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**((Thundurkel's 252w Fluoro Frenzy))**


Just Call me Urkle!!
No I just got 4 grams over a ounce total and they were grown at 9 plants per sq ft I think since I switched to cups
Nice stuff thundurkle..nice. I've been doing things a bit different .. i ditched my perpetual sog in soil .. and am now running 9 per sq foot in aeroponics. i'm gonna keep 'em packed in there just like you bud!

Thank you for you posts, this ones for you :joint:


that SSH looks like a clone that would rock at your sog thund, youve become an ICmag star in my eyes.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yay!!!! I finally made it to fame on ICMAG hahaha and to be honest folks what you've seen has been with little effort and a lot of fuck ups and missed watering a few times to where I thought I was gonna lose my girls! I'm hella dumb and lazy too cuz I cut about 20 clones of different strains and left them in cups of water got lit and forgot about them haha. Then I put them off cuz I needed new perlite and the other day when I finally got to dipping them in Dip n Grow they were already forming roots!!!! I'll update with whats in the cab today after I water...
were the buds on the scale dry or wet in those pics, couldnt tell. anyways, very nice plants and harvest thundurkle! love seeing what you do! wish my girls looked as good and fat as yours!


Just Call me Urkle!!
haha those were super dry weights, thanks man I'm glad I inspire people to try and grow their own...


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hey Thun, nice harvest there bro, always inspiring to see your grows. Happy Gardening.

I've been reading your threads along with Dr. Bud's, thanks for all of the great info. I know that you've mentioned using a bubble cloner, I have a similar unit that I made and have been getting sporadic results. Sometimes after transplanting the rooted cuts they take off, sometimes the cuts take forever to root and they yellow all over. I noticed in some of Dr. Bud's pics it looks like some of the clones are started in tiny cups of soil and placed in a clear/translucent container, curious what your process is in transplanting?

I just redid my bubbler to 15 small holes vs. the 6 larger ones I had, and took cuttings of the smaller shoots rather than the main tops. I plan to transplant into 4 oz dixie cups, do you feed them right away or just plain water at first? Obviously a major key to being successful with the SOG is having plenty of healthy clones available to rotate in. So far I've been successful with a Northern Lights female mom, have a few clones started flowering at various stages and it looks like they'll need to be at least 6" or more to finish at a good height.


hey man just stopping by to see whats up, noticed that you posted some dry weights a couple days ago, that's what's up... I have to say I love everything you're doing but in all honesty I think you're doing yourself a real disservice by not letting your plants reach their full potential! Not only are your yields suffering, but the range of terpenes and cannabinoids isn't fully developed if you're pulling it 7-10 days early. What really stuck out was that super silver pulled at 7 weeks! Waaaay too early man! I can understand your needs man but like I said you'd be better off waiting that extra time, getting all that extra nug plus all the extra benefits that come from having fully developed medicine. Anyways man if it's all working out good for you, who am I to criticize. Sending good vibes your way, can't wait to see it fully perpetual I love these CFL SOGs.. the wave of the micro future heheh :rasta:


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yea man I totally know, like the Bubba Chunk was finished all it would have done was got more purple and given me amber heads but the Strawberry D really did suffer on the yield cuz I know if I would've let it go the extra 10 days it would have been a few grams heavier but it's still better than the shit I've been buying at clubs in Sacramento for $60 and $55 a 8th!!! But I'm gettting better at letting them go longer and since I almost have a perpetual system going it's getting easier to do so.....

I also have some plant on the porch check em out!!! http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=2697381&posted=1#post2697381

They would look a lot better and probably yielded more if I didn't burn them with this organic mite spray cuz I lost a SR71 PK to mites and saw a few on my Bubba Chunk so I soaked all my plants after killing the pk. 2 days later my girls looked like I dropped a nuke back there lol they recovered as best they could but lost a TON of fan leaves


Seems like your somewhat of a mentor around here now Thundurkel it's a good thing cause people get to see what your doing and judge for them selfs if they want to try SOG...

I'm not growing ID right now put all my time in working on my outdoors this year but i'm still building that new CAB got a 250W digi HPS and waiting to get some louvers for me to be done soon...

I saw your OD stuff sucks that u had mites tho...I hope it still turns out good for u bro...Take a look in my gallery for my outdoor stuff :joint:


Thundurkel, What do you do to get a strain dialed in? Also after using soil and coco what's your analysis?


Just Call me Urkle!!
I love coco! Wont go back to soil cuz the Organicare line of nutes I'm using is pretty much all organic and so far it's given me the best results in resin production and aroma.. As for dialing in your strain that takes time I still don't have all my strains dialed. My general rule is flower them at 5" and you know if it was too short or too tall at flowering in 3 weeks after that...

Hella THC

Ok so getting a strain "dialed in"is simply finding it's sweet spot to begin flower? I was thinking it had to with other factors like watering times, nutes, feeding cycles, how long it takes clones to root, how many you need a week, etc.

Thanks bro! Hopefully I can be pumping out some single cola plants like you soon.

Dialed in simply means adjusting all your variables to be compatible with the strain you're growing. Plant height, stretch, odor, feeding regimen, unique strain traits, veg time, flowering time, etc.


Hey bro!
I read you were going to switch to a dr80 and 400w. Can't wait to check it!
I have a 250 in my dr80 and hoping to go to 400 in the next week hopefully. :)


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yea can't wait for my light and tent to get here!!! But until then here's what we I have going on now...


My moms on 10-16-09

2 Thunder Good in front 3 Cleaners Kush in the middle and 3 Flubba X Bluemoonshine in back all in week 6 of flower

2 Thunder Good in front 3 Cleaners Kush in the middle and 3 Flubba X Bluemoonshine in back all in week 6 of flower

Flubba X Bluemoonshine in week 6 of flower

Thunder Goo in week 6 of flower

Thunder Goo in week 6 of flower

Thunder Goo in week 6 of flower

Flubba X Bluemoonshine in week 6 of flower

I should be harvesting all of these at the same time so should be a nice lil harvest of 11 plants

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