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To All Tobacco Haters




YES, I do NOT care, how many nicotine-lozenge huge pharmacuetical-funded studies you cite. Look at all the oldest people in the world who were smokers.

Key thing in smoking anything is having ZERO BAD THOUGHTS about the smoke as you inhale... to enjoy it. Only smoke if its pleasurable, which probably doesn't equate to a pack a day anyways...

If you really are conscious and express gratitude and feel pleasure for the tobacco, then smoke on.

I'm SO sick of haters!! I may never smoke tobacco again, or I may...

But I find it sooooo ironic that people on these boards who smoke pot, suddenly are doing the SAME SHIT to people who smoke tobacco.

Its all just a bunch of shit. Bologne.

You burn the green flower. I burn the green flower AND the green leaf.

So whats your point G.


We are a society obsessed with research studies. What ever happened to being human and just enjoying life.

THAT seems to be the problem. Some of these oldest people on earth, just enjoyed their lives. 100% enjoyment!!

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? Yes, YOU CAN TOO, ENJOY your life... 100%!!! You can choose to do that! Wow...

Or do you want to go through life with only 50% enjoyment?

Do you want to smoke a cigarette meanwhile thinking how bad it is, ruining all pleasure you get from it... meanwhile programming your body that your punishing it (yeah, that sounds good)...and having to smoke MORE because you are not fulfilling all of your pleasure you need. We need pleasure.


for all you tobacco whiners. EXAMINE YOURSELF..

think about it. your doing the same shit. you feel you need to think something is bad, so as long as you stay away from it...then your okay... so you put it on tobacco. a green leaf. Versus a green flower.

If you just let yourself enjoy life and realize that nothing is bad...then you don't have to worry anymore. Just try to be grateful for everything, and enjoy it.


I understand completely where you are coming from.

What about known instances of cigarette companies adding addicting carcinogenic chemicals to their product...I'm a smoker as well. What about organically produced tobacco? I don't even really believe that American Spirits are additive free. I'd like to grow my own.

Did the settlers of Jamestown worry about added chemicals in their tobacco?
I say each to their own, if you want to smoke tabacco go ahead, I wouldn't smoke a factory made cigerette ever again as the additives that they use are hazardous to your health, If someone offered me some tabacco that they had grown I would try it.


Right. So the point is, only smoke if you have good feelings towards it. Don't smoke if you can't enjoy it. If your happy with newports then thats good. If it takes American Spirits organic to be happy, then do that.

I personally believe that its your own attitude and how you approach smoking that will have a greater impact on if its healthy or not for you. If you only do it for pleasure, than your getting health benefits. Pleasure is extremely good for us !! Without it we are not living. :(


Active member
im alergic to tobacco smoke....it literally makes me physically sick

...i dont give a shit if anyone wants to smoke, but dont do it around me.


Domesticator of Cannabis
I couldn't care less who kills themselves here or there. If you enjoy destroying your body go for it. Prolonged suicide is just as selfish as putting a load of lead through your cranium thus sparing others around you. Smokers think they're in control. hehehe The companies spent millions making sure you'll be a customer for a long time coming until you can get their product out of your system. The fag is in control not you but you're not as weak as one may think. Every time you butt out your brain is fighting not to lite up another. The government enjoys your tax dollars, I want to keep my cash away from them.

Don't let me get a wif of your pollution in a public area, you'll be confronted pronto. I said this before we will see the complete prohibition of tobacco soon. Cannabis is not a man made substance like government approved tobacco. With over 200 chemicals added it becomes very addictive & deadly. Can you see the difference, who's been harmed by Cannabis? There's no comparison between the two.


Active member
I live in tobacco state so it hardly bothers me. If it means I got to inhale a little second hand smoke so my buddy down the road can grow his crop and feed his family so be it. I know a lot of people who smoke too. I just avoid it when I can and these days I don't get out much so its not even a problem.


Active member
ill tell you what someone told me yesterday

"grow a pair of balls, and learn to take shit."

but then i was like hmm,
having that pair of balls, shouldn't it be more like, dont take shit ?



EatCannabisRaw said:

YES, I do NOT care, how many nicotine-lozenge huge pharmacuetical-funded studies you cite. Look at all the oldest people in the world who were smokers.

Key thing in smoking anything is having ZERO BAD THOUGHTS about the smoke as you inhale... to enjoy it. Only smoke if its pleasurable, which probably doesn't equate to a pack a day anyways...

If you really are conscious and express gratitude and feel pleasure for the tobacco, then smoke on.

I'm SO sick of haters!! I may never smoke tobacco again, or I may...

But I find it sooooo ironic that people on these boards who smoke pot, suddenly are doing the SAME SHIT to people who smoke tobacco.

Its all just a bunch of shit. Bologne.

You burn the green flower. I burn the green flower AND the green leaf.

So whats your point G.


We are a society obsessed with research studies. What ever happened to being human and just enjoying life.

THAT seems to be the problem. Some of these oldest people on earth, just enjoyed their lives. 100% enjoyment!!

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? Yes, YOU CAN TOO, ENJOY your life... 100%!!! You can choose to do that! Wow...

Or do you want to go through life with only 50% enjoyment?

Do you want to smoke a cigarette meanwhile thinking how bad it is, ruining all pleasure you get from it... meanwhile programming your body that your punishing it (yeah, that sounds good)...and having to smoke MORE because you are not fulfilling all of your pleasure you need. We need pleasure.


for all you tobacco whiners. EXAMINE YOURSELF..

think about it. your doing the same shit. you feel you need to think something is bad, so as long as you stay away from it...then your okay... so you put it on tobacco. a green leaf. Versus a green flower.

If you just let yourself enjoy life and realize that nothing is bad...then you don't have to worry anymore. Just try to be grateful for everything, and enjoy it.

the plant itself is not corrupt, but the people selling it is. does that explain anythingmy view of it?

i have 13 years heavy tobacco and hasj/weed smoking under my belt. and i am still a tobacco smoker, but i have quit sigarettes, and now only use a small amount of tobacco with my ice-o-lator and hasj to take the edge off it.

so it is not about hating tobacco, its more about what they are doing to it. im contemplating growing some tobacco plants in my growroom tbh, just to see what tobacco actually is.


Active member
Hahaha! This is just funny.

Cannabis and tobacco are very different plants. LOL, keeping a positive attitude is not going to prevent you from getting very sick from tobacco, nor will it prevent cancer. Cannabis does not cause cancer, lung disease, heart disease and so on like tobacco does, so that is why many of us see tobacco smoking as much worse than cannabis smoking (well I vaporize cannabis actually).



Active member
and shooting up 5 grams of heroin won't kill you either if you keep a positive attitude...


(sorry had to say it)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I smoke cigarettes on occasion, and im down for choice, but there is a HUGE diff. between dare and people who hate smelling nasty ass cigarettes. and a HUGE diff. between hundreds of thousands of deaths a year and none.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
subrob said:
I smoke cigarettes on occasion, and im down for choice, but there is a HUGE diff. between dare and people who hate smelling nasty ass cigarettes. and a HUGE diff. between hundreds of thousands of deaths a year and none.
Amen & a K+ to you bro.

Every smoker I know has littered their trash in front of me at one time or another, I always shame them into picking it up. If we happened to be driving in my car and they litter from my car then I forbid them to light up again, it's a pity that too often they need to be treated like kids.

If only ONE of those California brush fires were started by a discarded lit cigarette that would be one fire too many.......

the truth is that dozens of those fires have been attributed to careless disposal of lit cigs. no, maybe it wasn't YOU that started any of those fires, but it sure as hell is the crappy habits I described above.


im not smoking tobacco. tobacco in my cannabis destroys the joy completly as i feel the tobacco influence almost more than the cannabis. i find the mix fucks up the feeling. found out that smoking pure cannabis is great for me as a non tobacco smoker


tobacco isn't wrong. maybe the chemicals they put in it. i personally enjoy organic american spirits. but i only smoke if i want to. if i can have gratitude. and if its pleasurable.

if you are getting pleasure, i think it actually offsets any negatives.

and with heroin... i'm not going to get into that. but i think my principles could apply.

seriously you guys really need to LET IT GO and GIVE UP.

your spitting the same attitude people have against you in regards to MJ. same stuff.

yeah its a different plant. duh. :) got that one covered.

i say smoke on. smoke as much tobacco as you want. and smoke as much weed as you want.

and never listen to ANYTHING negative about it. just enjoy it 100%. and you will live long and have a bunch of happy moments in your day.

don't let the puritan police take away your right to happiness and pleasure.
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"and never listen to ANYTHING negative about it. just enjoy it 100%. and you will live long and have a bunch of happy moments in your day."

What about before any medical documentation about the negative health effects of tobbacco? People were smoking like chimneys just loving life now most of them are either dead of various cancers, have holes in their throat, on oxygen tanks, i could go on forever. So your input is completely unfounded.

If you want to smoke by all means smoke yourself to death for all i care. But don't do it around me or others who don't want to breath those toxins in. Not only that but it seems to me that smokers think that the world is their ash tray. They dispose of their butts wherever they please. Do you think that if you think that's positive that it will just magically dissappear? Pot smokers generally don't smoke in public areas in fear of legal action so your argument their is flawed as well. Pot smokers don't litter their roaches, even if they did it would degrade way faster and leave behind little to no pollutants, not to mention the cigarrette packs themselves can be seen littered on damn near every street

I agree with you that pot and tobacco should be treated the same, in the sense that you should do it in the privacy of your own home, property, etc and only around others that don't mind. How would you feel if some inconsiderate person was smoking say......radon or rat poison around you and then exhaling it around you. It may be pleasuring him but not you. Would you just think happy thoughts and ignore it and hope to live a happy long life. Hell no you wouldn't, so don't tell other to just "LET IT GO and GIVE UP." I don't know what LaLa Land your living in or what mumbo jumbo you believe in but you just sound completely ignorant.


New member
i personally am a pure smoker, just straight thc but i have many friends that cant even take a bong rip without tobacco without chokin like crazy.

i cant and wont do bong rips mixed with tobacco. but i do enjoy the relaxed feelingit gives with a bit of it mixed in a joint. plus the jay will hardly ever run with that bit of tobacco in it.
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Resident pissy old man
I have been a smoker for 48 years. I have a very positive attitude. I was very positive after my 7 heart attacks. I was very positive after getting emphysema. I have a positive attitude about my hardening of the arteries. I am very positive that cigs are killing me. Isn't it great to have a positive attitude?

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