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Things our Kids Are Never Going to Know...

... a good work ethic (it seems at times).
... Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.
... Any classic movie besides It's a Wonderful Life.
... Christopher Reeves as Superman and not a quadriplegic.
... Any president before Bush.
... that strangers are largely friendly people and not all child rapists and serial killers.
... having to wait for photo processing.

Probably never going to know:
... why we cared so much about the growth of government/entitlements... now it's their problem to deal with.


Active member
They have already have started to stop teaching handwriting in high schools. And schools are begging for iPads from the state. Its all down hill brotha. Use less brain and appear more unisex is the new way.

in highschool no writing doesn't surprise me, by then you should know how to write. I also never had any lessons or so related to wrting in highschool, ofcourse I had to write when making notes or tests(or homework, but I didn't do that often), and I got the ocassional comment from a teacher asking if I learned writing from the egyptians.


Active member
how to remember phone numbers.

i used to know alot of phone numbers, but now that u just touch the name on the cell...there is no name/number connection...i don't even know my own cell number w/out looking it up on the phone


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Things our Kids Are Never Going to Know...

they'll never know that crackle pop n' hiss as the stylus glides along the surface of a well played 45 after dropping another dime in the jukebox.......


Seeburg 100 & Seeburg 200 jukes were the top dogs in the 60s & 70s.

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This is only valid for the UK...
Know what it feels like to grow up with a universal healthcare system, and not ever see any of your friends families go bust due to medical expenses

Why? What's going on with the N.H.S I thought there was free healthcare in the U.K?
I ran a hay baling crew for years whils't working for a hay contractor. One nite just happened to mention how, when I was young, we all had a "church-key" on our keychain during one of the radio conversations that take place in the middle of the nite. (mainly to keep each other awake) Not ONE of the seven teenagers in the other tractors even knew what a "church-key" was! Many of you folks probly don't, either...but back before pull-tabs and pop-tops and twist-top bottles you needed one to open a beer or soda. Now they are like me...a dinosaur. _Saint Steven, with a rose.In and out of the garden he goes_


I was a bartender for about 5 years in AK and I collected churchkeys love them. Transistor radio!! I used to take my older sisters to school and put it in my shirt run the ear piece down my sleeve and palm it to my ear. A.M radio baby in Catholic school. If the nuns had caught me it would have been the death of me!!


ICMag Donor
How much fun it was to use "punters" in the early days of AOL..
When every time you bought exctasy it was real.......
When punk rock music was considered bad or sick by rolling stone
Underground and mainstream music were separate entities pre-1993
The robert smith goth craze ,and all the people who dressed and looked like him.


The answers to the "Are you 21?" questions in Leisure Suit Larry 1

The sound of a dialup modem having analog foreplay with a Bulletin Board System to connect
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great thread

some are really funny posts, others are so true it hurts..

I can't stand that nothing is built to last any more

we also live in an instant gratification culture and we want it now(everyone is high on something or another)

respect is a far out idea, nobody fights out disputes with fisticuffs anymore...

light pollution in the cities destroys star light

a million dollars isn't really a million dollars any more..(inflation)

We live in the age of "scam" -- why offer you a true service when you can scam ya right???

The internet is basically our collective giant hive brain that is pretty much all knowing(limited to our input but still) - yet knowledge and actually attaining it, is still a far our concept even though u can just google it..If you wanted to know something, 20 years ago, you would have been an idiot if you said "just google it" lol wtf is that?

fluoride(god awful stuff) is in your food, water and toothpaste (this stuff will cause problems in our life time..) Baking soda or simply neutralizing the acid in your mouth and adding some mint extract will have you cavity and bad breath free for ever.

a constant bombardment from companies saying how much you "need" their products to survive and live a fulfilled life..nobody lives a truly simple life and if you do, your "weird" or a "tripper"

those last two probably hurt the worst for me bcuz they sneak into your life like a Trojan horse out of hell

this thread should make you thinkers out there pause for concern..maybe make a list of things you will make a point of passing on to your kids...somebody needs to remember the old days when we are gone and shit is already shooting out the fan at 100mph alright...

lost in a sea

good points sacredthc

i would add to your point about the internet hive brain that tv and then the internet has decreased the human attention span so drastically and created people of all ages that prefer soundbites rather than reading entire articles or books,, and now people tend to think they know something or say they do because the internet/their computer has been set as a back up brain,, so basically people have access to potentially more knowledge which makes them know even less than before

i believe the same hidden hand have used their collective influence to create a system where people actually desire "freedom from all thought and responsibility" and that just leads to full on apathy..

ive said it in this thread before but we really need caring, loving and compassionate people more than ever,, and they may not make much money in the future but at least they have a future.. the others are lambs to the slaughter

Why? What's going on with the N.H.S I thought there was free healthcare in the U.K?

sort of, but not for that much longer unfortunately..


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

the pleasure of swinging a 12 pound splitting maul after cutting wood in the forest all day, then I'd pay one of the neighbors boys to chuck wood from my truck as I split, that was the only help I ever wanted 'cause it sped things up @ about the slowest point.......


Smoking Gun

Active member
Changing the channel to a major network and not having paid programming on it. Really when did that start happening? It is mid day here and I am seeing infomercials on major network television. Just more proof there is nothing actually on TV, and all the splitting of these channels is just a ploy by the networks to make more money off us for less effort.