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Thing That Creep You Out

Blue Socks

Shit that creeps me out is people who smoke out of dirty ass bongs cause they never clean that shit out. Like caked on resin on the tube and bowl from 55 sessions ago. Personally I clean my shit to sparkling every other day People that do that creep me right on out.


Spiders, tweekers, inappropriate use of sunglasses[inside or at night], fish shit sludge at the bottom of a fish tank filter, ed hardy shirts, little kids dirty hands and snotty noses, handrails, acid in the woods at night[in a good way], hoarders, the smell of death.......that is all for now.

Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
you ever seen that torture technique where you strap a metal bucket full of rats to a guys stomach (preferably someone you don't like :^) and then heat up the bucket with a torch until they tear through the flesh to get away..

maybe that happened to ya in a former life

I'm not sure. Maybe.

Have you ever had a guy chase you through a corn field wielding a sickle? I have it was not fun. I'm glad that I didn't trip.


lost in a sea

i'm pretty sure you would remember if you had, its a fairly vivid experience,,

never through a corn field with a sickle,, maybe he just needed medical attention ?


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Self censorship is worse than censorship imposed by authority. It creeps me out that we can't escape the "Politically Correct" police, even in a TOKERS DEN!

WTF, we all agreed that we are adults here so if you don't like what someone else says state your position or just walk away, no need to get all butt hurt.


IN the God be damned Tokers Den.... RAAAAAWWWWRRR

Chill out my people and save the preaching... I already know Im not perfect, and Im not waiting for you to finger that out.

Whats creepier then fuck are some new age snotty yuppies that think weed sucks and Im retarded. To those groupie wannabees I say WElcome to the Jungle bitch, eat or be eaten.

Annual housing inspection visits from the snoops


I love my life
Sorry dummy but I have never agreed to let anybody use that word around me. Sorry if you think it's ok to say shit like that but that is not my problem that's yours. If I see it again I'm gonna say the same shit again, so your bitch ass better get used to seeing me speak up about it.

For purpose of exercise how many words could I come up with that offend you? Is it only one, the "N" word or are there other words that "I have never agreed to let anybody use that word around me."?

Because now you see I used the word and you came back asking for more in a later post.... Neither you or I need agree or associate with one another, and we need not agree that the other SHOULD use a word or not.

I HATE the fucking word SHOULD. I think it is worse than "N" or any other word you could get butt hurt over.

Censorship is GEY collectivism is GEY and word police are GEY.



I love my life
You can say whatever the hell you want just don't say that word on here. Capiche?

Porch Monkey
Jungle Bunny
Spear Chucker
kunta kinte

Things that creep me out.



Blue Socks

hahaha that's right show the world what you're all about. Ignorance. Hate. close mindedness. You make my point without me doing anything. I am destroying you son


I love my life
hahaha that's right show the world what you're all about. Ignorance. Hate. close mindedness. You make my point without me doing anything. I am destroying you son

What creeps me out is that "blue sux" reminds me of "blue dot" and no one else in the universe will understand what I mean.

Porch Monkey
Jungle Bunny
Spear Chucker
kunta kinte

Things that creep me out.

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That was the most hilarious south park episode.

Another one i loved was


Cartman: [walks over to Scott’s end of the table] Yes! Yesss! Oh, let me taste your tears, Scott!
[starts licking Scott’s tears off his face]
Cartman: Mm, your tears are so yummy and sweet!

pretty relevant also LOL
