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there is rat in the wall of my house



Lol braining a cat... round here braining means sucling dick haha...


Well-known member


Please do not forget that if a Dog (other animals) has access to an open container of antifreeze they will sniff it out and it will kill them.
K9 have an attraction to the smell of antifreeze. I have seen this happen twice and both were heart breakers.

Sounds like quite the individual. I mean it's sorta funny but I love cats alot so not that much for me. More just his level of crazy is funny.

God I'll have to ask about what's bellow the surface on that one...

Most people think of there landlord as this old guy who says were is the rent.
This guy was spot on Sylvester Stallone in the 1st Rambo and had waged a feline war.
Me personally,I could not fathom harming a cat. I just cant un see what I saw.


My parents once used sticky traps.

Got one on there and it was making little mouse noises. I took it off the sticky trap without hurting it and released it to the golf course.

Success! Life! Happiness!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Please do not forget that if a Dog (other animals) has access to an open container of antifreeze they will sniff it out and it will kill them.
K9 have an attraction to the smell of antifreeze. I have seen this happen twice and both were heart breakers.

good call Ph

anti-freeze no longer has that attractant odor to it, that was changed several years ago to taste bitter, which also removed it from the list of handy poisons for killing people. that is not to say that a cat or dog might still try to consume it from out of dire thirst, that of course would be the owners fault for not keeping fresh water nearby for their animals.

btw, this article below is 3+ years old:

All major manufacturers in the United States have voluntarily begun to add a bitter-tasting agent to antifreeze and engine coolant products to discourage children and animals from drinking it.

Dogs are often poisoned when they accidentally ingest antifreeze. Historically, the toxic fluids had a sweet taste that appealed to pets and small children. Now antifreeze and coolant made by Prestone, Old World, Valvoline, Chevron, Shell, Recochem, Safety Kleen and Exxon Mobil include the bitterant, denatonium benzoate. The bittering agent has been used in household products and anti-nail biting formulas for decades.

Over the years, there have been various legislative attempts to have the bitter substance added, but until now, there has not been nationwide action. Currently 17 states require the bittering agent be added. Consumers will likely hardly notice the 3 cents additional cost per gallon for the new additive.

The Consumer Specialty Products Association (CSPA) recently confirmed with all major marketers of the products that they are adding the bitterant in antifreeze in all 50 states. Some companies have been doing it for a couple of years while others have added the bitterant more recently.

"Partnering with the Humane Society Legislative Fund in passing these laws in 17 states has shown by finding compromise and working together we can develop sound public policy. It is vital that consumers continue to read the labels and follow label instructions on the proper use, storage and disposal of antifreeze. Today, all major marketers are placing the bitterant in antifreeze in all 50 states," said Phil Klein, executive vice president, legislative and public affairs for CSPA.

The Humane Society Legislative Fund estimates that between 10,000 and 90,000 pets and children a year will be spared from accidental poisonings, which is painful and can cause kidney failure and even death. A teaspoon of the toxic fluid can kill a cat or small dog.

Read more at http://www.dogheirs.com/dogheirs/po...aste-to-help-protect-dogs#iHrrFkMOPSesX5MY.99

certainly be careful that old anti-freeze isn't allowed to be left out where kids, cats, dogs or vengeful spouses can get ahold of it. Better yet dump the old stuff and buy the new formula with the bitterant added to it, even stashed away in a corner cats could get to it and the smell of mice might be an added attractant to them finding any old style anti-freeze.
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Active member
good call Ph

anti-freeze no longer has that attractant odor to it, that was changed several years ago to taste bitter, which also removed it from the list of handy poisons for killing people. that is not to say that a cat or dog might still try to consume it from out of dire thirst, that of course would be the owners fault for not keeping fresh water nearby for their animals.

btw, this article below is 3+ years old:

All major manufacturers in the United States have voluntarily begun to add a bitter-tasting agent to antifreeze and engine coolant products to discourage children and animals from drinking it.

Dogs are often poisoned when they accidentally ingest antifreeze. Historically, the toxic fluids had a sweet taste that appealed to pets and small children. Now antifreeze and coolant made by Prestone, Old World, Valvoline, Chevron, Shell, Recochem, Safety Kleen and Exxon Mobil include the bitterant, denatonium benzoate. The bittering agent has been used in household products and anti-nail biting formulas for decades.

Over the years, there have been various legislative attempts to have the bitter substance added, but until now, there has not been nationwide action. Currently 17 states require the bittering agent be added. Consumers will likely hardly notice the 3 cents additional cost per gallon for the new additive.

The Consumer Specialty Products Association (CSPA) recently confirmed with all major marketers of the products that they are adding the bitterant in antifreeze in all 50 states. Some companies have been doing it for a couple of years while others have added the bitterant more recently.

"Partnering with the Humane Society Legislative Fund in passing these laws in 17 states has shown by finding compromise and working together we can develop sound public policy. It is vital that consumers continue to read the labels and follow label instructions on the proper use, storage and disposal of antifreeze. Today, all major marketers are placing the bitterant in antifreeze in all 50 states," said Phil Klein, executive vice president, legislative and public affairs for CSPA.

The Humane Society Legislative Fund estimates that between 10,000 and 90,000 pets and children a year will be spared from accidental poisonings, which is painful and can cause kidney failure and even death. A teaspoon of the toxic fluid can kill a cat or small dog.

Read more at http://www.dogheirs.com/dogheirs/po...aste-to-help-protect-dogs#iHrrFkMOPSesX5MY.99

certainly be careful that old anti-freeze isn't allowed to be left out where kids, cats, dogs or vengeful spouses can get ahold of it. Better yet dump the old stuff and buy the new formula with the bitterant added to it, even stashed away in a corner cats could get to it and the smell of mice might be an added attractant to them finding any old style anti-freeze.

I'm not big on poison for a variety of reasons and will take the manual "violent" method over poison 99% of the time. When it comes to vermin I use spring traps with a mix of bait, some with peanut butter some with blue cheese, little bits of sausage and popcorn...

Another thing that works is pitfall type traps. Like that bucket but think pungee pit... though you have to check traps daily so they don't catch and stink. Check all traps daily no matter what type. Lol the pungee pit ones are gross but so are the snappers. The pitfall takes a little more time to make though easy if you have some sharp shit hanging around and feel like mcgyver. Cutting pieces of tin is the fave around here. I don't do that shit but know a couple who do.

I know of people snarling rats but I preffer good old trapolas with a spring. Lol mouse traps are cut rat traps are hilarious. Also fun to leave out in your doorway on April fools as people comes in. Snap on the shoe and a couple jumps, hearts stop.

Lol honestly I hate raccoons more than anything. I had one get into my grow once and do some damage. It was high as a kite and It met a swift but cheery end. Cheery for me anyway, though it didn't complain the end of it was pretty much instant. Before that one came at me out of a garbage can when I was tossing trash. That one got gonged in the head with a trash can lid because it surprised me. I almost punched it in the face but decided to get it with the lid I just took off for good measure... my neighbor came running out shouting asking what's going on and almost pissed her pants laughing I guess I looked like a idiot. Face all red wide eyed... though she said she would have screamed and ran if faced with the same problem.

Anyway it's too bad it's so hard to peacefully coexist with everything. I'm not big on killing but will as needed. I'm not squeamish just rather not if I don't have too. If raccoons were cuddly like cats I'd treat them the same way...


if it smells like fish
having done pest control ..there is more than one ....yeehaw..rats are smart and soon will avoid traps...then you bait trap and don't set it...after a few times then set it...they have humane electric traps too..i had some and got them all high on brownies..they were all over my back yard in a stoned state ,,,even one clinging to a branch in dear life...my varmint hunter pellet gun took them all out...we have roving packs of em here due to restaurants dumpsters and such...


Active member
having done pest control ..there is more than one ....yeehaw..rats are smart and soon will avoid traps...then you bait trap and don't set it...after a few times then set it...they have humane electric traps too..i had some and got them all high on brownies..they were all over my back yard in a stoned state ,,,even one clinging to a branch in dear life...my varmint hunter pellet gun took them all out...we have roving packs of em here due to restaurants dumpsters and such...

Fuck rats...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

the only rats we have up here are muskrats, occasionally I suppose we'll get a rat coming of a food delivery truck from farther down state, but in my 27+ years up here I've never seen one nor heard of any rats running around. We got more frigging bats than I care to think about, but at least they help keep the mosquito population down.

In June/July when we have our June bug hatch our yard lights and house lights attract them in droves, it's cool to watch the bats take them out of the air as they swarm to my mercury vapor yard light, to fuck with the bats we toss pebbles up high and watch them grab then drop 'em.......


if it smells like fish
bats are cool....spent many a night camping and had them get the skeeters/bugs by a campfires light...without the light you would never otherwise know...yeehaw...seen quite a few by moonlight while fishing too...


millions of bats in queens land dirty lil fuker's, shit on everything, carry a lot of disease. parks are full of them , fruit bats I think?


Active member
somehow i expected this thread to be cooler..

the way to think of it is, you have a wall around your house rat.

used to live in "the" house at speedway and main in tucson.. found out, it's "main" as in "sewer main". at night, the walls used to sound like white noise because of the number of roaches running round them. i picked up the corner of my futon once and saw fourteen of the fuckers in like a square foot. i made sure to count so i would always remember. and tucson held the size record for a while (storm drains breed em big).

i dunno man, i guess i've been through the shit.

yeah we stopped in some town in southern nevada, green shield bug invasion, piled like snow on everything, even on the tires inside the tire well, solid inches. hard to believe but true.


Active member
Worked on a landscape in a downtown large city thirty hours a week for fifteen years and only saw rats occasionally because they trapped/ poisoned regular because of the restaurants nearby. But one year they worked on the sewer lines under the streets and we were seeing them in the daytime often and they would try and tunnel in the planted areas.

Largest rat I've ever seen was at an auction in Iowa. There were several large metal buildings holding various pieces of farm equipment and older things. Walking into one you could see what looked to be a cat or racoon walking along a rail about four feet off the ground. As I got closer it was apparently an almost cat sized rat. Place was a working farm, corn, soybeans and hogs.


Active member
Worked on a landscape in a downtown large city thirty hours a week for fifteen years and only saw rats occasionally because they trapped/ poisoned regular because of the restaurants nearby. But one year they worked on the sewer lines under the streets and we were seeing them in the daytime often and they would try and tunnel in the planted areas.

Largest rat I've ever seen was at an auction in Iowa. There were several large metal buildings holding various pieces of farm equipment and older things. Walking into one you could see what looked to be a cat or racoon walking along a rail about four feet off the ground. As I got closer it was apparently an almost cat sized rat. Place was a working farm, corn, soybeans and hogs.

Rats can get very big


Active member
having done pest control ..there is more than one ....yeehaw..rats are smart and soon will avoid traps...then you bait trap and don't set it...after a few times then set it...they have humane electric traps too..i had some and got them all high on brownies..they were all over my back yard in a stoned state ,,,even one clinging to a branch in dear life...my varmint hunter pellet gun took them all out...we have roving packs of em here due to restaurants dumpsters and such...

Once upon a time a mouse stole peanut butter from 3 traps and didn't die. Cheap traps, smart mouse.
don't use poison or sticky traps. You don't want it dying in the wall or another animal eating the dead mouse. And sticky traps are friggin cruel. Just use a normal trap with peanut butter.

Indoor or outdoor cat? My indoors cats were absolutely useless at eradicating mice.

indoor right now. she spent the last 7 months alone outside though. had her for like 3-4 years b4 that. she has the same problem with indoor mice just plays with them and kills them slow which is annoying. its killed rats before though and brought them into the house along with rabbits squirrels and birds which is also annoying. probably going to start letting her go back out soon.
somehow i expected this thread to be cooler..

the way to think of it is, you have a wall around your house rat.

used to live in "the" house at speedway and main in tucson.. found out, it's "main" as in "sewer main". at night, the walls used to sound like white noise because of the number of roaches running round them. i picked up the corner of my futon once and saw fourteen of the fuckers in like a square foot. i made sure to count so i would always remember. and tucson held the size record for a while (storm drains breed em big).

i dunno man, i guess i've been through the shit.

yeah we stopped in some town in southern nevada, green shield bug invasion, piled like snow on everything, even on the tires inside the tire well, solid inches. hard to believe but true.

lol i just went and bought traps today i should have just bought traps and killed the fucking things without posting. got one rat trap and a pack of like 3+ mice traps. the ultrasonic one was only for indoors and the electric one didnt say if it came with c batteries or not so i just got regular ones. wanted to stop and get peanut butter but liquor store was the only thing open.

Al Botross

Active member
ICMag Donor
with all the organic and save the world sensitivity going on I'm going to take a chance and offer a suggestion.

Go get yourself one of the Radios from the 80's with the large speakers attached ( think it was called a boombox). then locate approximately where the rat is in the wall then blast this on repeat.


It should cause it to Vamoose.


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ICMag Donor
Roof rats are the smart ones. Almost never see them on the ground and they like attics. The Norway rats are stupid and go for the traps on the ground. I just set maybe 12 mouse traps lol, and about 3 rat traps. Not sure if I am catching baby rats or mice, grey backs and lighter colored bellies. I know something licks the peanut butter off the rat traps, but the mouse traps not so easy.

The roof rats the only way to stop them is find where they get into the attic and plug the hole. I've watched the roof rats coming into my attic, they are like a high wire act. I was waiting with my BB gun but they were too fast for me.

Disgusting diseased rodents, I hate them.