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Timothy Treadwell AKA The Grizzly Man Autopsy Photos

Timothy Treadwell AKA The Grizzly Man Autopsy Photos

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its my belief that treadwell was alittle screwed in the head, but that could have been derived from the isolation he put himself into.
honestly i feel like he got addicted to being so near beautiful creatures.
I remember watching the whole documentary on this guy!


The guy was fucking out of his mind!!!

The old man that was narrating the story was telling about this gentleman and showing the videos that this guy was making and he was absolutely out of his RABBIT ASS MIND. He went into these areas with these bears that were not within human contact at all and he photographed and taped his experiences with them. He would get next to them, sit with them, watch them eat, (like creepy style) and then one day the bear ate him and his girlfriend to shit.

The narrator was telling the story about how Timothy ACTUALLY THOUGHT HE WAS A BEAR LIKE THEM. Can you imagine the bears? For like the first 2 months, they were probably like "hey, look at this Jack-Ass" but after awhile they said "screw this" and chomped him up. A bear is a bear and it doesn't matter about WHAT you do out there, if you are too close to their cubs, or if you bother them while their eating, they are going to attack you.

And I used to trip out because I remember one scene where a bear was getting kind of annoyed with him and TIMOTHY stood up and started howling like a bear and the bear backed down! I bet you Timothy probably thought he was the SHIT after that and tried that on another bear that wasn't playing that stupid game. Ate him up quick!


There's a pretty good transcript of the audio tape on page 7, I think it is. Very interesting.

The closest we will get to hearingin it.

Trichy's link, ain't really Timothy's Body, but WOW ... intense attack photo.

I keep hoping somebody on here is gonna be a stoner from Alaska Fish and Wildlife with access to the campsite photos.... LEAK them please.

See ya in 6 months for the bi-annual bump... lol


New member
Honestly I can see how some people think its morbid. But in reality the purpose of the guys mission was to document
his life with the bears.. death is a part of life.. I think should be available for educational purposes only for people of legal age.

It's a lesson not to ever be brave when it comes to dealing
with a predatory wild animal.. If you have the chance to get away.. get away.

In my area bears are a legitimate threat and have mauled
many people, not grizzlies but browns and blacks.

It is no laughing matter.. You need to respect that
when you are bear territory.. it is there turf and you
must not be foolish. This is one instance where I approve
of the use of weaponry .. in defense of your life
it is ok to shoot a bear or any other wild animal.

Otherwise guns aren't cool.. but I'd rather be a gun toting
hick than bear food..


thanks for posting. I agree. My point being Timothy would want us to know all the details.

RIP Timothy and GalPal. I am gonna burn a bowl for both of you.

Shoot bears before they eat you, is the best advice.


just do it
not really, the best advice is to leave them the fuck alone...

how are you mr bear? are you having a nice day? i love you mr bear!!! you are so wonderful!! mr bear why are you looking at me that way? come on now mr bear..
oh you just want to cuddle?? ok mr bear i will cuddle you, you must be chilly mr bear,
mr bear why did you just rip my leg off?? stop mr bear!!! oh you must just be hungry, i love you mr bear!


haha Pseudo. that wuz funny.

Mr. Bear, can I have my pancreas back?

I know you stoners out there have got access to these photos of the campsite, etc. after the bear attack... leak them please.... I wanna see how it ended for Timothy, I was a big fan.

I always figured that he would be eaten. I feel cheated that I can't hear/see the final chapter.

Timothy would want us to satisfy our curiousity. this bowl's for you Timmy. Too bad you got ate before I got to meet you, you would be fun to get high with.


well Lola funny enough after watching the grizzly diaries this thread has meaning to me know.

im not saying i wanna see the picutures you do nor ever do i want to hear that audio tape but reading about it seems safe enough to me.

here is a link to an article about tt and the excerpt on page 7 i think comes from this plus a little more about tt. i think u will find some interesting information here.


Stoned Crow

haha Pseudo. that wuz funny.

Mr. Bear, can I have my pancreas back?

I know you stoners out there have got access to these photos of the campsite, etc. after the bear attack... leak them please.... I wanna see how it ended for Timothy, I was a big fan.

I always figured that he would be eaten. I feel cheated that I can't hear/see the final chapter.

Timothy would want us to satisfy our curiousity. this bowl's for you Timmy. Too bad you got ate before I got to meet you, you would be fun to get high with.

I'm starting to think you're almost demented LolaGal?...:deadhorse..........SC


Well-known member
the bear that killed him was one he had trouble with already, according to what i've read. i watched every time he was on the tube, hoping to see one of the griz turn him into a big pile of bear shit. figures the moron would leave cap on lens. what a slow-motion way to commit suicide. and if the bear was located, it was killed too.
there is no "justifiable homicide" provision for bears that eat photographers, unfortunately. he might as well have covered himself with a suit made from ribeyes and attacked the damn bear...


Sad stuff.Remember the dinner bell theory?make sure you have extra bullets.DBT means the bear comes when they hear gunshots,looking for the cut pile and or skin ect.If your looking for the real gore look no further then this website rotten.com,if this does not fill some needs of some I dont know what will?I love wildlife and I love bobcats and black panthers too but I dont have one at home.I knew a guy who had a arctic fox in a dog pen.Every time I looked at that fox I wanted to let him out.
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