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Timmy's Testing Ground


i remember another grower from your part of the globe using dutchmaster's products to good effect. there was alot of shit slung round superbud, but i have heard the rest of the line is ok.

may i ask what made you go from sog - tree's? security or something else...


Hey ~Shhh~,
Yeah, this is my second go a Dutch Master's products. I've heard all the controversy surrounding Super Bud too. That's why I stopped using their products. But I'm never one to look a gift-horse in the mouth, so when I was offered some free samples, I jumped on that train!! hehe.
As for the Q about not doing SOGs anymore. The reason this round is a tree grow is cos I had a limited number of clones to work with. Next round I think Imma do 'em all up @ 8 plants/light. I've found that number yields the best, when trained right.


Active member
Hey Tim your grow looks great. I think that I will try and grow in dirt after looking at your past grows. How many lights are you running?


TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Always puts a smile on my face when i check out your grow, everything looks so beautiful.....such lush, glossy leaves.
Im having some problems with thrips the moment bro, any suggestion? Im using pest off which works ok but im interested in you input?
Hope life is treating you as well.


Hey Timmy!
hope alls well mate . be interesting to hear how you get on with the new base nutes , the Canna CoCo will take a bit off beating i rekon.

Remember a grower on CW swore by the Penetrator wetting agent + Neem oil as a preventative/cure for pests and PM .

later ........raz


Hey Bigbrokush, Thanks for stoppin' by my thread mate. Hehehe, glad I could inspire you to try something different. IMO experimentation is a big part of the fun in our chosen hobby. Good luck with it!
One thing though dude, I'm not actually using dirt, but rather Canna Coco, and it rox!!
Oh, and to answer your question, I'm running 12 600w lights, fitted in adjust-a-wing Avenger shades.

Hey True, Thanks mate, always happy to see you stop by. Your not the only one battling thrips either bro, I had a bit of an outbreak in the last week or so too. Got it under control now tho, thankfully.
The best advice I can give ya would be exactly what Razor said- A mixture of DM's Penetrator, and Neem oil. Always works for me. And abit of insecticidal soap wouldn't go astray either. Hope that helps, good luck with it, and lemme know how ya go!

Hey Raz, Howz things bro? Finally got those beans in the post for ya, so expect incoming!!
Yeah I'm looking foward to seeing how these different bases perform too! And I agree with ya, the Canna Coco is gonna take abit of beating. The main reason I'm trying the DM out again is cos apparently yields between the 2 are vitually identical, and because DM is made down here, and not imported, it's spose to be about 40% cheaper. We'll see.......
Oh, and some great advice there on the pest control too dude!!

Hey Nite Tiger, Good to see your still with us bro.


Hiya Timmy !
we be on red alert , thanks very much mate , looking forward to returning the favour soon :wink: .
need to see if i can get some off that Penetrator "just in case" , sounds like great stuff to have in the arsenal.
Sco v Aus in World Cup Today !!, just hope your guys take it easy on us . would have been a great place to hook up mate , sure i seen spliffs doing the rounds in the crowd y'day in the Windies v India game .
take care ...sr


truecannabliss said:
Always puts a smile on my face when i check out your grow, everything looks so beautiful.....such lush, glossy leaves.
Im having some problems with thrips the moment bro, any suggestion? Im using pest off which works ok but im interested in you input?
Hope life is treating you as well.

urggghhh! that 'pest off' smells like raw sewage! :eek::no: i use it all the same, lol, seems to do the trick..... i usually alternate between neem & pest off. rising leafs in between applications. i use that for mites & fungus gnats :no: every coco growers nightmare! although i have seen some neem cake stuff that can be mixed in with the coco for ultimate control.

hey there timtim, how long are you vegging for while training your 8 plant per lamp grow? are you still yielding close to your sog grows? i'm all ears as to how your training them? a pic would be cool if poss :)

take car guys & stay safe!!


West Coast ICer
TiMMaY :wave:

Stopped by to say hi my friend. Well, It looks like the root rot is going to win the battle mate. Its ok, I have accepted the loss. Heartbreaking I must say. :badday:

But how are things on your part of the world? I am going to have a go with just plain soil. I need to get one quality harvest so I hope I can achieve that with soil. Then I will jump back on the hydro. I am just having problem after problem and I am trying to clean my area and take care of these fungus gnats. Then start over.


Heheh, cool NiteTiger, glad your keepin' an eye on things.

Hey ~Shhh~, When I do plants @ 8/light, I veg 'em for about 5-6 weeks, and tip 'em twice. That way it gives me 4-8 nice, even tops. IME 8 plants/light yields way more than any other method (except maybe vertical growing). When ya factor in the difference in veg time between this method, and SOGs though they work out pretty similar in the yield department.

Heya Damakkus, Sorry to hear 'bout your trouble bro, I hope thigs get better for ya. Whatever ya decide, I'm here to help, if I can.

Anyway I guess it's about time for an update, and as always, I'm fashionably late with it ....heheh....... anyway on with the show.
I'm about 4.5 weeks in now, and the girls are really starting to get some awsome budz on 'em! They're being pumped full of PK 13/14 right now (1.5ml/L) and lovin' it!! I'm also feeding 'em some Carboload, as well as their usual diet. EC is between 1.6-2.2. But enough chit chat, check out some pics!!





And now for the close-ups (well, some of 'em anyway, damn batteries died on me, I'll get some more pics when I'm back there again though)

First, my gorgeous HDF girl..

Next, some of Rez' kick-ass Sour Diesel v3...

And now a couple of AWSOME TRC creations.....

First, Hammered Cherry.....

And some Texas Heather.....

Enjoy!........More pics to come.....
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West Coast ICer
Looking GOOD my friend.

Hey its all good timtim. Gotta take the good with the bad. I am cleaning house and using the power of the sun to veg some bigger plants to flower. For now I am going to flower my mamas and take new ones so I can clean up.

Talk to you soon buddy.


wow, those hammered cherries are frosty... ay! looks good. thanks for the info timtim. looking forward to the next set of close ups.

btw i have found carboload increases the visible resin content on my ladies are you getting similar results & do you add from week1 bloom? finally what ration are you using it at...

stay safe bro!
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hey tim...give me a shout when you get a chance. Hope everything is alright...


Looks like timmy got popped. Everyone keep timmy in your thoughts/prayers/chants/whatever


Keep your head up bro...I'm gonna puke.


The Tri Guy
If tim got popped he would have said rather than just deleting his account. Let us know what's up Timmay.


Tree Grower
GMT said:
If tim got popped he would have said rather than just deleting his account. Let us know what's up Timmay.

He did :badday: :badday: :badday: .

High friends,
i afraid to be the bearer of bad news but, Timmy has been Busted,

due to no falt of his own,.....

he asked me not to say anyting but,
seeing he's so well loved here i feel he will be fine wiht me passing on this sad - sad news.

he's deleated his accounts everyware and is on bail awaiting trial.

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