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pure dynamite
per total, experienta de fumat e mai buna, aromele s-au pastrat, mugurii ard bine-bine, iar hashurile daca le sfarami se fac ca un praf de stele, nu le mai poti lipi decat la caldura, atat de bine uscate sunt.
desigur, pastrarea la hash e mai buna.. si cum e si mai usoara, datorita compactarii.. o sa o aleg pentru viitor.


pure dynamite
Deschid sezonul de primavara 2011 cu o intrebare, si anume:

mai sunt si alti pasionati de breeding pe sectiunea RO, sau daca deschid discutii pe domeniu voi vorbi singur?

Puteti posta orice parere aici, dupa ce decidem ce e de facut voi sterge offtopicul, cum am mai facut si pana acum.

Tema 2, foarte importanta:

M-ar interesa, in alegerea geneticii pe care o cresteti (fie prin selectie, fie din comert) ce caracteristici urmariti, si care sunt prioritatile.
Am conceput un sistem simplu de a centraliza si concentra raspunsuri voastre, in felul urmator:

1 Recolta (mare)

2 Perioada de flowering scurta

3 Aroma

4 Aspect si structura de crestere compact (planta & buds)

5 Potenta

6 Calitatea high-ului

7 Brand - a.k.a. cumparati dupa nume/din impuls

8 Calitatile medicinale

acum propun sa le puneti numerele pe nivele, in ordinea preferintelor

Exemplu (random):

3 4
6 7
8 1

(fiecare linie reprezinta un nivel, primul si cel mai important e cel de sus. // 2 calitati sau mai multe calitati pot fi pe aceasi treapta ca si prioritate. // nu toate calitatile trebuie folosite neaparat.)


pure dynamite
Rezultate POLL:

6 66,6% Calitatea high-ului
4 25,0% Aspect si structura de crestere compact (planta & buds)

5 33,3% Potenta
2 33,3% Perioada de flowering scurta
3 16,6% Aroma

5 41,6% Potenta
6 25,0% Calitatea high-ului
3 16,6% Aroma

4 33,3% Aspect si structura de crestere compact (planta & buds)
3 33,3% Aroma
8 16,6% Calitatile medicinale
1 16,6% Recolta (mare)

1 33,3% Recolta (mare)
4 33,3% Aspect si structura de crestere compact (planta & buds)
3 16,6% Aroma

1 41,6% Recolta (mare)
2 25,0% Perioada de flowering scurta
8 16,6% Calitatile medicinale

8 41,6%
2 16,6% Perioada de flowering scurta
5 16,6% Potenta
7 16,6% Brand - a.k.a. cumparati dupa nume/din impuls

7 83,3% Brand - a.k.a. cumparati dupa nume/din impuls
8 16,6% Calitatile medicinale

Cut-off: 15 %
Voturile au fost sterse dupa centralizare.
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pure dynamite
a short peak into my latest project:

bx2 = backcrossul numarul 2 la un F2 de wr2 x skunk #1
z2= bx1 x indica dominant
x5= bx1 x sativa dominant

observati cat de mult seamana anumite mici detalii? ce ma mira si pe mine, este faptul ca desi ultimele 2 sunt F1, variatiile sunt extrem de mici in intreaga populatie.
dupa proba de fumat, ma voi decide si care linie merita munca in continuare. ;)


bx1-fiind dominant?indica,sativa?presupun ca indica....m-am uitat la x5 si e combinat cu sativa dominanta si a iesit frunza cu 5 degete si late gen indica....tare rau


pure dynamite
bx1 este undeva spre sativa ca si efect, pe la 60-65% sa zicem, fara oboseala. doar chef si voie buna. foarte rasinos si destul de puternic. creste compact, si desi aspectul e relativ sativa, poate mai predominant decat efectele, creste foarte usor.
este la fel de usor de clonat ca toata gama ce se trage din wr.

indica sativa - no comment la alea, sunt niste teste. eu observ caracteristicile sativa in x5, intradevar nu sunt atat de pronuntate pe cat ar trebui, insa e vorba de F1, in F2 vom vedea adevarata valoare. 5 lamele are pentru ca era dintr-o zona mai veche a plantei, am cautat sa iau frunze de care planta s-ar putea lipsi si sunt suficient de dezvoltate incat sa aiba forma finala, nu frunze in crestere sau din varf.

de abia astept sa vad bx2-urile inflorite :D. posibil sa mai adaug inca o poza la postul asta, daca o gasesc.

later edit: nu am gasit poza pe care o cautam, dar o sa adaug totusi o poza de ieri, mai ales ca nu am fost in stare sa o uploadez pe atunci pt. baietii de pe chat.

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aaaa se intelege acum f1....era curios sti sativa cu sativa sa iasa fizic asa :)).tare rau savante ;).asteptam reportu.bafta man


pure dynamite
Prea multa munca..

sa ne mai si destindem:

asa-i ca nu arata rau? (ethyl alcohol extracted oil)

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Dupa frunzele alea trei de mai sus, cred ca as alege X5-ul ca material de fumat, daca nu as avea si alte informatii (aroma, aspritatea fumului..)


pure dynamite
nu cred ca e rea alegerea. de la ala am si eu asteptari destul de mari. urmeaza sa le infloresc si sa le testez, vedem dupa daca e chiar asa.


pure dynamite
Something nice:

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
Knowing when to come in out of the rain
Why the early bird gets the worm
Life isn't always fair
Maybe it was my fault

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies:
Don't spend more than you can earn

And reliable strategies:
Adults, not children, are in charge

His health began to deteriorate when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer Tylenol, sun lotion or a band-aid to a student but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband, churches became businesses and criminals received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense took a beating when it became punishable for you to defend yourself from a burglar in your own home but the burglar could sue you for assault.
He began to lose ground rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6 -year- old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Common Sense finally gave up the will to live after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; his wife, Discretion; his Daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason.

He is survived by his 3 stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, Someone Else Is To blame, and I'm A Victim.

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing...


si asta, ca se leaga:

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pure dynamite
Threaduri recomandate (growuri):
Poate ajuta incepatorii. Sau pe cei care nu vor sa rasfoiasca toata sectiunea dupa un thread. Bafta! :tiphat:

Indoor 500w HPS (250w HPS Veg)- SCROG Jurnal // evilkid

Outdoor 2009 // edster

Indoor - Aurora Indica si Papaya sub LED 120 W pe scrog // urbanHaze

Indoor LED 120W grow, Super Lemon Haze si Aurora Indica // andrishka

MJMJ's Growbox // MJMJ

MicroFridge Growbox, 150W HPS Jurnal // Paff

Prima recolta 2011 - Mini Mango (autoflower) // piramidon

1º Grow // FlorinCrazy

secretul din gradina...pardon dulap...120w led grow!!!1 // darktitan120

na ca am facut-o si pe asta! :dance013:
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pure dynamite
Fertilizer tea receipe:

Se face infuzie din worm castings si materii vegetale maruntite (frunze, tulpini, fire de iarba, etc.). Dupa 2-3 zile se filtreaza si se adauga culturi de bacterii benefice. solutia asta se tine aerata si bacteriile se hranesc cu orice zahar simplu (molasses, miere, sirop) FARA ZAHAR PROCESAT!
Atat timp cat e aerata este buna de folosit. Daca nu o aerati bacteriile anaerobe vor pune stapanire pe solutie.
E buna oricand de folosit, nu am patit sa vad overfert de la asa ceva. Daca este tinuta aerata nu miroase.
Daca nu se adauga bacteriile nu este nevoie sa adaugati zaharurile.
Pentru plantele tinere se foloseste o solutie mai diluata. Pentru plantele mature se poate folosi si in concentratie de 30-50%, amestecata cu apa.


pure dynamite
On the relation between N doses and overall THC content:

Materials and methods The experiment was performed using 5.5 liter pots, with two plants of the variety ‘Kompolti Hibrid TC’ per pot. This high-fiber variety has a THC content (0.5-0.7%) exceeding the EU 0.3% subsidy limit. Pots were placed in a glasshouse under ambient environmental conditions. A chernozem brown forest soil from Kompolt was used (Krisztian and Hollo 1992). Treatments are shown in Table 1. Chemicals used for the nutrient supply : anal. grade NH4NO3, KH2PO4, KCl. Doses were supplied as solutions. Date of sowing: 22 April. Date of harvesting: 13 August. The lowest N level treatment was considered as the control. The number of replications was six. Plants were grown until the end of flowering for staminate plants.

Results There was a significant increase in fresh weight of shoot (80-130%) and plant height (28-39%) due to N supplimentation (Tab. 2). THC was highest in leaves near the shoot tip and on side branches, and lowest in oldest leaves (Fig. 1a). THC content of leaves of each plant part decreased in response to N fertilizer (Fig. 1b). The decrease was significant in the case of the highest N dose (Fig. 1b). THC contents of leaves from various plant regions were significantly different, independent of the N level (Tab. 3, see: F-value of Factor "a") The other factor, N fertilizer treatment, also had a statistically significant effect on THC content of leaves (Tab. 3, F-value of Factor "b"). There was no interaction between the two factors (Tab. 3, F-value of Factor "a X b") in relation to leaf THC content.

Discussion These experiments show that the THC content of leaves decreases with increasing N doses. This phenomenon is favorable for agricultural production, because nitrogen fertilization will increase stem yield and simultaneously decrease THC content of the plant significantly. Additional studies are necessary to determine optimal N dose/ha, time of application, fertilizer type and the lowest THC content achievable under field conditions.

Extracted from "Effect of nitrogen on tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content in hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) leaves at different positions", paper by I. Bócsa, P. Máthé, and L. Hangyel, published at GATE "Fleischmann R." Research Institute, Kompolt 3356, Hungary.
For presentation and discussion purposes only, under the Fair Use policy.

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