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Tips are curling!


Well-known member
So then next time how would I prevent this from happening? Defoliate less? Or just water less after defoliating? It’s been an entire week since defoliation and they’re still not eating well.

They are not eating well because of an overwatering issue. Waterless when you defoliate and allow the soil to almost dry out. As new leaves grow in, pick up the watering again. That's why I don't take the leaves off. 😎


Active member
The schedule I’m following calls for high ec all throughout. I noticed it was weird but what else am I supposed to do right? I figure floraflex knows what they’re doing? Here’s the schedule I’m following.

Wow! I can’t believe how high EC they are recommending! Usually cannabis doesn’t need much higher than EC 1.4-1.6. max. Landraces/sativas grow well with around EC 1.0-1.2
I use organic nutrients myself, BioBizz, but even their feeding schedule is atleast 50% too strong for cannabis.
Yea flushing isn’t good if your plants are waterlogged already, so maybe try watering them with very mild nute solution till the coco gets drier for awhile and then start thinking about flushing the medium with mild nute solution to rinse some of those salts out.
Like i said, i’m not a coco grower so it’s better that coco growers help you thru with this part.


Well-known member
How long do I flush for?

Flushing pulls out excess nutrients, so you flush as long or as much as it takes to have runoff EC come back into acceptable range. This may take 1 gallon per plant or more depending on how much nutes have built up in the grow medium, Coco in this case.


Active member
The ec and ph of the food going in was at 3.1ec and 5.9ph. The run off was too high for the meter to even measure and the ph came out at around 5.3. I’m confused

that doesn't need to confuse you ... it fits the appearance.

you probably poured with too little drain for a long time. as a result, a lot accumulates in the pot. the ec rises and the ph falls. this increases the salt content in the plant and causes damage. you should rinse your plant with a nutrient solution of ec 1.5 and ph 6.0 until your drain delivers exactly these values. then increase your nutrient solution to ec 1.8 and ph 5.8 and pour another liter of it per pot.

Under no circumstances do you rinse with pure water and a pH above 6.0 ... this would provoke an exclusion of nutrients. make sure to measure your drain after every watering in the future. Whether enough of it has come and what his values ​​are.

When did you start counting your blooming days? The flowering plants do not show the status that one would like to bring in line with flowering week 4/5.
that doesn't need to confuse you ... it fits the appearance.

you probably poured with too little drain for a long time. as a result, a lot accumulates in the pot. the ec rises and the ph falls. this increases the salt content in the plant and causes damage. you should rinse your plant with a nutrient solution of ec 1.5 and ph 6.0 until your drain delivers exactly these values. then increase your nutrient solution to ec 1.8 and ph 5.8 and pour another liter of it per pot.

Under no circumstances do you rinse with pure water and a pH above 6.0 ... this would provoke an exclusion of nutrients. make sure to measure your drain after every watering in the future. Whether enough of it has come and what his values ​​are.

When did you start counting your blooming days? The flowering plants do not show the status that one would like to bring in line with flowering week 4/5.

I started right when I switched to 12/12. Do you think the buds look too small?
that doesn't need to confuse you ... it fits the appearance.

you probably poured with too little drain for a long time. as a result, a lot accumulates in the pot. the ec rises and the ph falls. this increases the salt content in the plant and causes damage. you should rinse your plant with a nutrient solution of ec 1.5 and ph 6.0 until your drain delivers exactly these values. then increase your nutrient solution to ec 1.8 and ph 5.8 and pour another liter of it per pot.

Under no circumstances do you rinse with pure water and a pH above 6.0 ... this would provoke an exclusion of nutrients. make sure to measure your drain after every watering in the future. Whether enough of it has come and what his values ​​are.

When did you start counting your blooming days? The flowering plants do not show the status that one would like to bring in line with flowering week 4/5.

Shit. You’re right. It must be the high ec chart ughhh. Do you think it’s too late to drop the ec and salvage this grow?


Active member
Ich habe gleich angefangen, als ich auf 12/12 umgestiegen bin. Findest du die Knospen zu klein?

vielleicht kannst du ein aktuelles Bild einstellen dann kann der besser genauer beurteilt werden. Sie können dann den Entwicklungsprozess im Vergleich zum bereits eingestellten alten Image sehen.

daraus kann dann geschlossen werden, ob sich die blütengeschwindigkeit aufgrund des hohen ec-wertes verlangsamt hat. oder ob Sie für 12/12 einfach zu früh gegangen sind, zu einer Zeit, als Ihre Mädchen noch nicht geschlechtsreif waren.

Hat es lange gedauert, bis die ersten deutlichen Blütenanzeichen sichtbar waren? Wenn Sie während der Vegetation bereits zu viele Nährstoffe, insbesondere Stickstoff, hatten, kann es 10-14 Tage dauern, bis die Pflanze die Hormone umgestellt hat und die ersten Anzeichen einer Blüte zeigt. Daher ist es besser, erst ab diesem Tag mit dem Zählen zu beginnen. Ansonsten sind Sie in Ihrem Ernährungsplan dem Ist-Zustand der Pflanzen weit voraus. was natürlich sehr schlecht für die pflanze und damit den ertrag ist... der vom züchter errechnete erntetermin wird dann auch besser.

wie gesagt, mach neue bilder und füge deinen blühenden tag hinzu. vielleicht kannst du das alte bild mit dem blütentag posten ... dann musst du nicht ständig hin und her suchen, um den fortschritt zu vergleichen.