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the truth of helocopters


thats what i was thinking i dont think its possible for a plant to have a real hear sig could be wrong but doesnt seen real seems like media scaring growers and such


weed fiend
thats what i was thinking i dont think its possible for a plant to have a real hear sig could be wrong but doesnt seen real seems like media scaring growers and such

I'm with you on that one, pothead6. I think the heat sig comes into play when a grower clears a swath of ground to plant. Soil w/o natural ground cover is warmer. Differences in soil temp are probably more significant than any "heat" a plant may produce.


so how do we get around this problem? like say u cant use native soil or dont want to should we plant in pots? would that give off a differnt heat signiture


that makes sence if there looking for anything un natural ie rows and such but im wondering about pots and camoing them out maybe that would be a better bet? idk im refering to my lowryder grow im planing out thatll be right by my house cause its convient there little and i can tend to them and fert the hell outa them but if the heat thing is true i deff dont want them anywhere near my house so if pots throw off a noticable sig under trees and such prolly not gona do that eather so hmm


helicopters can tell if theres an outdoor crop by the different shade of green. cannabis is a distinct color and some people can tell the difference. i saw it on "in pot we trust" i think, im not sure if it was that documentary but it was a documentary


spread your plants like 3 or 5 per plot at most and dont leave polly pipe running through bush where your growing and dont go cutting trees down and unless some one has dobbed you in they arnt supposed to fly over your land anymore.
how the fuck does the government justify spendingover 70,000 dollars a day searching for marijuana when they only ever get about 150000 worth of pot at most during theyre busts,fuckin "look at us america" we hate pot too and we wont tolerate it, australias economy would barely exist if it wernt for drugs,namely marijuana.


so maybe having your plants in pots and keeping them mobile moving to differnt spots every so often but that leaves room for mistakes and being seen with big plants lowryder would be a good canidate for that though


Invertebrata Inebriata
The truth is that it's spelled Helicopter! Nah I'm just kidding....

What would be putting off heat in an outdoor grow? I guess if you don't want them to find your plants heat signature, burn fires around your crop to evade detection!

Or, say, about a dozen road flares. Yeah, that's the ticket! ;)
? what about mulching heavy- if you want to dig/prep larger areas ? the mulch would insulate the freshly dug ground, and help once irrigation starts- to insulate the irrigated spot from the flir. just a thought. i am sure that the spotters are much better (more practice) in the big growing states- ie CA, KY, etc.


btw iv used pots bags and whatnot and had the mofos fly straight over 20 8foot plants in black bags out in the open and they didnt stop. all they have on the helicopter is a camera that they scan the terrain with then they digitaly enhance it if they see somethin suss,they have never flown higher than about 25 feet over me so id say if your gonna get caught you gonna get caught, the cam is infra red though it cant detect marijuana or any particular plant it detects things like poly pipe and big water tanks that are full of cold water in the middle of a 40 degree hot paddock,nothing they have is that tech and most of what you here is bullshit,any surveyance helicopter is capable of finding what a marijuana helicopter can which is absolutely fuck all on a realistic scale.


helicopters can tell if theres an outdoor crop by the different shade of green. cannabis is a distinct color and some people can tell the difference. i saw it on "in pot we trust" i think, im not sure if it was that documentary but it was a documentary
what is that distinct color exactly cause iv got about 6 di shades of green comming through in all my plants and a few blue,and so does the lantana growing around it. maybe when its drought season and everything is brown your plants will have a distinct color like bright green from watering them but marijuana is a weed at the end of the day not some extraordinary plant its a weed and there are a million more of em out there,the media is only tryin to call the bluff of growers cause thats theyre only option now that alot of people are just realising its bullshit.


weed fiend
Our local paper always has an article on pot eradication in the fall. One particular article described how the terrain is so dense, scouts on the ground can't see a plant within reach. The helicopter radios instructions to the scout to extend his right arm, lol.

Did anybody check out the video. The reporter says something about mj's distinct green color. IMO, this distinct green color wouldn't be so distinct in a corn field, but it is in the regular brown countryside.


if your gonna grow weed just always expect to get done one day and grow as hard as you can in the meantime,even if you never get done just always expect it cause any motherfucker can get jelouse or just put YOU in to see what happens for theyre own reference.
If you fertilize the surrounding vegetation during mid-summer the plants won't be nearly as visible come fall. Once the plants have budded, they stick out like sore thumbs when everything else is turning brown or dying already.

Actually lost several plants this year because they were spaced out to far.


deff now thinking of my idea of keeping them in pots and moving them every so often. i also have to deal with hunting season here so thatll be a bitch but i have corn fields all around so that could be used to my advantage with the moving pots idea


deff now thinking of my idea of keeping them in pots and moving them every so often. i also have to deal with hunting season here so thatll be a bitch but i have corn fields all around so that could be used to my advantage with the moving pots idea

Yeah the hunting season is a bitch... I was out in the woods going towards my spot to check out some plants and transplant one from a different area, all of a sudden about 20-30 meters away from me some hunter blasted his double barrel, both shots at something... Dear lordy it scared the shit out of me, It made me flip one of my plants in pots out of my hand, it landed and it snapped it's stem right in half. The shots where so loud and powerful I could feel the vibrations in my chest, it sounded like someone shot a cannon off right behind my head...

I don't think people are allowed to hunt on sundays though, so if anything that's a good day to go out there and plant.

To people talking about that jackass in sandiago who looks for plants, he just has an unusually strong sense of sight and can see about 10-50 times more different variety's of green then other people. Single marijuana plants can be seen with FLIR, since they have a slightly warmer heat signature than other plants. Besides, if there's 1 - 4 plants in the woods they wont bother sending someone down for them. They are looking for large grow ops... hundreds of plants scattered around. But just because you are planting 1-4 or 5 plants don't take security lightly and make them so obvious. Follow common sense and think about if you were a cop/dea what would you be looking for if searching for MJ


ICMag Donor
The sheriffs of all the local counties here bust many people every year, using helicopters. They can afford the fuel because the federal government pays them to do it. But no thermal imaging is being used, its just a guy with his head hanging out the side, looking for big grows.


Here in the UK they use the thermal imagery for detecting indoor grows in peoples attics mostly.

In Holland they now have a remote controlled chopper,, that 'sniffs' out the scent of large commercial growrooms... !

Peace all


The sheriffs of all the local counties here bust many people every year, using helicopters. They can afford the fuel because the federal government pays them to do it. But no thermal imaging is being used, its just a guy with his head hanging out the side, looking for big grows.

Good tips Backcountry, and spot on about the guy hanging out the side door. From my experience, if the dope chopper thinks there may be something there(cannabis plants), the chopper will twist the treetops right out to have a good look at what is under the canopy. For what it's worth I've been told cannabis is identifiable from the air when it is about 17 inches high and up. I have hundreds of hours of flight time myself and find it pretty amazing they can spot something that small but I guess if you do it every day for 6 months or so every year like they do here I guess it is possible.

A few observations of mine in the last decade regarding the dope choppers almost always:
They "always" search the south facing hill HEAVY!!!
search recently logged areas.
spend little time near heavy electric wire in tight valleys ;-)
search areas with water nearby.
Hope this helps a bit. Good luck, and happy holidaze to all.:santa1:


Here's how the helicocksuckers go about it here.

About the 10th of September the do a fly-by of our town and get everyone stirring.They check the places they have found a few before.A couple of guy's from around here plant 7 or 8 in a row in the exact same spot as the year before.The ground forces then move in and cut down the 7 or 8 plants.They are then estimated at 5 pounds each and at 454 grams to the pound, and 6 joints to the gram..well folks that over 13600 joints they have taken out of the childrens mouthes and thus saving the planet.Once the news of the earth shattering bust get's around,we all go back to tending our plots- last of the fuzz.

Read up folks on the laws in your area,I know that without a warrent here they can not hover under 150' above your property,so keep a camera handy.I know a guy that beat a charge this way 5 years ago.

Merry Christmas

Oh ya..then the 13600 joints get valued at 10 bucks a pop..so 136 grand from 7 plants...those are dang near 20,000$ plants..EACH!!!LMFAO..make's national head lines!!!

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