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this is a pretty weird question....


ICMag Donor
for sure...I am not against on this issue...you just have to be more open minded when looking for an answer when you clearly are not sure of the issue yourself....

From the last pic I see...the first two did not show up....it seems the plant is drooping like it is being over watered. If your drainage is not as good this round...you could be causing the soil to become caustic from suffocation...too much water in the root system...not enough oxygen...decay, decomposition / must / mildew can form in the bottom of the container....perhaps this is where your smells are coming from???

And really...glad to have you here...every one is willing to help, as long as you are willing to listen!!

I want to apologize once more for coming across as such an ass in my firt couple posts here. I understand that you're all very nice people just trying to help but today has been a very rough day in the cannoiseur household and I definitely took my frusterations out on the wrong people. My dad had surgery this morning for prostate cancer, my brand new computer just took a shit and needs to be replaced, and on top of it all my gorgeous little girlie is starting to look pretty sad. Once again I apologize, not a very good first impression but today hasn't been the best for me. I'm going to rep everyone here who tried to help :)


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
don't sweat it bro..it will get better..you have my sympathies..hope it all works out for you..


Non Conformist
She's losing her turgor, the osmonic water pressure that gives the leaves their ridgity. Since it's a Hempy bucket yer workin with, I'd reckon you have root rot setting in. This would indeed have a foul smell. My 2 pennies. BC Btw, welcome! I know we can all have our days. I'm glad ta see yer gettin started on the right foot with folks here.


If you're 100% sure it's the plant and you're growing from seed, than it could simply be a different pheno... if it's a clone, then something is wrong.

Genetic diversity my friend.

e: just looked at the droopy picture.. definitely looks like over watering, perhaps you're smelling root rot?
well I just flushed the whole pot with some physan20 solution to kill off the rot causing bacteria, let it sit for 2 hours, flushed with florakleen and then a bunch of RO water. finished off with some light nutes and 4ml of 35% H2O2 in a gallon of water. not going to water for the next 3-4 days and see if she perks back up.


Hello Cannoiseur, maybe I could be of some assistance. I think that since you are clearly growing from a seed than it is just genetics clearly. Let me know if that helps.
she's looking much better. it's a small plant I transplanted directly into a 5-gallon bucket from the solo cup it was rooted in. usually I step up a couple times so the plant has some time to adjust to its new pot and grow sufficient roots, but I'm thinking the 5 gallons was a bit too much room for this tiny plant and all the wilting is just because it doesn't have enough roots to really drink all the water it has. I'm going to let it get really dry in there before I water it again to try and heal up the roots a tad. I also just picked up a bottle of roots excelurator from H&G so I'm hoping a bit of that will help it root out nicely.


ICMag Donor
ahhhh.....soooo, then the smell you were describing is starting to fade or disappear???

Glad to hear she is perking up and looking better! Congrats! Always nice to bring one back from the fray....

yeah the poop smell is gone, back to smelling very green and delicious. still kinda droopy (but ramhorn droopy like overwatering, not dehydrated style) and now I'm seeing a bit of yellowing. I'm guessing the yellowing is a result of not getting fed for 4 days and getting kinda hungry. I was trying to dry out the roots a bit but she was getting hungry so I finally gave in and fed her today. hopefully that will salvage some of the yellow leaves without soaking the pot too much and causing a revival of the rot


ICMag Donor
well, you said it yourself....this is something that you can struggle with when you up pot too quickly....
But you seem to have a grip on things now...


headband 707

Plant whisperer
So does anybody have any ideas given that this is NOT genetic? I've grown this strain before and it's always smelled exactly like actual bubbleum. The poop smell just started in the last two days or so and I'm a tad worried
Well I was going to say it's your nutes or combo of whatever your using but usually you get a fishy smell but it depends on what your using. Otherwise I can't say as I have heard of that lol good luck peace out Headband707

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