding extra.
Sure this had been stated already.

If you're going to smoke tabacco, why smoke the shit they sell that they spray and add things to?

Much like cannabis...

Why buy shit off the street that is crap and possibly not pure?

My issue is not with a plant, that is insane.

It's greedy human and what that leads them to do.


i used to run my own life by scientific studies and pure intellectual logic. but the farther i used my intellect, the more i realized how limited it was...

and that there is a lot more than just the forebrain...

neways... i never litter cig butts...i hate that too...

if i'm going to smoke i like it pure, like my food...

i can't smoke the green right now because i'm under a probation of sorts... so yeah, maybe i wouldn't even care about the green leaf tobacco... if i could smoke the flower.

but actually i still like tobacco...

i just bought a 2 pack of parliment lights...since it was cheap. the american spirits are more costly. i like to roll my own if i can.

personally i find tobacco beneficial. its like a beta blocker to me... just sorta levels me. i think thats why they always said cigarettes make you "cool". they literally make you chilled and leveled so nothing really gets you as much.

but i just made a green smoothie out of a ton of lettuce and all of a sudden my entire world just slowed down from deep within. like everything just became okay. i think its from the opiates in the lettuce...in a green smoothie you really get them. its pretty amazing. i honestly don't have much else to say, lol. i hadn't had one of these in almost a week. i've noticed my posts have become very jivey because i haven't had any green smoothies...like some people get when they dont' smoke weed.

coincidence i have no idea
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If you want to kill yourself then more power to you.But keep that damn second hand smoke away from me and my kids!


ECR , yer attitude sucks . All I hear is bitter yelling ....... You wonna smoke cigs , go right ahead , shoots , population control . But really , it's proven that smokin & second hand smoke kills . All tha shit they add , you ain't just smokin tobacco , yer also smoke hundreds of other chemicals that are highly carcinogenic . Many folks growin' herb , opt not to use any chemicals . And there have been no studies proving that tokin' herb kills , so it seems that yer points are worthless .

As an ex smoker that quit 4 yrs ago and had smoked fer 17 yrs , I hate bein' around it . Makes me sick with a head and belly ache . My feeling is people should only be able to smoke inside with proper filtration , only with other smokers . Folks smokin outside is crap , tha wind blows it into others peoples houses , faces , etc ... My wife can't even work out with tha doors and windows open without having to breath that stank ....

Hot box yer own house with that filthy poison ,
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no it doesn't always kill, did you watch the video? I thought it was pretty funny.


Domesticator of Cannabis
ksac said:
no it doesn't always kill, did you watch the video? I thought it was pretty funny.
Yes, look at my link carefully. It was humorous but I seen it coming.


Steel thanks but you don't have to be mean about it.

I got a 2 pack of parliment lights and I can't even smoke them. Must be the chemicals I have no idea. I like American Spirits myself.


I don't see the big scare-factor is regards to second-hand smoke.. Even when I was a non-smoker it never bothered me. Does it really bother you or are you just having an anxiety attack from all of the negative studies you have read you know. Lets not let America be run by fear. I think that is going to take down this country if anything. Its like everyone is scared of everything.


Active member
In my state, they have made it illegal to smoke inside any business, which I am some what alright with, but to the bastards that think that I shouldn't be able to smoke OUTSIDE, you can go to hell. It's my outside too, and if you think that the little bit of smoke coming from my cig is going to kill you, you can go stand up wind from me, because coming up to me and complaining about it will prove to be more hazardous to your health than anything.


ignorance is bliss huh.....

quiting smoking was the hardest thing i ever did.... that should tell you something, after awhile your not smoking because you enjoy it, your smoking because you'd be miserable if you dont, your an addict..addicted to the over 4000 chemicals in them, including carbonmonoxide,nicotine,tar,arsenic,ammonia,hydrogen,cyanide,acetone,butane,DDT,formaldehyde,sulfuric acid,cadmium,freon,methoprene,maltitol....
but, do what you want, my great grampa smoked lucky strikes non filters for 50 years, never had a problem.. maybe you'll be the lucky one who just has yellow teeth and smells like sh!t, or maybe you'll be one of the 400,000+ who dies a horrible painful cancer death each year.... roll those dice


I enjoy tobacco in the form of fine cigars. A. Fuente, Davidoff, La Aurora, Don Pepin Garcia, etc etc. I also smoke a pipe: Penzance, Charing Cross (gl pease), nightcap, etc. Love that smoky perique and latakia. YUM.

I have no problem with tobacco. I DO have a HUGE problem with the douchebag cigarette companies that lace the tobacco up with 500+ additives and engineer one of the most dangerous products on the planet.

IMO, that stuff shouldn't even be called "tobacco" anymore, as it's barely even a constituent in the chem cocktail of a conventional cigarette.

Tobacco is best experienced via fine cigars and pipe tobacco IMO.....

on the issue of second hand smoke....... i've no qualms with people that smoke actual tobacco in my vicinity. I have a HUGE problem with smoking 500 chemicals in my vicinity. Keep that dangerous shit away from me. I don't want a marlboro or camel anywhere near me, indoors or out. It never fails, if someone smokes a 'typical' cig near me, i get a headache. the longer the exposure, the worse the headache gets. Then one time i was at the boat and noticed a woman smoking a cig, but it smelled actually decent, with sweet notes, and I had no headache. Turns out she was smoking American Spirit cigarettes, which are all natural. They also have an organic line, even better.

Smokers should look into American Spirit cigs...... the natural tobacco doesn't burn even a tenth as fast as a 'typical' laced cigarette! Higher price per pack, but 10 times the smoking time, huge savings! No chems in the air. I've heard anecdotal evidence that non-chemical tobacco use is almost devoid of cancer vs. the marlboros and camels and whatnot....... it looks like it's the chemicals causing the cancer and not the tobacco.


I always have said to each his own. I always thought it was kinda messed up to talk about one person's habit when you have one of your own. Like those people who say smoking is bad but yet they drink alcohol...I just personally don't like tobacco, been smoking the bud every since I first inhaled smoke. But I have had my share of cigarettes if some friends of mine already had one lit.


Closest thing I like to tobacco is a blunt with green in the middle. I can't stand tobacco smoke and I never will. They make me sick and its very hard for me to be around cigarette smoke. I don't bitch at anyone for it - but for me, there is good smoke (weed) and bad smoke (cigarettes). You choose.


Active member
I quit tobacco over a month ago.

I feel 1000 times healthier physically. But still i don't like to smoke weed only vape.

The only thing i really liked to smoke was joints with tobacco. I really don't like pure joints. A pipe is ok

I kinda miss the pleasure of smoking joints with tobacco but know why i don't do it anymore.

But still i say , let everyone have his own


cant stop wont stop
quit cig's but only for soemthing WAY more DANK
well i guess cig's were never dank - unless tripping.

non the less these new woodtips is BOMB!!!!!!!


Tobaccyweed kills 50% of it's users (eventually)...

Wackyweed don't (ever)...

Chew the tobaccy - oral cancers, nasty, slow death...

Chew the wacky - you get high (maybe a sore tummy if it ain't cooked), but no dying (ever)...

I smoked cigs for over 35 yrs., and weed almost as long. Every morning I'd damn near pass out in the shower from coughing and hacking - saw blood :yoinks: a few times. Quit cigs 4 yrs ago, my health improved exponentially.

Still smokin' weed, and my lungs have no problem cleaning themselves (any tars and shit are coughed out within days - and not that hacking, my balls are gonna come up with my lungs coughing).

My wind is excellent (couldn't run a block without falling over before). Food tastes awesome, my sense of smell is terrific.:woohoo:

Free choice - but mine is smokin' weed only. And my body and mind both know why... :2cents:

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