The theory as to why they were never handed out... The cotton industry would have never survived. I believe it was the bankers that were in control of the hemp stamps. Hemp is pretty easy to grow, doesn't need pesticides or fertilizer. It was in the banks best interest to not hand them out. Thus the cotton farmers would continue to borrow money for their crops.
Companies that back Government officials end up with all the power cause they hold all the cards. Just think of how things would have changed had they not messed with the hemp farmers....... Hemp has over 25,000 uses... the possibilities are endless. It's sad...that car would have changed the industry.
Companies that back Government officials end up with all the power cause they hold all the cards. Just think of how things would have changed had they not messed with the hemp farmers....... Hemp has over 25,000 uses... the possibilities are endless. It's sad...that car would have changed the industry.