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Timmy's Testing Ground



Hey guys,
I'm back with a new and improved grow!
I'm all set up at my new place and things are moving along nicely.
Now I won't go into too many details on the setup, it's pretty much the same as my old grow, with one major change- I exchanged ALL my induction and exhaust fans for 2 Greenair CDMC-6 Co2 systems (top of the line system).
At the mo' I'm 3 weeks into flowering my Strawberry Diesels, Sour Diesel v3, Mother's Finest and Flo. These things are really monsters!! Here's some pics of 'em at 0 and 2 weeks respectivelty. Sorry I didn't have time to take pics after their first week. Infact, the Strawberry DIesels, and Mother's Finest are getting so big, I'm gonna pull my reflector down, and hang the lights vertically inbetween 'em. I kept all the males except for the Flo, and am about to cross my favourite Strawberry Diesel guy with my HDF. Hopefully the results will be good.

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Active member
great to see ya back in action tim!!! thought we lost ya for a second.....looks good and i like the sound of that cross mate.....sounds like quite the treat..you gonna make any straw deiz f2's too or just do some crosses with other strains...i got nicked outta huge order, including that strw and it hurts my heart everytime i i see a thread on it.....:pointlaug ..anywho nice to see a thread up and runnin........look forward to more ya mofo....laer on....somooz
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Hey all you stoners out there in cyberland! :wave:
Here's the 3 week update pics I promised.
Firstly though, in my usual style, let's go to the veg room
They're really starting to look nice now, ec is @0.7

Now for the flower room
The Strawberry Diesel and Mother's Finest have gotten so big the I ditched my shade and have hung the bulbs vertically between the trees.
Here's a pic to show you just how big they are. :yoinks:

They're just starting to get a nice coating of resin. The Mother's Finest is the only variety that's displaying a fair bit of variation, ther's a nice looking indica pheno I've got my eye on. All the other varieties are fairly uniform.
Strawberry Diesel and Mother's Finest are being fed @ 1.8mc/cm, Sour Diesel 1.6ms/cm, and Flo 1.4ms/cm
Strawberry Diesel

Mother's Finest


Sour Diesel v3

And here's a tray of all my keeper varieties (NL x Skunk, Love Potion, HDF)
These are the plants I'm gonna pollinate with my strawberry Diesel bloke.
SHould make for some interesting results.

Well thats all for this week, but as usual, I'll be back next week.
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Hey what's up timtim! glad to catch another one of your adventures, and this time from the I caught it from jump off :)

I am growing out some NL x Skunk (Shiva Skunk from Sensi Seeds) rightnow. The girl I have my eye on looks quite alot like your NL x Skunk keeper..... I'll try and get a pic of her 4 ya mate.

Nice to see some trees..... don't get many of them here on ICmag........ should see some nice results going vert with the lights if the size of them monsters is anything to go by...



Hey Mampi, Thanks for droppin' by bro, your Shiva Skunk sounds like it might be a winner, hows the smell?? And your right, these trees are f#ckin' HUGE!!

Good to have you along for the ride GMT, you've certainly got my respect, with that green thumb of yours.

Y'know I nearly deleted my account after OG and CW went down, cos I am really disappointed with what this place has become, there's WAY too many chit-chat threads, and not enough informative grow related stuff, but rather than admitting defeat, and letting all the new-comers let this place got to hell, I've decided to start this thread. Hopefully a few more senior members will step up, start posting a bit more, and get this place back to the way it should be.


Active member
looks great tim! and i couldn't agree with ya more about the way the boards have shaped up, and its not like the senior members have deleted their accounts....they're just not posting anymore.......

well nice to see some vertical action in your garden...soon you'll come to the dark side and fall in love with the vertical...i know i have........how's the co2 workin out for ya....your garden is gonna love you for that...would you mine talkin more about the way you have it dialed in...i know how detailed yaz are so i would like to hear your take on it.......i love doorway pics!! just a little peek in is all ya get..haha...looks good bro......be well........somoz


sup timtim, the smell on the girl in question is very, very sweet..... I have a LUI that is a sweet-tooth pheno extreme sweet smell but the NL x Skunk is sweeter than her!

There is also a pheno that is similar, but has a skunky 'dank' undertone to it.... I am terrible at describing smells lol :D


Hey somoz,
I'm still waiting on my CDMC-6 to arrive(should be here today) so, the burners are holding the fort down for now. I'm expecting big things from these new units tho.

As for the vertical thing, I don't think I'll be doing it very often, if at all again, it's just not my style. But we''l see I could be surprised.

The first crosses I'm gonna make are Strawberry Diesel crossed to HDF, NL x Skunk and Love Potion.
After I finish this first run of the Strawberry Deez girls, I'll select the best of them, and then make some f2s. After numerous, lengthy discussions with Lonestar (among others) it seems that this could be a promising project.

Hi Mampi,
Yeah I thought that might be the case, it seems to be really hard to find a real "skunky" skunk. Out of the coupla hundred seeds of NL x Skunk that I've grown, only a handful have had that nasty, roadkill smell, and that's what I like, luckily tho, the stinkiest is also my keeper.


Active member
if your girls keep on fattin up bro + the addition of the co2= you may fall for the vertical but time will tell i guess..........so no intake/exhaust on this run? all co2. i know you don;t have it rigged up yet but i would love to hear how the co2 holds up against the stank and how you like usin it in general....i've run with co2 a couple times but never without intake/exhaust....i'm thinkin of doin a room like this but not quite sure yet.....still playing the weighing game........be well......grow hard........somoz


You may be right Somoz, but I don't think I'll be growin' any trees again, for a while anyway.
Next round I think I'm gonna go at 9/m2, each Plant tipped to 4 leaders. I reckon I should get a pretty good yield that way.

Can't really comment on the Co2 yet, but when I've got an opinion, I'll let you know. I must say tho, that my winter crops have always been the best, when I've got my Co2 burner controlling temps., so if that's anything to go by, it should be good.


Plant Manager
timtim said:
, but rather than admitting defeat, and letting all the new-comers let this place got to hell, I've decided to start this thread. Hopefully a few more senior members will step up, start posting a bit more, and get this place back to the way it should be.



Thanks bro, it means alot.
Glad you finally stumbled upon this thread, now we can get the party started!!!
re: TIM TIM Testing Ground

re: TIM TIM Testing Ground

OBVIOUSLY it takes a TIM to grow a VILLAGE.


hahahahaa Great views and interesting grow.
Interesting names on the strains and TIM must be enjoy a variety!
REMEMBER: You Always invited to the Rockys, however, and can play in the dank dark regions of Bubble Gum, Amersterdam Bubble Funk, White Widow, alaskan Thunderf*ck, Chronic, etc. Different, yet the same?//Timothy(aka COmidnightrider46)



IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Nice indoor jungle you got going Tim..take a GPS and a machete if you go in that far corner.. :monkeyeat


Thanks COmidnightrider,
Glad you like my garden, you certainly have an interesting writing style, but I think I've got it.

Hey packn2puff, thanks, LOL, yeah bro, it's a bit like that, and I've still gotta fit another dehumidifier and my Co2 system in there! HHhmmmmm...... :chin:


Hey everyone,
It's that time of the week again, so I'll just jump straight in.

The TRC seedlings are really starting to shoot away now. I backed off a little on the nutes tho, ec is now @ 0.6ms/cm.

And the Bloom room is starting to BOOM!! Budz everywhere!!
They're 4 weeks in, and looking like there might be a few keepers in there, Flo is the only on I'm not terribly impressed with. The Strawberry Deez male I'm using this round is 2 weeks in, and just starting to show his nutz!! I think I'm gonna move him somewhere else to drop his pollen tho. And paint it on, just to make the seeds easier to find. These girls are still being fed the same strength, but I've started adding a bit of PK13/14 to the mix.


Mother's Finest

Strawberry Diesel

Male Strawberry Deez

Sour Diesel V3

On another note, the Co2 units finally arrived, now I've just gotta get a bottle or 2 of gas an' hook 'em up. I also got my second dehumidifier.
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timtim, you make me feel proud to be an Aussie grower... what more can I say? :joint:


looking grand tim just getting you back on my radar.... Lol @ roadkill smell...... I have another SKxNL girl that looks like she might have potential............ she has a strange bud structure too, never seen any buds grow this way before.....

anyway your ladies are looking fine and I see you got your stud there raring to go :D I like teh sound of the strawberry diesel..... what does it smell like? Damn we sound like a bunch of wine critics with the taste and smell thing..... pot snobs lol.



Hey Mampi,
I getting more and more impressed with the Strawberry Diesel every day. 3 of my girls smell just like freshly picked strawberrys, it's incredible, I never expected it to be exactly like strawberrys. The other 3 smell more like sour lemon, but ther's a long way to go, so I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I'm glad I've got the Strawberry Deez male in there tho, I think it's gonna make some killer crosses.