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Things I have learned from ICMAG...



In response to the actual question tho in no particular order

Getting OK at growing (not at the personal level Id like to be but still I try)

Extraction methods (different solvents and different methods with different results)

Shouts to hush for


And also the maestro that goes by the name of GRAYWOLF (can't even give a direct link to he's threads but if you search for he's stuff the guy basically knows what he is doing and what he writes and does on a daily basis he's threads educate me and anyone else who has had the privilege)

Also how to accept the fact that I have a lot to learn at all times both ganja related and also in a lot of life's experiences

Also I've learned that this is a place that doesn't care if you were sitting at the cool table at lunch, or, if you can't tell ya pistals from ya phosphorous
No matter what we're all welcome and we all are all learning and teaching and being part of something that will survive any wars or other catastrophic events

With all the hatred in the world the fact that I feel part of a family and have people that I'd class as friends and even a family member or two lol

Everyone I've spoken to has literally cheered me up at some point and I've even got to speak to some people I'd class as ganja God's and certainly LEGENDS even if they are modest about me calling them gods

All in all I feel like I have learned that my alter ego bigganjabud is actually quite the plant enthusiast

Oh and before I go

If time travel was correct I'd go back in time and tell my 11 year old self to concentrate on botany and fractions and laugh about some mistakes I shouldn't have made ICMAG AND ALL THAT ARE HERE I SALUTE YOU



Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I learned that:

1. A Troll a day, well that's OK.

2. Two Troll's a day.....that's not OK.

*amongst many other topics...


Active member
Patience lots and lots of patience only took 2 or 3 years to remember my password lmao not kidding
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Well-known member
To answer the question cannabis (aka icmag) taught me that I love plants intricately. I'm not an animal person or a people person, but a plant person. Cannabis helped me to discover that about myself. I fucking love plants, there is something about thier simplicity i spirituality connect to. I vibrate with them in harmony. It's a special connection and relationship I do not get elsewhere. A shared understanding that is ancient and pharmacopic. There is a deep empathy that can be shared with plants and it goes beyond the influence of thier psychedelic properties. It comes from the understanding of how truly important they are and how we can't live without them. Peace.
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Lover of Life
Where do I start?

How to grow, harvest, cure, etc
How to lighten up and laugh (funny pic thread)
I learned that there are like minded, chill and helpful people out there.


some members appear to be nice but are really snakes who stab you in the back at the first chance


Invertebrata Inebriata
I learned everything about growing weed on this site. Hell, I didn't even know you could buy seeds online before somebody turned me on to this site. Oh, and I learned how to think in four word phrases.


Indicas make dreams happen
I guess I'm just repeating what others have said, but ICMAG taught me how reach my dream and go from being dependent on shady dealers to being completely self sufficient, and it's an amazing feeling. :woohoo:

I already knew trolls and real ratbags of human beings existed, nothing new... But what it taught me is there are genuine, truly kind people out there who want to help. A special kind, ones that you have never met face to face or even heard their voice, and probably never will. But these people are here to talk to and laugh with, as well as share the feeling of failure. People who I have shared secrets with that I would never tell to some of the people who I do know in person and have known for years or my whole life.

ICMAG is a platform for ideas and knowledge that the powers that be don't want to exist. It's a place to experience freedom when that freedom is trying to be taken from you. For all of this I can't be thankful enough.

A huge thanks to all the moderators, supporters, and members that make this happen. :tiphat: