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Fantastic work as usual SB!

so I've seen you talk about an aquaintance thats north of you, @46N? that right lat?
what was the difference in flowering times(start/finish) between you two?10 days? correct?

any idea when he has to pull by? frost date.

My conundrum is an early frost given my Latitude, and sorting out strains that will be done early. between all the strains you've grown and the info about your freinds Lat. id would help me dial things in pretty close and narrow down my quest for the gear i'm looking for.


Active member
Silverback...hey man..I am digging the news on the congo x gg.I've got a pretty sweet GG x og kush.She's not the yielder the congo sativa is but shes dope as heck.Brad does a killer job and is just as nice as his strains are :)
Try out those NL99 next yr bro..You'll be real happy with them too..peace


Hi everyone,

Thanks for the compliments. Hey HK and hamstring. Chubbynugs, I have gone as late as the first week of Nov, but honestly, anything past oct. 20 sucks.

Hey North. I think that about the right finish time for 46. I have some good recomendations for you

llittle j, there wont be any more pics of the Ai this year because IKE, blew her FLAT to the ground. We didn't get a drop of rain here, but we had over 9 hrs of winds 30-40 mph. We had 2 gusts during that period of 60mph +, and the big girls have a tough time with conditions such as that. Every plant I had was blown flat. Theyre proped back up and are ok, they just look rough as hell. Ill have some pics. The AI is really only a few days/week from finishing as is a Mandala 1.

IM having a tough time growing this year.

Hey Biddle, I got some recent pics of the CCXGG ill post shortly. I cant tell you how impressive this plant is. I have never seen anything so frosty and sticky. Icut off a bud to take home and test and had to scrape the thing off of my hand. She's a little stinky, but oh its a sweet, tangy smell. Brad's impressed me.

Im interested in the NL99.


Active member
Silverback very nice thread. Your descriptions of the different varieties and flower times is particularly appreciated. It is good to know that the Maple Leaf Indica is a top outdoor strain as it is my top indoor indica. Mine takes about 65 days, probably analogous to your long flowering SS. The longer flowering examples usually seem to be so much better; but not always.

I find your method of "aging" the manure in situ for several months very interesting. Not trying to blow your stealth or anything, but when you take a bag of compost out to your site how do you carry it. I mean do you put it in a back pack, carry it in your arms? Just curious cause I hike and would just like some advice on the best way to deal with this when one is out in the middle of nowhere and may cross paths with someone out on the trail; even if for only a moment.

Cant wait to see some more pics.


hey SB, Hope everythings looking better with your ladies, hard to fight Mother Nature's wrath. That wind was unbelieveable. I was checking in on my ladies that morning and the trees were blowing in every direction - scary stuff!!!!!

Your GG's are kicking some ass!!! (and the others arent too shabby either :respect: )

Your info in this thread has helped me so much this year, I just wanted to say THANKS

Good Luck and Stay SAFE


little j

so iguess i will wait for the report on the finished harvest on the AI. i was thinking of getting that this year but i passed. now i think that will be the purchase for next year.
i hate when my plants end up laying in the dirt. sometimes stakes are things you dont need till you regret not having them.
little j
Thanks for the pic's. You have some pretty girls there. Let me know when make some beans with Sensi Star X ??? out of that sativa pheno. Good Luck with the harvest. BF


HI all,

Tonysoprano, Its going to be sunday before i have fresh pics. A situation has developed in 2 of my sites that disallow me from visiting anytime during daylight, which makes pix taking tough.

Scaramanga, MLI takes a little longer indoors as do many strains. Mine are going a bit long this year. They are currently at 50 days and need another 10.

with regaurd to the manure compost additive that i use in my planting holes - during the summer and fall when Im going to check on my plants, Ill take with me a plastic grocery sack full of manure/compost. You know, the kind of plastic bag that is choking whales in the artic and birds at the equator?, The ones you get at the grocery with 2 platic h andles? By the time harvest gets here, i have carried several of those little bags in so I cut my plant, work in the stuff I carried in over the summer and fall and then see you in early spring. In fact, since i have to make the trip all summer anyway, I try to make a list and by fall, Ived carried all the stuff i need for next years grow to the site. Mulch, cages and everything. That lets me spend the spring focusing on seedlings and plants...

Hey Clydefrog, thanx and Im glad i could help. The wind was horrendous.

Naw little j, Im gonna do a wrap up right here in a week or so with pics.
BF, Iv made some beens with my ss mommy. I made 4 clones.

I dusted 1 with pollen from a c99 male a buddy of mine has as he grows the strain and has for a while. He said the pollen was special.
I dusted 1 with Maple leaf indica sperm
1 dusted with White widow pollen
1dusted with male sensi star pollen from an earlier flowering sativa or hybrid pheno (f2)
Its my beleife that somewhere in sensi stars pedigree is a haze (and a california orange for that matter). The pheno that I have screams haze with size, shape, flowering period. I could be wrong, but I would bet good money that haze is in SS genes to some level. I have the pheno to prove it.

Ive had a terrible year really. One of my primary grow areas has come under assault. Ive been growing on a 15 acre plot that is grown up and landlocked with no right of way across existing land which is owned by outerstaters that use it for a hunting lease. Ive grown there for 20+ years. As the summer went by, I kept hearing a rumble off in the distance, getting closer and closer.
Then one sunday, in the local paper, there it was. A picture of the new state highway and how it cuts through the county, and practically, right through the middle of my grow. For the last 3 weeks, Ive had probably 50 or more people, working withnin 100' of 20 or more plants, all over 7'. They came close to running over one set of plants. I measured a tire track from an Earth mover that made a U turn and the track was 40" wide and depressed into the soil almost 20". Its been awful. I have to slip in in the middle of the night because all day they work and they are working 7 days a week. I cant even look at the plants in light, let alone get a pic. I know they havent been seen or found because they are 6-7 weeks into flower and you could break out a window with the buds. Anyone that saw them would immediatedly cut them in my view. Im loosing sleep and keeping everything I have crossed. I f they go and don't discover my plants, I can probably grow in the area for another 20 yrs. If they find them, I loose 1/2 my grow and the best grow site Ive ever had.

I just need 14 more days. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
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Active member
That blows SB..too bad.Twenty yrs is a good run.Hopefully those destructive, paving paradise workers don't find them.I am thinking of you and praying for a successful harvest for you.
For me getting ripped off definitely sucks but losing a good grow spot is much worse imo..stay strong..Buddle
Hey SB, I know how you feel because something similar happened to me a few years back that made me have to switch my grow spot. Just hang in there and I have my fingers crossed for you. 1 week premature may not be a bad idea. Id say let them go one more week then take them down. I wouldnt risk losing your crop. Stay safe.


Hi friends. Thankyou for the kind, supportive words.

The work crews are almost past me now. I don't think they will find my plants. I went to them this morning as sunday is the only day the crews arent working and I can be there during dayligt.

The plants demonstrate a lack of care and I apologize for that, but sometimes conditions are beyond our control. Road crews, logging crews, drought and hurricanes have buffeted my babies this year. Its just one of those years.

First up, a number of Sensi star plants. Indica pheno's, sativa pheno's and the one I call the haze pheno:

Sativa Pheno, 7' very slender with a tall headbud

What the hell is this thing pheno. I wish you could tell more about the plant. Its over 8' and leaning over, but honestly, the thing looks hazy! The pace of flower says so too.

Indica pheno

Big indica pheno

Next,(you can really see the effects of the drought Im in, as the only thing green in the photo's are my plants.). I finally got some pics of the clones that I cut from a Cream caramel plant on July 1, and transplanted into the great outdoors on July 25th. I planted out 20 of these on the 25th and they all are identical to these, 30" tall with 3oz's each. This strain turned out to be an excellent plant in every way. Good yeild, good vigor, above average potency. Ive ordered two packs of 7.

Next up some poor hurricane beaten, drought stunned himalayan gold plants.

Some buds at daybreak on the 21st

These plants were very close to the road work and I just couldn't give them any care in the last 3 weeks. No water, hurricane force winds.......

This plant is Lemon Skunk from Greenhouse seeds, I have 7 of these in the highway roadwork zone, this is the best one. This is an eye level shot so its 6'. The others range from this one to one thats only 2'.

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Thanks guys. As all of us know, these years come along.

Thought I would add a couple of more pics. This is Mandala 1 that was layed flat a week ago. They really needed another week but I may go ahead and chop them simply because they look so poorly.

Next up is a couple of Dutch passion White widows. Its not a big plant or a big yielder but it is potent and resin coated

Finally, a few pics of Maple leaf Indica



Just thought Id post a few more pics. This is Texada Timewarp from Peak seeds. Its filling in well, i gues another 14 days and she'll be ready. Its grown well with no problems. My wife smoked a branch that broke and says its potent.

Here's a Dr. Atomic BBXNL. Ive grown the good Dr.s NL and it has very thin leaves just like this plant.

Unfortunately, I wont be smokin any of the DR. A stuff, because the land owners sold off the timber logs from the property that I grow on. They didn't find my plants, they just mashed them flat when the dragged this 50" black walnut log over top of them. I can't even find them.



My condolences on your losses. That walnut log is the nastiest ripper I've ever heard of. Do you have alternate grow spots for those you can't use any longer? 20 years in 1 spot is serious history. Like losing a friend.

I've been using the same protected preserve for many years and in different locations. With over 600 acres there are many places but the paved running path that winds through for a few miles limits sites. There are cans and bottles deep into the trees. This was the first year I've ever come accross potential growers there. Found 7 clearings, posted my notices and put all my girlies in 2 new spots.

It seems like we all take hits of some kind each growing season. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I will cross my fingers for those 2 weeks you need.

Followed your advice regarding Greencure. Used a loupe last week to check every bud for any sign of mold, rot or caterpillars. That was following the 10" of Ike rain the previous weekend. I found only healthy strong plants that grew thicker buds with sparklies. :respect:
2 NLXS phenos

I'm hoping to have all my ladies home by the Hunter's Moon. Close to the first frost date for my area. Weatherman predicts more warm weather and sunny skies until Oct 1. The harvest begins within days of that.

Good luck to everyone this season.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it.

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