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think I found yummybuds first date story

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donut engineer
Yup, neither you or jesus got pussy.

or do yall think jesus was some man-whore who banged all the roman bitches thats why they hung him...

am i going to hell?

There's something like 20 years missing from his life - from his teenage years through early adulthood. It's very likely he found spirituality after getting burnt out from boozing and whoring.


He was missing from age 12-30 and he was a quite a hellion before his exit. ... the first time. :)


damn. theres this reallly hot russian girl working at my work now.... I caught her looking at me a couple of times and she smiled at me a couple of times also and she smiles at me every time she walks by me and came and asked me questions a bunch of times.

anyways shes only 17 and I wouldn't even know what to say to her, I just said hi to her and asked her what her name was. she said she's from Moscow and told me her name.

some other guy at my work that is 22 is all over her but he's always all over every hot girl that starts working at our work and he always fails so I don't see him as a threat lol, he's some chubby guy with acne lol, he just ends up being friends with all these girls because they probably don't see him as threatening. he's always going to lunch with these girls but he's never dated or gone out with one of them lol so thats a fail.


at least he's giving it a go. you just go limp dick and recede away. he's swinging his dick, no matter how fat and acne covered he is. He's making friends, no? Also he could be the SOLE guy there who is doing the macking, and the stigma that follows him isnt what most girls find attractive, and by the sound of him, he isnt that much of that either. what's so bad about a friend that is a girl anyways? just about every dirty secret ive learned about the race known as FEE-MALE has come from one, usually not the one im dating either.

girls whom are friends are big assets. and good wingmenwomen. youll also get much needed practice communicating with them, as theyll be less judging and more forgiving of you.(not a good thing)

go hit on the 17 year old but then shoot her down when she wants to do things. maybe include her on FRIEND related activities if your work friends are going out, etc. or dont, i dont care, but extra LEGAL VAGINA around cant hurt. especially a hot one...duh.:peppermintstick:

youre really not at the center of the universe yummy, no one cares about you if you were by yourself. so you need to expel energy to get it in return. i pulled a yummybud last night too, ON A SUPA HOT ASIAN girl no other! ill spare the details, but youll have to trust me when i call you...




oh wow, theres a russian chick in the mix now?! oh so were going international now huh? makin your way around the globe in your head are we yummy? oh oh ho ho hoooo, and shes 17!!!! YES, now we finally are going to see your ass on the news.

if your not gay man in denial then you have the makings of a outstanding pedophile yummy


Active member
hows liking a 17 year old being a pedophile. i'm not saying its cool to want to date 17 year olds when you are 24 but thats not the definition of being a pedophile. I hate when people say that. Pedophiles are people who are attracted to prepubscent girls and I think the definition is under 12 years old.

I know lots of guys in their 20s who have dated 17-18 year old girls. and yeah people will talk shit behind your back.

I personally woulnd't prefer a girl under 20 because 17-19 year old girls are way more immature than girls my age.


Active member
hey the freakin prime minister of Italy was going out with that 18 year old girls. is he a pedophile also? It might be socially unacceptable for a 40 year old prime minister to be dating a 18 year old highschool girl (i'm pretty sure she was in highschool) but it doesn't make him a pedophile.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Yummy, my man, you have a long hard road ahead of you. You are going to look back at all these people on this forum clowning you one day, while you are sitting in your rocking chair on your porch, and it's going to be one of those, "Ya know, my parents where really right" kind of deals.

March on to.......

whatever you're doing bro!

Sure the hell isn't doing you any good. LMFAO




donut engineer
hows liking a 17 year old being a pedophile. i'm not saying its cool to want to date 17 year olds when you are 24 but thats not the definition of being a pedophile. I hate when people say that. Pedophiles are people who are attracted to prepubscent girls and I think the definition is under 12 years old.

I know lots of guys in their 20s who have dated 17-18 year old girls. and yeah people will talk shit behind your back.

I personally woulnd't prefer a girl under 20 because 17-19 year old girls are way more immature than girls my age.

Just stay away from the 17-year-olds. Everything 18 and above is fair game.

Given your situation, it's more than okay to start out with a young girl who is similarly inexperienced. Make up an excuse - tell them you were are really devout christian, but now you're "more normal". They'll think it's endearing rather than pathetic. You might even considering going for a girl who is insecure or not really that attractive. We call this a "practice girl".

Here's the bottom line: Don't over think this. Just go out and get poon by any safe-for-both-parties means necessary. Girls hate to hear this, but after a long streak of non-sex, guys will usually go out to a bar/party, find an acceptably attractive drunk girl and take her home. I'll do this - it once took me chatting up four different girls, but eventually I got one to go home with me. No sex, but mouth relief. Just good enough ;)

Now go get laid.



lool op, you kill me b!

yummy.. bless you man..sellassi bless you always. Through you,we grow as a community, why do you think Gypsy unbanned you a while back? ;) your an entertainer, it might sound like everyones laughin at your expense but there not, (cant speak for everyone) they're laughin with you....because your stories, to some degree, touch peoples past,here on icmag...
The difference between you and them is they transgressed and superseded, while your still at square one finding your way along the path of new life...

So next time you feel your an internet joke, feel proud, you've hit international waters!

Now, thats something to be proud of.. you have more love on the net than you have in life..all you have to do is carry yourself positively, put a smile on your face, for one wk and tlel me if the following week doesnt feel like a 'new era'.

Seriously, a smile makes all the difference, in every aspect of everyones life...think, butterfly effect...

Anyway, atleast of all things, you got your mind on the 2nd most correct focus... 1st is money..unless you've accomplished that...girls will come, that why they second..just find one that wants to spend time with you, if shes mature like your after...shel learn to make the most of priority number 1...your $



hows liking a 17 year old being a pedophile. i'm not saying its cool to want to date 17 year olds when you are 24 but thats not the definition of being a pedophile. I hate when people say that. Pedophiles are people who are attracted to prepubscent girls and I think the definition is under 12 years old.

I know lots of guys in their 20s who have dated 17-18 year old girls. and yeah people will talk shit behind your back.

I personally woulnd't prefer a girl under 20 because 17-19 year old girls are way more immature than girls my age.

if you dont think your a pedophile and 17 is too young then why would you even mention her in the thread or post?

every girl you have mentioned is a girl you noticed insome way or the other but then you make some referance as to how attractive you see them or they are to you. then you go on and on about "oh i would never dater her though because she-->insert bullshit/cop-out/yummybud answer here<--"

you always go into some girl you noticed and then you rant about how shes this or that, and yeah you would date this type of ethnic girl but "just not this one"

i"ll tell you a couple of things

-insome way shape or form were all gonna see your ass on the news insome way shape of form for some reclusive/shut/anti-social/manic-depressive/schizophrenic type of murder or kidnapping or some shit!

someone on here mentioned a possibilityof you becoming a hot lawyer and then down the road in your 40's banging a new chick every nightBUT nooooo yummy that wont be you, ohh no!

your gonna be bangin on em all right and in your basement for sure, only thing is gonna be you going upside a 17 year old chicks head with sledge hammer and making sure shes dead so you can have the only proper sex you know how to and thats the good 'ol necrophiliac way baby! YEAH! just the way you like em'! cold/dead and unresponsive just like your soul!!!

and its all gonna be done right after you post on here how cute she was BUT she was this that that this, and then jsut as you get her home and you get her on teh couch and she tells you how sexy you are, thats when you turn to ape shit in teh old head, why? because you know she couldnt mean any of it, your not sexy and you know it? everyone knows your a self-loathing piece of garbage looking for love from a cannabis growers forum!!!!!. . . . . .

. . . .im just waiting for it thats all :thanks:

(FRIENDinDEED bows and accepts (((thunderous applause))) for his performance as he exits stage left)


Friendindeed; Are you suggesting he will sleep with her corpse? Because its the only thing he see's he can sleep with?

Nah, he watches too much tele, that's all. He see's all these jessica alba, cheryl cole birds and expects everyone in general to be on them levels...you cant compare.

Yummy, no girl you ever meet is gonna be anythign like you've seen online and on tv...that said is probably the case for most of us unless you got fame and fortune.

So now,you know every girl fit or ugly, that you meet is 'mediocre' They all sit in the same boat...
Now watchu do, find some out-of-shape,charming,energetic,volumptous woman and start talking to her.
You will know how volumptious women are more outgoing,mature and confident with themselves.
You can rely on them as the building blocks to your experience.

Everyone starts somewhere, you cant have ANY girl you think is beautiful if you've never even had a girl. Chances are you wont be able to please her/give her what she needs, so you being with her, would just be cockblocking. And you kow its bros before h

e2a i think what it is,is the unwillingness to learn,from us, try new things, put our words in to action. Like a troll, will ask for advice or an opinion, and then totally disregard it and continue looking for an opinion on the same thing...
I dont think your a troll, i just suppose you keep internet and reality seperate.

I chat to lots of girls online...they love to sit at a pc..breaks my neck more than a few hours!

Yummy, i wanna raise you up on a test; This 17 year old you speak of.
1. Understand that no matter what you think, a relationship with her is a waste of time unless shes atleast one year older.
2. this what i want you to do. When you see her next ask her for her birthday...and when she tells you tell her how sweet that is and tell her you will get her something nice. If she says no you dont have too (ffs!), i want you to turn around and face her (lol) look her in the eyes (notice how she will now be lookin into yours). Put your hand on hers and say, 'but i want too...oh has anyone told u,you look really beautiful today hehe' (move your hand now).

3. come back here and tell me how it goes... i want detail so i know u aint blagging.

If you listen too me (and others here) you will seriously score.

Not all rships is about sex and intimacy.. honestly i've had an all clean rship, kissing only (not that long term) and i quite enjoyed it...i like to learn from every women i meet, they amazing peoples to be honest.

Me, its all about the chase..when i score i usually start loosing the 'energy' to 'make the effort'... I dunno, i like a girl whos hard to get.

Your women problems is like a game of sudoku or halo for me ;)
The fact that you even GET to meet so many NEW girls is beyond me, then again i dont have a day job... I meet less, but the majority of my targetted leads,tend to convert.

Its how you look at it?
Man why am i even here..lol Yummy, i just wanna get you talking to a girl..and want your feedback on how it went...so u can see its no big deal like..i dont have 'friends'...all my friends who are girls are 'friends with benefits' because thats just how it is...i lack in friends, but i enjoy every moment with them (A)


Active member
17 years old;
I looked up the 'age of consent' for Canada and it looks like you're good to go Yummy. At this point I don't think you should rule out any legal woman. From high school girls to women double your age. People may make comments about your dear little 17 year old but many of them will just be jealous. You can take her out to places your other friends don't frequent. If I could get an attractive 21 year old to go out with me I'd be smiling ear to ear. Of course it's not easy to attract women who are more than 30 years younger than you are and less than half your weight.

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