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pure dynamite
WR2bx1 - 1month+1week+2days old - just transplanted into 6l square pot

P.S. nici mie nu imi place calitatea pozei, dar macar se intelege ceva din ea.. :D


pure dynamite
Recomandari pentru AMS:
ideal ar fi sa incerci cat mai multe sa vezi ce iti place.

recomandari: nu lua din primul prag de preturi, cele mai mici (sau macar evita), aproape sigur nu vei gasi ceva bun.

- bubba kush (GHS)
- cheese (GHS)
- silver haze / SSH (GHS)
- icolator/pollinator/bubble hash (baga cu grija, ca e puternic, dar foarte bun) - bluebird are o selectie buna.
- (nepal) temple ball hash (GHS) (mai slab putin, dar aroma super)

- cauta prin headshopuri si cafenele ghiduri turistice sau orice contine o harta (the headsop au un ghid bun, la fel ca unul platit, doar ca are reclame, dar e chiar bun, fiind gratuit e super), asta daca nu cumva vrei sa cumeperi un ghid, desi daca stai mai mult merita sa dai 15-20 euro pe un ghid bun, care iti ramane si pt. alte vizite sau amintire.
- incearca sa faci rost de o punga neagra sau ceva mat prin care nu se vede daca vrei sa iei provizii si pt. la hotel, nu e recomandat sa umblii cu bags-urile cu iarba la vedere.
- fa-ti timp si de muzee, chiar merita, au 50-60 de muzee in oras, sigur vei gasi cateva pe plac, mai ales ca poti merge spart..
- nu baga negroteii de te pssaie in seama.
- grija la buzunare si genti, pe strazii si unde e aglomerat.

(Nota: quote din Threadul de offtopic, pentru a fi la indemana si pe viitor.)


pure dynamite
Urmeaza sa testez panoul led comparativ cu hps si mh.. pana mai pe seara bag rezultatele.

Later edit:

Test comparativ MH / HPS / LED

MH (150W):

05cm__900-950 lumeni
10cm____400 lumeni
15cm______250-300 lumeni
30cm____________50-100 lumeni
Randament la 15 cm: 1,833 lmpW

HPS (150W):

05cm__1100-1150 lumeni
10cm____500-550 lumeni
15cm______300-350 lumeni
30cm____________100 lumeni
Randament la 15 cm: 2,166 lmpW

LED (120W):
05cm__2000+ lumeni
10cm____1000 lumeni
15cm______750 lumeni
30cm____________300-350 lumeni
60cm________________________50-100 lumeni
Randament la 15 cm: 6,250 lmpW

Nota: Masuratorile sunt realizate cu ajutorul unui light meter destul de ieftin, de aceea este posibil ca datele sa nu fie exacte, dar avand in vedere caracterul comparativ al testului, nu exista nici o posibilitate de eroare, fiind folosit acelasi aparat pentru toate masuratorile.
Pentru acuratete, masuratorile s-au executat la 15 minute dupa aprinderea lampilor, atat temperatura cat si umiditatea mediului ambient fiind constante pe tot parcursul testului comparativ.

Concluzie personala: Intr-adevar, ledurile sunt mai eficiente, atat la capitolul lumeni / w, cat si ca putere de patrundere. Daca luam in calcul si spectrul restrans, mult mai util plantelor, diferenta ar trebui sa fie enorma.
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pure dynamite
Observatii legate de cresterea sub led:
-miros redus
-crestere compacta
-accent foarte mare pe cresterea nodurilor noi
-consum mai mare de apa
-raspuns mai rapid la schimbarea directiei din care vine lumina
-culoare mult mai accentuata

Concluzie personala:
Se pare ca ledurile accelereaza metabolismul plantelor, asa ca ma astept pe viitor si la consum mai mare de nutrienti pe langa cel de apa. Singurul lucru rau in treaba asta e faptul ca daca vrei sa iei clone, nu e o idee tocmai buna sa tii mamele sub leduri pentru ca vei astepta cu lunile sa gasesti de unde sa iei o clona, distanta internodala fiind de maxim 2-3 cm in cele mai bune cazuri. Cu mirosul inca nu mi-am dat seama care e treaba, dar studiez..


pure dynamite
"" The most recent study from
this group assessed the effect of smoked marijuana in 12 occasional and 12 chronic
users during counting and finger-tapping tasks accompanied by PET with 15O
water. Both counting rate and finger-tapping rate were acutely increased after
marijuana smoking and both these effects were correlated with increased blood
flow in the cerebellum (O’Leary et al. 2003).
Another group of studies using PET with 15O water have examined the effects
of chronic marijuana on rCBF. In contrast to findings after acute marijuana use,
chronic users had decreased blood flow to a region of posterior cerebellum after
more than 26 h of monitored abstinence from marijuana, compared to control
subjects (Block et al. 2000b).Additionally, a later publication using a similar design
evaluated effects of chronic marijuana on memory-related blood flow. Decreases
in prefrontal cortex, altered lateralization in hippocampus, and increased rCBF in
memory-related regions of cerebellum were documented (Block et al. 2002).
The cerebellum is likely to be involved in the psychoactive effects of marijuana.
The effects of cannabinoids on rCBF in the cerebellum are consistent with interactions
between cannabinoids and the high concentration of CB1 receptors in this
brain area. Both acute marijuana intoxication and habitual use have been shown
to affect parameters such as motor coordination, proprioception, and learning,
438 K.P. Lindsey et al.
in which the cerebellum plays a key role (Varma et al. 1988). The lack of significant
changes in blood flow in the basal ganglia is somewhat surprising given the
facts that firstly, high densities of CB1 receptors are present in this region, and, secondly,
that marijuana serves as a reinforcer in at least a large subset of humans. The
endocannabinoid system’s modulatory/inhibitory actions on presynaptic neurotransmitter
release may complicate the interpretation of regional changes in blood
flow after exogenous cannabinoid receptor agonists. ""​

Din cartea: Cannabinoids ; Editor: Roger G. Pertwee ; Editura: Springer

Genial. Toata cartea e interesanta.


pure dynamite
"In human volunteers exposed repeatedly to large doses of THC under laboratory conditions, tolerance to the cardiovascular and psychic effects can be produced as in the animal studies. However, it is not clear that tolerance occurs to any significant extent in people who use modest amounts of marijuana. The casual user, taking the drug infrequently or those using small amounts for medical purposes seem to develop little if any tolerance. Tolerance seems only likely to become important for heavy users who are taking large amounts on a daily basis. Even for such people firm evidence that tolerance becomes an important factor is lacking.
Indeed there have been reports that heavy users can become sensitized, so that even rather small doses of the drug can send them into a high. (Ludlow 1875)"

from The Science of Marijuana by Leslie L. Iversen

Moderate dose: < 5 mg THC / kg
Large dose: > 5 mg THC / kg


pure dynamite
White Rhino x Skunk #1 (backcrossed) Smoke Report

Beeing one of my preffered smokes, i need to have this smoke report at hand for future references. Hope you'll enjoy it. :wave:

STANDARD SMOKE REPORT V1.0 (from Treating Yourself Magazine)


# Details:
Date: 29/06/2010
Strain (cross): White Rhino x Skunk #1 (backcrossed)
Judge: exploziv_gbb
Breeder: exploziv_gbb
Grower: exploziv_gbb, grown outdoors

Clear [60] Cloudy [25] Amber [10] Dark [5 ] (%)

# (Mark with X the colors that are present in the buds or for a more detailed color analysis rate presence on a scale 1-9 light-dark.)

Brown [ ] Green [6] Gold [1 ] Blue [ ] Grey [1] White [ ] Red [ ] Rust [2] Orange [1] Purple [5] Black [ ]

# Bud density: [5.5] (Rate the bud density from 1-10 airy-dense. For samples that are not in their natural state leave this field blank.)

# (Use numbers 1-9 on descriptors that apply to the aroma of freshly broken bud where a one indicates a subtle presence and 9 indicates a pronounced presence. Delete the existing space when marking a descriptor in order to maintain the columns in alignment.)

Ammonia [1] Earthy [2] Licorice [ ] Peach [ ] Berry [ ] Floral [2] Mango [ ] Pepper [ ] Blueberry [ ] Fruit [ ] Meat [ ] Petroleum [1] Bubblegum [ ] Grape [ ] Melon [ ] Pine [3] Cedar [ ] Grapefruit [ ] Menthol [1]
Pineapple [ ] Cherry [ ] Grass/Hay [2] Mint [ ] Rotten [ ] Chocolate [ ] Hash [ ] Mold [ ] Skunk [2] Citrus [1] Iron/Rust [1] Musk [ ] Spice [ ] Coconut [ ] Leather [ ] Nutmeg [ ] Strawberry [ ] Coffee [ ] Lemon [1] Orange [ ] Vanilla [ ]

# Aroma: [7.5] (Rate the aroma from 1-10 repulsive-delightful. Use freshly crumbled bud for best results.)

# Seed content: [0] (Rate seed content from 0-10 none-fully seeded.)

# Weeks cured: [over 30] (If known enter the number of weeks your sample has been cured. If desired repeat SSR after an additional two weeks of curing.)

# Physical examination comments: Medium size purple nugs, with lots of purple nuances.
# Smell: Fresh floral aroma with a tint of lemon.

(Address these questions while smoking.)

# (Please use a clean instrument for the evaluation. Enter information below that will identify the instrument as follows:)

Water pipe (enter bong, hooka, bubbler etc) [ ]
Vaporizer (enter the brand name) []
Pipe (size-type, ie medium-glass) [ ]
Joint (enter brand of papers) [Smoking Master paper, slim & backrolled]
Other (specify):

# (Use numbers 1-9 on descriptors that apply to the taste where a one indicates a subtle presence and a nine indicates a very pronounced presence. Delete the existing space when marking a descriptor in order to maintain the columns in alignment.)

Ammonia [1] Earthy [1] Licorice [ ] Peach [ ] Berry [ ] Floral [3] Mango [ ] Pepper [ ] Blueberry [ ] Fruit [1] Meat [ ] Petroleum [1] Bubblegum [ ] Grape [ ] Melon [ ] Pine [2] Cedar [ ] Grapefruit [ ] Menthol [ ] Pineapple [ ] Cherry [ ] Grass/Hay [1] Mint [1] Rotten [ ] Chocolate [ ] Hash [ ] Mold [ ] Skunk [x] Citrus [1] Iron/Rust [1] Musk [ ] Spice [1] Coconut [ ] Leather [ ] Nutmeg [ ] Strawberry [ ] Coffee [1] Lemon [1] Orange [ ] Vanilla [x]

(If appropriate return to this question after 5-10 minutes and mark
with X any unmarked descriptors for lingering aftertaste.)

# Taste: [7] (Rate your impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant-delicious.)

# State of dryness: [4.5] (Rate the dryness of the bud from 1-10 wet-dry where 5 is ideal.)

# Smoke ability: [9] (Rate the smoke ability of the sample from 1-10 harsh-smooth.)

# Smoke expansion: [4] (Rate how the smoke expands in the lungs from 1-10 stable-explodes.)

# Smoke test comments:

Taste: Great, well-cured smoke, taste is a subtle floral / lemon combination, with some vanilla/skunk aftertaste.

Effect: Very fast settling effect, I was in a very good mood after the first deep toke i took. The effect is more on the sativa side compared to the original White Rhino, with a reduced body high that just gives a total relaxation in the whole body while ther head is a hurricane of thoughts. Great choice for having a great time while listening to music or chilling with friends.


(Address final questions immediately after effects have worn off.)

# Dosage: [1.00 gr. pure bud/ was enaugh after a quater, and over half of the joint remained in the ashtray at the end] (Enter the number of hits taken to reach desired effects.)

# Effect onset: [1.5] (Rate how quickly the effect hit from 1-10 immediate-major creeper.)

# Sativa influence: [5.5] (Rate the sativa influence detected from 0-10 none-extreme. Sativa influence is best described as a clear and energetic mental effect.)

# Indica influence: [4] (Rate the indica influence detected from 0-10 none-extreme. Indica influence is best described as a sedative, lethargic or numbing effect that affects the body.)

# Potency [8.5-9] (Rate the potency of the sample from 0-10 none-devastating.)

# Duration [1h50min.] (Indicate the number of hours the effects lasted.)

# Tolerance build up [3-3.5] (Rate how quickly tolerance builds from 0-10 none-rapid. Leave this field blank if you have not used this sample repeatedly.)

# Usability: (Rate on a scale of 1-9 where a one indicates the worst time of day to consume this strain and a nine represents the ideal time of day. Leave field(s) blank if you have not yet formed an opinion.)

Morning - wake up [3] Day - work [4] Evening - relax [9] Night - sleep [7]

# Overall satisfaction: [8.5] (Rate your overall satisfaction from 1-10 poor-Holy Grail.)

# Ability and conditions [9.5] (Rate your overall ability to judge from 1-10 low-high. Consider experience, strain familiarity, atmosphere, current tolerance and most importantly the condition and preparation of the sample.)

# Judging from the sample alone do you personally consider this
strain a keeper for long term use. [Yes]

# What effect did the strain have:
(Rate the noticable effects on a scale of 1-9 mild-severe. Take care to use the appropriate column for your response. Delete the existing space when recording your entry to maintain the columns in alignment. In all cases these casual observations should not be construed as medical advice.)

(Check [P] off if the you got a POSITIVE EFFECT and check [N] if you had a NEGATIVE EFFECT)

[7] [N] Ability to rest or sit still
[P] [N] Anxiety relief
[3] [N] Appetite
[2] [N] Audio perception
[6] [N] Humor perception
[7] [N] Imagination/creativity
[1] [N] Paranoia relief
[3] [N] Sex drive
[4] [N] Sleep
[2] [N] Pain relief
[P] [1] Speech process
[P] [N] Taste perception
[P] [N] Thought process
[P] [2] Visual perception

Final comments: Great smoke, pleasant taste, excellent looking buds. Very easy to grow both indoors and outdoors.


Thanks for reading :joint:


pure dynamite
Ceva update:

"A-nceput de ieri sa cada
Cite-un fulg, acum a stat,
Norii s-au mai razbunat
Spre apus, dar stau gramada
Peste sat.
G. Cosbuc - Iarna pe ulita :)

Later edit: (to add one pic)
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