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Thrips 101: Introduction to Western Flower Thrips


read this thread, thanks to all who shared experances, i just sprayed my flowering veging and clones with cap jacks dead bug, lets all hope they die quickly, i beat spider mites once before but it was a giant pain in the ass.


to be fair to jacks deadbug i do think there was less bugs the next morning.

I resprayed with walmart houseplant spray with pyrethris spray from walmart and put silica sand on top of the soil today, lets hope these pests learn there not welcome here anymore!!!

i even found bugs in my new unused soil bin, proably gonna toss it as i have a unopened bale of promix bx

my plants seem ok i had been getting like 1/8 to 1/4 ounce of herb from my ppp plants, i cant wait to get a good pull again, i'm excited!! correcting my path.


My experience, just had an entire flower room get infested with thrips. I noticed the silvery specs on leaves and ID'd the thrips with my microscope early on in the infestation. Sprayed with neem, pyrethrum, used DE on the soil, all that stuff did was maybe slow them down some. Basically didn't do jack shit to get rid of them.

Anyway im mid way through flower and i walk into my room 2 days ago much to my horror a couple of my girls have just been completely raped by these thrips. Im talking within 24 hours it went from leaf damage to full on leaf death. At this point i sprayed entire room down with spinosad, and im very glad i did it. I reckon if i had of left this any longer i would have lost entire room. Luckily the main damage is only a couple but the entire crop is undersize by like 20-30% i would guesstimate. The root damage caused by larvae has also pre yellowed a number of my plants just like what fungas gnats do. If your familiar with nitrogen levels in your soil and your getting early pre yellowing around day 35 then check your soil your going to see hundreds of these vile critters in there

DO NOT let these thrips get hold of your room. Its like they build up slowly over a period of time and then POW, they just takeover. I'll post results of spinosad trreatment as they come to light but i know its working already seen dead thrips
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My experience, just had an entire flower room get infested with thrips. I noticed the silvery specs on leaves and ID'd the thrips with my microscope early on in the infestation. Sprayed with neem, pyrethrum, used DE on the soil, all that stuff did was maybe slow them down some. Basically didn't do jack shit to get rid of them.

Anyway im mid way through flower and i walk into my room 2 days ago much to my horror a couple of my girls have just been completely raped by these thrips. Im talking within 24 hours it went from leaf damage to full on leaf death. At this point i sprayed entire room down with spinosad, and im very glad i did it. I reckon if i had of left this any longer i would have lost entire room. Luckily the main damage is only a couple but the entire crop is undersize by like 20-30% i would guesstimate. The root damage caused by larvae has also pre yellowed a number of my plants just like what fungas gnats do. If your familiar with nitrogen levels in your soil and your getting early pre yellowing around day 35 then check your soil your going to see hundreds of these vile critters in there

DO NOT let these thrips get hold of your room. Its like they build up slowly over a period of time and then POW, they just takeover. I'll post results of spinosad trreatment as they come to light but i know its working already seen dead thrips
:tiphat:anything like this silver streaking ?spots ? DarthFader.


Yup ^^^ basically exactly like that Noyd. What happens (if you don't already know) is the damaged leaves stay like that for a while and then eventually the entire leaf will just collapse and die and turn into a big brown mess as the thrips takeover. It happens REAL FAST when it gets to this point. The infestation sneaks up on you real sneakily and the worst thing is if you don't find the spinosad in time and keep spraying neem etc.. it can (and will) cripple your entire operation.



After a quite nasty thrip infestation in mid flower, i sprayed entire room down twice, 5 days apart, with a spinosad soil drench as well just to get the top couple of inches of medium where all the larvae are.

Ive just inspected everything and i couldnt be happier with the spino. It for sure works on the larvae too i saw a couple of survivors limping around the edge of the grow bags and they were moving SLOW, like they would be dead very soon. They were over. Didn't see one in the soil which is incredible given i had thousands of these things.

This has been said before but i'll say it again if you have thrips, DO NOT mess around with any pest controls other than spinosad, you'll only waste your time and give the thrips time to multiply.

That is all. Just do it!




Hi guyz! Lovely thread...but i really can't understand what i am dealing with here....

I noticed some yellowing on leaves but thought it would be from low nutrient . 5 NL5xHaze feminized for 20 days under 24 hour light. After i raised nutrient level and added some diamond nectar the yellowing was corrected, however I noticed a little visitor...I killed it yesterday and today i saw another one which i killed again with the edge of the knife. I give u pics from the microscope through mobile lol...but that's what i have...please help me identify what they are and check for either GNATROL or SPINOSAD depending what they are...PLZ HELP!!!

Killed yesterday:



Do any species of thirp have a tail that kinda looks like a claw that opens and closes? It looks like it can grab stuff with it's tail almost. Looks a lot like a thirp, but the tail was confusing me. Looked like a pincher or something


Heya Element !! thank you for investing some time to help me !

I did some further research because I had more or less the same thoughts as you. A few days before I saw these 2 insects I killed , I came across something like that

I considered it something as a "fly" so I hunt it down and it hid into the coco I hunt it a bit further but I can't recall whether I killed it or not. So it probably laid eggs. I checked around and saw that this is a big eyed bug which is a species of Geocoris , a very GOOD PREDATOR against MITES and everything, Wiki says its nymphs can eat up to 1600 spidermites before they become that grey-brown-black thing with the big eyes.

However I will keep an eye out for any incoming pests or whatsoever because the 2 black ones I eliminated do NOT look much like the young children of Geocoris..But whatever,...maybe the browin-greyish had not developed yet... To be ready I have already ordered Spinosad for thrips and SB Plant Invogorator I had bought for "protection" last year to use if I finally meet up spidermites. If I come across them I start with SB and then I'm off for Avid and Floramite as I am still on veg and have aroud 20 days more to go according to my plans. If they got spiders or antyhing else, I'll switch ffrom 24/0 to 18/6 and spray at nighttime, extending maybe a little bit the veg period...but whatever...

If u or anyone else has a suggestion, feel free to speak up!

Geocoris is a genus of insects in the family Geocoridae (although in the past the geocorids were subsumed as a subfamily under the family "Lygaeidae"). Commonly known as big-eyed bugs, the species in Geocoris are beneficial predators, but are often confused with the true chinch bug, which is a pest.[1][2]

Big-eyed bugs are true bugs in the order Hemiptera. The two most common species are Geocoris pallens and Geocoris punctipes. Both are predators and occur in many habitats, including fields, gardens, and turf grass. Big-eyed bugs are considered an important predator in many agricultural systems and feed on mites, insect eggs, and small insects such as pink bollworm, cabbage loopers and whiteflies. Adult big-eyed bugs are small (about 3 mm) black, gray, or tan with proportionately large eyes. Eggs are deposited singly or in clusters on leaves near potential prey. They develop with incomplete metamorphosis (there is no pupa) and take approximately 30 days to develop from egg to adult depending on temperature. Both nymphs and adults are predatory, but can survive on nectar and honeydew when prey are scarce. Big-eyed bugs, like other true bugs, have piercing-sucking mouthparts and feed by stabbing their prey and sucking or lapping the juices. Although their effectiveness as predators is not well understood, studies have shown that nymphs can eat as many as 1600 spider mites before reaching adulthood, while adults have been reported consuming as many as 80 mites per day.[3][4]
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geocoris


well these cheap low wattage bug lights work well, mainly white fly stuck on here, death to the bastards. make sure to turn of if in flower room.:tiphat:


just received my inlet filters 2. fuk'n big. might keep some nasties out? made the inrush of air from max fan a lot quieter. 75 bucks oz each. :tiphat:


Just hit my girls in veg with spinosad for the first time. This stuff really is awesome, thank you to all who got me on board with the stuff. Not 48 hours later I can see VAST improvement all across the board.

Only cost me $20 for a pint, well worth it.

:thank you:


Spinosad completely wiped out the caterpillars on my outdoor this year. I used Safer caterpillar last year and the beginning of this year. It only seemed to keep the population under control. I sprayed the spinosad twice, 4 days apart, and never saw another caterpillar. I use it as a last resort, but that stuff does wonders on mites, thrips, and caterpillars.


I can't get spinosad for a bit, only have azamax...

what would a good application rate be for a soil drench? 5ml / gallon?


Active member

Hey I saw you had a possible suspect but... if you are having trouble with some puzzling yellow leaves and possible mag def. - you may very well have root aphids. The bugs you killed look a lot like the root aphids I had to battle. There is a great thread titled " winged gnats or root aphids" or something like that, that thread has great information. One thing is certain, if you have increasing leave problems, iot is not a helpful bug. Good luck !


New member
Just ran through this thread, and noticed I saw no mention of Conserve SC.

Conserve SC is a spinosad product whose concentration puts everything else to shame. Monterey and Captain Jack's are 0.5% Spinosad, where as Conserve SC is 11%. It's much more expensive initially at $130-$150 a quart, but you're only using 2.5ml (max) per gallon, as opposed to Monterey and Captain Jack's at 2oz per gallon.

$150 per quart (946.35ml), with a usage rate of 2.5ml/gal = 378.5 treatments at $0.39 cents per treatment

Monterey at $30 per qt (32oz), with a 2oz/gal usage rate = 16 treatments at $2 per treatment.

I'm sure this has been brought up in other threads, but being the "main" thirp thread, I thought it might help here as well. Oh, and there is a product called Conserve Naturalyte that I think I saw posted in the thread, which is another .05%.