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**((Thundurkel's 252w Fluoro Frenzy))**


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yea I think those 1 liter Air Pots are PERFECT!! they are the size of a 32oz Gatorade bottle and grow plants twice the size from what I've been told. My buddy's mentor who built his room and showed him everything the way he did has switched from 3gal pots of Ready Gro Moisture Formula to 1.5gal and 2gal Air Pots and is growing bigger plants than he ever did in 3gal regular pots! Dude said if you aren't running Air Pots you are losing money... and it's that right there along with the fact I've seen what DrBud has got and the half oz plants I've got in 20oz bottles that makes me believe I can fill my cab with 16 of the 1 liter Air Pots and they wouldn't be crammed either . So I'm thinking I can get 3/4 -1.5 oz per plant using a coco mix and that would give me close to or a little more than a pound under 252w of CFLs!! Legendary I know, ATTENTION NOOBS!! NO I HAVE NOT DONE THIS YET SO DON'T THINK IF YOU TRY IT WILL WORK LET ME TEST IT FIRST.. thats for the idiots that think I spread false dreams lol but yea if I can do that I will go down in Micro Growing history cuz 1lb under a 600w HPS is considered GREAT! Imagine what the hardcore HID growers will say if I do that.. Think people would switch up ???


Active member
keep up the good work man, I'm getting to love my cfl's because of you guys-it gets addictive dont it?

After the results of the smoke from this first harvest of mine under PL-L lamps I can tell you that I'll Always have a CFL grow going for personal smoke, no matter how large my garden is.

CFLs Rock!
You do know that a pound weighs 448 grams, right? So by my calculations, you imagine you can pull close to 2 grams per watt of CFL? Wow... how many grams per watt are you pulling now? Kinda hard to figure on a perpetual cycle, I know... but DrBud figured it out. Could you do that too?
Sup Thundur, ltns! Looks like things have come a long way from where we began...lol... NOW, can I get a link to these air pots? You've peeked my interest with them for sure...lol


Those air pots do look interesting. With the 1l pots though, I've got concerns about it drying out just a little too fast, especially later on in flower. I could very well be wrong though, I'm curious to see them in action.


You know, instead of spending the money to buy those, you could make some out of regular pots, a screwdriver or drill bit to push from the inside, and a heat gun/hairdryer to warm and bend the plastic. No sense in spending money if you don't have to. :D.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Fucking Agent Smith!!! You KNOW my broke work with what I have ass was already thinking about it hahaha but the thing that I'm having trouble trying to pull off is the cone inside and outside. But I think I'm going to fuck around with some of my gatorade pots with a hot screwdriver...


Yeah the cone on the inside can be made with a drill bit pressing as you warm the plastic until you get the depth you want. Release the heat, hold the bit there for 15 seconds or so till it hardens, and then use a smaller drill bit to drill the hole through your newly made cone and VOILA!!!! :D


hey instead of using a hot screwdriver... get a cheapo soldering iron should be less than $5. once it's hot it slides right through plastic and leaves a fairly nice finish. you will have to play with it just to get use to the way plastic reacts. careful it can split the skin if you grab the wrong end (i know from experience). leave a window open, melting plastic can't be to good for humans.

Green Smoke

When you look at these air pots, the bottom is where the biggest openings are. Lots of air on the sides, yea ok, yet serious drainage below. OK then, make a bunch of holes in the sides of your current 20oz bottles, just make more holes at the bottom and you got a Dr Bud sized air pot.

You're pretty much doing that now! Stay DIY Thundur, these awesome air pots are in fact,..just more holes in the sides and bottom of your existing 20oz bottles.

Peace, and Dr Bud to you...

You GRow booouuuuyeeeeeeee :muahaha:


New member
...I will go down in Micro Growing history cuz 1lb under a 600w HPS is considered GREAT! Imagine what the hardcore HID growers will say if I do that.. Think people would switch up ???

No, I don't think they would switch up! Mainly because the HID guys don't like the hands on aspect of micro! They tend to be more on the "product" approach where as the micro folks are more on the "method" approach to growing - if that makes any sense.


Who ever said one pound for a 600W bulb is great??? I'm probably gonna pull 2lbs+ from one 600 on my next run and that's only 1.5gpw. If someone does only pull .75gpw then they need to work on something in their setup because since I've been on these boards it was LOOOOOOONG ago considered that a grower was doing "good" at 1.0gpw and "great" at 1.5gpw and up. Take Heath Robinson for instance.....that motherfucker is doing "elite" at over 2gpw :D He's got shit down pat and is still getting better!!

So now there is a goal to work towards LOL :D


If they don't get those numbers with 1000 watts then they either are new to growing or like I said above, they have something in their setup that needs improvement. 1.0gpw should be the mark at which all growers should be at or above I think, and I know you won't see any of the long time growers or mentors on these boards at less than that. It's easy to achieve for anyone with a little experience. :D What is your gpw thundurkel? I think it's already at 1.0 right? I can't remember LOL....it's the stoner in me. :D
If I hit 1.0 gpw then I take back all the terrible things I have said about growing with CFL. I would be very happy with a half pound from my 260w + of CFL every three months.


Just Call me Urkle!!
To be honest I don't know my GPW cuz I haven't got to have my cab all the way full but when running right I have the DrBud 7-14g a plant trying to get 14-28g a plant and I was thinking today.. watch out I know lol but yea, we all watched DrBud flower his girls at 16 per sq ft and get the 1.33lbs... Well I can fit 45 girls in my cab at 16 per sq ft but I was thinking again uh oh haha and what if you ran 21 plants and get them to pull 3/4 of a oz each I could get a pound under 252w of CFLs and I HELLA want to try this but I need to have my perpetual going first so I have my unlimited supply of meds. But what do you think Agent Smith? Think my theory could work? I think it would cuz they wouldn't be crammed either, all I know is I want to get a pound under my 252w's !!!
Oh snap, I saw 19+ pages and assumed this thread started in January of 2008... I didn't know this thread just started a few months ago. I guess I was a little harsh on this whole thread. My fault. Seriously though, you got way too many plants TD.


Well honestly, I haven't really read Dr.Buds thread to see what he claims but I did browse through it and it seems he is very cryptic in his answers and numbers by posting wet weights and then estimating the final dry weight by that figure. Now I didn't read everything, I just saw that and I just get flashbacks of DiWeeDalat and get the shivers. I'm not sure if you ever got to see that drama at the original CW but it was a guy who "supposedly" designed this setup with "grow tubes" that were spaced 16 per sqft. and he was claiming 7-10g per plant which many people disbelieved but many many more latched onto it and thought it might actually be the ultimate way to get a good harvest. So a few people actually bought some to try and found out it was way too packed and couldn't get it to work. Then someone found out where he actually got the tubes from and he was marking up the price over 400% over retail price and shortly after that he deleted all of his threads and left the site. And if you can believe it, He even got a 3 or 4 page spread in High Times telling his story about his Dalat thai and on the very next page after his story he was advertising to sell that damn system still! I even have the issue still. But anyways, he talks like Dr.Bud does kind of so I hesitate to believe what he says.

In my opinion, 16 per sqft. is way too many and if you can get 10-14g per plant in that tight of a space then I applaud the hell out of you. In my last tunnel I was running about 4 per sqft. and was only harvesting 10-18g per plant so I'm not sure if you could copy those numbers in such a tight area with CFLs. I think it would come to heavy pruning to try to open up the canopy enough to give ample light penetration to support big lower growth and you need deep penetration which we all know CFLs don't have yet unfortunately.

FatFreddysCat just got around a pound from 1 plant under a 250W bulb and he was able to focus on pampering one plant only and you are trying to do the same thing with 16 or more in soil? I'm highly skeptical but if you can pull it off man, that's awesome and I'll definitely congratulate you. I just think, the less you have to deal with, the happier you will be and I think you might even be able to get the yields higher with 4 persqft. than you would with 16 persqft.. Just something to try one day if you feel like testing it out. The bigger the rootmass the bigger bud production possible so it makes sense to me.

So what's up with the setup now? When are you planning to have it running full and efficient?