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Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Nothing much going on on my side right now, veg is soooo boring:biggrin:

I only ended up taking 36 into veg.

I combat the boring by spreading things out perpetually in quarters, so there is always something finishing up every 2 weeks.

Kinda like getting paid every week instead of once a month and having to budget for the whole month.


ICMag Donor
I expect great things from the Karma OG - I was kinda taken back when I opened them up... because they smelt like herb. Wasn't any green any where with them...but in a larger number, the seeds themselves had a rather rank smell to them.

I'm assuming it was just from the sorting process naturally, but that faint whiff was very telling of the quality to expect from the line. Should be some really good meds.



ICMag Donor
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Karma's OG

Kind of says it all, this my persenol baby bred without being influenced by outside opinions.

I will try and explain the whole breeding on the line here .

First starting with the base building blocks.

OG#17 (female)(extinct) is a cut that i got from a close friend called Bear. he selected it from seeds, it made thicker orange type hairs, and was on the more sour side in smell and flavour. Light green, some people smoked this at some 420 cup when the volcane boombed.

HA-OG (female) A older OG cut i got from US in 2009. Orange county region in cali.

SFV OG Kush BX2 (male)(extinct) This male came from a first release of cali conection in there start up. It was a very nice male which made many good hybrids,

Step 1
HA-OG X SFV OG Kush BX2 = Lucifer OG (f1)

Step 2
male selection on Lucifer OG

Step 3
HA-OG X Lucifer OG = Biker Kush V1.0 (aka HA-OG BX1)

Male selection on Biker Kush v1.0 (this the a male i still use for many hybrids he a special stud)

Step 5
OG#17 X Biker Kush V1.0 = Bear OG (f1)

Step 6/7/8/9/10/11
From the Bear OG i have been doing selections for 2 years and been inbreeding it to a F4 at the moment.
Which was done with Mutiple selected Females and Males every round. (I did listed to the Old farts on this one)

That what is called Karma's OG (BearOGf4)

Here are some differnt pictures all from the Karma's OG Line differnt plants and generations.

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ICMag Donor
All 10 of them look good. Nice and happy.
They are still small. Just starting their 2nd set of true leaves.


Active member
I combat the boring by spreading things out perpetually in quarters, so there is always something finishing up every 2 weeks.

Kinda like getting paid every week instead of once a month and having to budget for the whole month.

Ideally, this is how I would do and how I used to do things, always had something going in different stages. Been out the loop for a while so everything starts from a seed this round. More equipment to buy, building and planning to do but eventually I'll get this boat to rockin!:muahaha:

I expect great things from the Karma OG - I was kinda taken back when I opened them up... because they smelt like herb. Wasn't any green any where with them...but in a larger number, the seeds themselves had a rather rank smell to them.

I'm assuming it was just from the sorting process naturally, but that faint whiff was very telling of the quality to expect from the line. Should be some really good meds.


df, I remember once, way back in the day, Sagarthma was going to replace some beans for me but they wouldn't send to the states. A gent I met on another board, ***** or something, offered to receive and ship out for me, he was in Sweden. Anyways, I told him to keep half of each pack for his troubles, there were 2. Shortly after I received that care pack, he only took 2 or 3 beans from each pack and sent along some swiss outdoor seeds that absolutely reeked through the packaging, and I mean STUNK!!! I have no idea how they made it through customs, stealth was ok, nothing fancy, but the smell alone would have made anyone suspicious. I never got to grow those out or knew what those seeds were, I was a newb/semi-newb back then so there's that.

With all these Karma mega grows going on right now, I'm betting we see a few select phenos come from the KOG.

All 10 of them look good. Nice and happy.
They are still small. Just starting their 2nd set of true leaves.

Looking forward to seeing what you get Marlo. Things are picking up on my side so I may snap a few pics tonight. At least you guys'll have something to look at besides my words in a thread:biggrin:

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Hi Marlo! I just read your thread cover to cover. Nice job man! Dank strains, soil, and setup. Very cool, thanks for sharing!!


ICMag Donor
Things took a turn for the worst real quick. Real quick! I think root aphids are to blame.... it would explain a lot of whats been happening lately.

Been hanging out in the Root Aphids thread, trying to get a plan of attack together, but this round looks hurt. I'm at day 40. The GG4's and Wifi #4 have been hit the least. I think this may have something to do with the crab meal I was top dressing with. Crab meal is supposed to be somewhat of a deterrent to pests. These plants were the biggest, and hungriest, so they were fed more. The plant(s) most affected, were top dressed way less.

GG4 buds look alot smaller than day 40 last run, and my fan leaves look real tired. The frost factor is way down also.

Wifi's 1,2, and 3 are hurting the most. Hopefully I can slow this down and get them thru to harvest.

My 10 lil Karma OG babies completely stopped growing and started yellowing quickly after the 2nd set of leaves. I was able to get a fresh bag of Light Warrior and transplanted them out of the old soil. I shook of as much of the old soil as possible... Its been a week since then. They haven't bounced back yet, but they aren't getting worse.

Currently exploring my organic options. Looks like I'm leaning toward Mycotrol O and adding OGBIOWAR to my future regimen.

There is some good to report... They GG4 I pollinated with the Wifi pollen is doing great. Seems to be the least affected of everyone. Buds are smaller than I expected, but she looks good. I have plenty of pollen saved, so I can make more of these if necessary. That's if I can get a clone to root. I just put in some new cuts (in a new bubbler) a few days ago.

So things are less than perfect in the grow room right now.



Living life large...
Bummer man, you have crazy skills and you've been reading up so,
it won't be long before you have things back on track... :comfort:



Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
That SUX Marlo !!! but i'm sure you'll get it all straightened out , if not this run , the next one you'll be ready for the little bastards . they're not that hard to combat thank god !!! add a cup of pwdered DE to your soil mixes & it'll help kill off any soil bound larva , plus its a silica source ..... been using it for years & haven't had any soil critters sense .

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