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there is rat in the wall of my house


Active member
I had one rat that was good at cleaning the trap. I drilled two holes in an almond and used bread wrapper wire to tie it to the trap.

If I get a pack rat I pin a shining safety pin to the trap


here's a quick funny story;

my cat caught a mouse. brought it upstairs next to grow room, let it go into grow room. got scared of grow room and ran downstairs. I spent next 2 hours from 12am - 2am finding the mouse and catching it and removing it from the house. I removed the mouse by grabbing it by its tail with a pair of pliers.

I was mad at my cat for giving up, she was licking herself downstairs, unknown to the fact I just did her job. She knew I was upset. I was glad. I was going to not give her bedtime treats, but I caved and did anyways.

the next night I hear her playing with another mouse... Im tired and in bed. I figure whatever I'll deal with it tomorrow, she will probably play with it and loose it again like she always does. I hear her playing with it some more, then I fall asleep.

I wake up to a dead mouse at the foot of my bed. The mouse had a plier crimp mark on its tail. I guess she showed me whats up.


Well-known member
You Dirty Rat

You Dirty Rat


St. Phatty

Active member
theres now prob 30 ....yeehaw

I have a small army. I can hear them in the walls. It sounds like the Alien movie when the alien is homing in ... but without the creepy music or chest-bursting ending.

It's quite creepy sounding, without the music.

I just checked the trap in the living room - empty.

So now the trap goes in the crawl space.

I don't like poison because then they crawl off somewhere and die and stink.

About 2 months ago 2 new chickens came on the scene and I started feeding them outside the coop, as they learn to free-range.

Then the rats come out at night and finish off what the chickens didn't eat.

So I'm learning to give the chickens only what they will eat.

In the meantime, the rats did the exponential growth thing.


Active member
I have a small army. I can hear them in the walls. It sounds like the Alien movie when the alien is homing in ... but without the creepy music or chest-bursting ending.

It's quite creepy sounding, without the music.

I just checked the trap in the living room - empty.

So now the trap goes in the crawl space.

I don't like poison because then they crawl off somewhere and die and stink.

About 2 months ago 2 new chickens came on the scene and I started feeding them outside the coop, as they learn to free-range.

Then the rats come out at night and finish off what the chickens didn't eat.

So I'm learning to give the chickens only what they will eat.

In the meantime, the rats did the exponential growth thing.

Time to crack out the jet fuel... burn that mother fucker to the foundation no more army


I was cleaning out my sons big cockatoo cage and grabbed a handful of dried grasses off floor and there was a female rat in it, hardly moved at all she was pregnant and made a nest in there, was surprised Oscar hadn't killed the fuker.


ICMag Donor
My mom used to mix oatmeal with plaster of Paris about 50/50.
Seemed to work. The bowl of mix disappeared in about a week or two.

Green Squall

Well-known member
indoor right now. she spent the last 7 months alone outside though. had her for like 3-4 years b4 that. she has the same problem with indoor mice just plays with them and kills them slow which is annoying. its killed rats before though and brought them into the house along with rabbits squirrels and birds which is also annoying. probably going to start letting her go back out soon.

lol I would praise my cat if it brought me rabbits! Good eatin!! Sounds like a tough feline.

I've always thought it would be funny to train a Maine Coon Cat or a Norwegian Forest Cat to be guard dog...I mean cat...haha


Active member
I've always thought it would be funny to train a Maine Coon Cat or a Norwegian Forest Cat to be guard dog...I mean cat...haha

We had a couple cats and one was bigger than your average cat and we considered him a semi- badass because he would take a swing or a swat at our seventy pound pit bull when it walked by too close. (From above, on a couch or chair)

One day there was an unfamiliar dog coming up the driveway about halfway to the house, a terrier mix maybe not quite twice the size of Zeb the cat. When he saw the dog he raced out to meet it and when it saw he was coming turned and ran. Cat chased the dog off the property, funny to see, cat was so pissed.

Not a guard cat, but maybe with some training he could have been.