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tissue culture propagation. anyone do it?


I was in my hydro shop today and was talking to the guy, mentioned that i was interested in keeping my mothers in coco. He said "mother's ? that is yesterdays news. look into tissue culture, it is the best thing going. you won't even need to keep any mothers. a few small cuts and you will have enough to keep your clones going for a long time"

i looked into this and was not sure if it is suited for cannabis. It looks like it could be, bt i have no idea how hard it is. looks easy enough. may add some time onto a grow though, much like growing all from seed. here are a few links. if anyone has done this please reply. if i could cut my mothers out it would free up a lot of much needed space.




last one has pics.



Active member
I live in Nor Cal and my hydro store used to be owned by a guy named Bill that sold his shop in order to produce a home tissue culture product. He has been at the hydro show in San Fran the last couple of years...(didn't see him this year)

Yes it defiantly works with cannabis. Supposedly you can leave the cuts in the gel for months before you crack the lid and let the cut grow. That would mean you could just take some cuts before you flower then put them in the cups and let the sit till you need them. No Mothers.


ya he mentioned that you could just store them in your fridge untill you are ready. I understand that everything has to be completely sterile.


why the hell are these kits so expensive. the replacement parts / chemicals (for lack of a better word) are not that expensive. and really it does not look like there is much to a kit.
the gels
a scalpel
jars / lids
probably disenfectant


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
It's the price of convenience man. There's some videos on Youtube with a guy doing tissue cultures, watch them if you haven't. Best thing to do would be keeping the cultures rooting perpetually, so you don't have to wait on them.

I've yet to do it myself, though I have everything I need to get going. It'll be a hobby of mine soon enough.

Here's a link to some hormones dude: http://www.hometissueculture.org/catalogHTCGsupplies.htm


is there ever any monitoring of ph or any type of levels while tissue culturing . or is it pretty much prebuffered. Thanks for the replies all + Rep. also wormsway sells a kit and replacement parts seem to be pretty cheap. not that i really know what i am looking at or buying



I was in my hydro shop today and was talking to the guy, mentioned that i was interested in keeping my mothers in coco. He said "mother's ? that is yesterdays news. look into tissue culture, it is the best thing going. you won't even need to keep any mothers. a few small cuts and you will have enough to keep your clones going for a long time"


funny you mention this, my store said the same thing and mentioned tissue culture. all the shops must be getting a magazine of some sort keeping them up to date on new trends and technologies to peddle to us.

this of course would be a good thing for large grow ops of 200+ or more plants, and save a lot of space.

the one thing that appeals to me about this, is sometimes i come across a kick ass pheno type, and when i try to reveg it, she dies, but had i saved a leaf or stem, I could easily save it and culture it to save the genetics of a plant I liked. :)
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the Lion is going Guerrilla...
is there ever any monitoring of ph or any type of levels while tissue culturing . or is it pretty much prebuffered. Thanks for the replies all + Rep. also wormsway sells a kit and replacement parts seem to be pretty cheap. not that i really know what i am looking at or buying


You PH the media to 5.8 with KOT pellets beforehand. No monitoring.

To the poster above, pretty much every hydro store has Growing Edge on hand. Tissue culture isn't new, but it hasn't really caught on to cannabis yet. Hopefully someday, some innovative dude will bring cultures to the market.
hhmmmmm......this sounds very interesting and is worth exploring !! you're right ~fvk~....not new, but not in cannabis culture. not to be a skeptic, but there's maybe a reason its like that ......hhhmmmmmmmmmm

i'm tagged into this thread foresure


I cough up honey oil
Has anyone actually seen it work? I tried for about a year with crap results. Maybe my nutes were off or something but I could never get the callus to grow plantlets. I have only seen ONE pic on the entire internet that showed a plantlet growing from a callus.


I have been looking into this for a couple months as a option to replace keeping mothers. I am about to start a fairly large grow with two 24 site ebb&gro systems and would like an alternative to the keeping several large mothers and constantly cloning.
Wouldn't it be so nice to just have the next 48 plants sitting there in a jar waiting to be vegged out?!~

I did find this site that has a DIY approach to tissue culture and where to get all the suplies >


And here is a picture of cannabis from tissue culture>


looks kind of freaky, LOL


labs that test plants like monsanto do not keep mothers of corn or whatnot it is all cultured. they would spend millions more on just keeping mothers. I also think i was watching that marijuana nation episode and i could swear near the end they show, i guess it is that college in AL that tests cannabis. that must have been cultures of cannabis in tiny jars. I figured it was clones of some kind but that was before i heard about this method. which essentially is a clone ..but you know where i am going w that ;)


Active member
I wonder what customs would think a tissue culture was? I don't know who would know what it is. This could do some damage to the seed business for sure. It will probably be a seed company that switches to this method. Time will tell.


I am wondering about the genetic alteration aspect of it. Imagine have 2ft. high plants that produce 8 ounces, or endless color variations etc...
Things could get weird.


Wormsway has packs of nutrients and gels that you need for refills on the kit they sell for 200+ dollars. You can buy packs of the refills and everything you need for less than 20 bucks. you could steralize tools you already have and do this. I am still wondering why the kits are so expensive. i assume it is for the video or something..... also I am wondeing if boiling all instruments would work. i have no pressure cooker and don't plan to any time soon.