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Thrips 101: Introduction to Western Flower Thrips


Are these thrips?


ok, gonna try some insecticidale soap, can anyone tell me were to look for the litle buggers, cuz i heard they are runners

joe fresh

Active member
i found mine inder the laves on the lower leaves, but they progressivly moved to the rest of the plant


mine dont make the white spots, they make a redish dot color , then you can see with a microcope some little things with suckers on their head, the plants they just curl up an die , maybe its a different kind of thripthan a western flower thrip, kinda looks like a onion thrip from the 1 picture i seen


New member
How fast will thrips destroy a crop if left untouched? Are there any photos on here of thrip damage in hydroponics? How do thrips damage plants in hydroponics?
Thanks in advance.


Active member
tried neem and it didnt work after a couple treatments..
im moving on to spinosad..
whats the best brand to get?

edit: is the Monterey Garden Insect stuff the best stuff to get?
Initially not so happy with spinosad

Initially not so happy with spinosad

I've been having an ongoing thrip problem since the last round and decided to try spinosad on the current babies after reading all the raves about it here. Well, my initial reaction is that I'm not too happy with it!

So I got thrip from some bs cuttings I picked up at Harborside and ended up battling them throughout my last round. I never fully got rid of them, but kept them minimized and at bay with neem.

So flash forward to this round.. Before starting I thoroughly cleaned my room & bug bombed. I got some cuttings from a friend who is growing outdoors (I'm indoors). I quarantined them for a few days and dipped them in neem before transplanting and putting the babies in my room. After a few days I notice some thrip damage starting to appear. So I give them a good soaking with neem. At the same time as all this is happening I start reading all the raves and experiences with spinosad here on ICmag. So I'm thinking I want to try it and start looking for it. I found it no problem (Orchard Rose & Flower Insect Spray).

So this morning I spray all my little girls who are in day 9 of veg. It didn't smell, have any residue, etc.. So I'm thinking "hey, this stuff might not be too bad". Then I go back into my room 2 hours later to see how they're reacting. I don't want it to fry my girls after all.. Anyway, as I'm looking over each one individually, I notice that one of the girls has white powder or residue on it in about 5 spots (it wasn't there before spraying). It kind of looks like baking soda, a powder, or maybe where the spinosad dried. After further inspection I notice that a small white spot is on a second plant. All 48 of the rest of the girls are fine. So I removed the one infected leaf off the second pant and entirely removed the first plant from my room..

When I came out and checked this stuff under a scope I clearly see that it is some sort of mold or mildew. It's not PM though, it's way whiter and chalky-er than PM. Plus the fact that it appeared in 2 hours (never seem PM do that)! Unfortunately my POS camera can't do good macros and the regular shots I took don't show anything but something white on the leaf.. so hopefully someone might have an idea of what the hell this is from my description.

Anyone have any ideas???
TommyTrichome - Spinosed shouldn't be leaving any residue. I suspect you either got a bad batch/brand, or possibly didn't mix it good enough. I've only used Captain Jacks Dead Bug Concentrate, and it instantly killed every thrip in sight and had zero noticeable effect on the plants.

Spinosed is awesome because it works for all the bugs that neem doesn't. I wouldn't give up using it, but I do suggest changing brands.
TommyTrichome - Spinosed shouldn't be leaving any residue. I suspect you either got a bad batch/brand, or possibly didn't mix it good enough. I've only used Captain Jacks Dead Bug Concentrate, and it instantly killed every thrip in sight and had zero noticeable effect on the plants.

Spinosed is awesome because it works for all the bugs that neem doesn't. I wouldn't give up using it, but I do suggest changing brands.

Thanks ganjaments. I talked to a friend who also used the same brand and he didn't have anything like that.. the only thing we could think of is that maybe it was a concentration of the bacteria (spinosyn A and spinosyn D) and that it was growing on those spots..?

Anyway, it hasn't gotten any worse and isn't growing, so we'll see..


Active member
ok the monetary garden spinosad stuff...
should you dunk or spray with that stuff?
does it burn or harm plants?
use the recommended ratio or?

I sprayed undersides and tops of leaves. I didn't notice any burning, harm, or any ill effects whatsoever.

Although one spray killed every thrip in sight, I sprayed again 10 days later just in case.

Also, once done spraying, I finished off the bottle on my 3 year old Apple tree, and I haven't seen a single wormhole since.

I used the recommnded ratio. I think it was 4 tablespoons per galon or 1 tablespoon per 32oz spray bottle. You can't mix and store this stuff, so only mix as much as you need right away (e.g. mix one spray bottle at a time). Also, if you're outdoors (with access to a hose), you might want to get the hosesprayer bottle of spinosad. Hand spraying large outdoor plants would be absolute hell!
I'm pretty sold on the stuff.. One spinosad application and ALL signs of thrip have gone away! Since that one time spinosad application I've neemed a couple of times and done a couple of sulphur vapes as maintenance and everything looks great.


I'M SO GLAD TO HAVE FOUND THIS THREAD!! :jump::jump::jump:

I tried 2 differents products and they still there...

I have great hope in spinosad!!

Can we water the plants with a mix of water/spinosad?


Active member
im still not sure whether i have root aphids or thrips.. but i treated the gals with spinosad like 3 days ago.. what kind of intervals should i treat?
every 5 days, 3x total? i found a couple crawlers today and a few fliers..