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**((Thundurkel's 252w Fluoro Frenzy))**

In regards to lighting, would the 42w cfls be better than the 23w...I started germinating some seeds with a 42w daylight and the heat in my box was too much and the sprouts never came through until I switched to the 23w cool white...I know you can use t5's but sourcing all the parts to DIY is very hard for me. I have looked into PL-Lamps as they have the benefits of the CFL spectrum you both use and have a big more penetration (dont quote me on that as I havent used them yet just read from the forum) I guess my question is what lights would you use for maximum yield in a perpetual SOG. i dont want to grow bushes I would like to keep small plants and flower zero veg time doing it like you two - would there be any benefits in yield by using multiple 250w hps to cover 'x' amount of area with 'x' amount of clones vs using however many CFLs/PL-Lamps for the same amount of area? I know both of you have used HPS and now enjoy CFLs so I am inquiring as to your expertise in which lighting would be better for yield gains or if the small amount of losses due to "lack of penetration" would be mitigated by the better quality of bud due to less heat and less distance between cfls and the bud itself.

guest 77721

Hey Thunk, haven't seen a post from you in a while. Didja run off and join the circus?

Your new mix with the FloraNova and the bloom enhances looks more tasty than just the base bloom nutes. How's it working out?


Any updates? I'm curious to see how the Air Pots are working out for ya. Are you still running FloraNova at 5ml/gal as well? I saw you had a pretty long list of nutes you were waiting to try and wasn't sure what you have settled on. I'm starting a run in coco with 1L air pots and FN. I think this is fairly similar to your setup so I have been following closely.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Alright folks I'm back!!! As most of you know if you've paid attention I have opiate addiction and had been on a methadone maitnence program for 2 years... Well I tried to get off of the medication thinking I was ready to go without it and had a full blown relapse for 2 and half months. I fucked off everything, lost plants killed a mom but I am back on track now and ready to get my perpetual cycle going again. I got sick of dunking 20oz bottles so I'm switching to 18oz party cups of coco and have new strains to play with as well...

Right now I have Strawberry Diesel , Chem 91, Bubba Kush x Deep Chunk , Cleaners Kush in flower..

My mom list at the moment is Thunder Goo, Jilly Bean, Bubba Kush x Deep Chunk,
Bodhi Redue, Super Silver Haze,SFV OG Kush x Jacks Cleaner2, Chem91 and Strawberry D...

I'll take some pics later since I just got my computer working about 30min ago lol couldn't wait to check in and say hi to my fellow growers and growettes and let you all know the man didn't take me down...
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Welcome back Thundurkel, im glad the man wasnt the reason for your absence. Great new list of genetics too!!


Thundurkel said:
most of you know if you've paid attention I have opiate addiction and had been on a methadone maitnence program for 2 years...

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. That shit is bad news, I wish you luck in overcoming it.



(Even worth being that guy that post in all caps)
Seriously though we were all a little worried, check the threads. Glad to hear your safe, remember we are not all stoner but good friends.


Active member
i heard of this shit called iboga thats said to kill any opiate addiction in hours. its called iboga or ibogaine someone said you're in cali? theres places right across the border in mexico where you can get treated with it. its illegal here in amerikkka of course. why would they want anything that can cure opiate addiction to be legal? it can also get you off methadone too.


check it out. peace.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Great to see ya back thundurkel...glad we didnt lose ya bro...always liked watchin your grows...Hope all goes well with the opiates, that stuff is no joke (had a few freinds with same problem)....Peace bro


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
But without hacking up black snot in the morning. Ah, the good ol' days ...

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