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The Trump Bomber

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ICMag Donor

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well - looks like you wanted to argue the point - by calling me 'a pussy' for stating it - so I defended my point.

You still don't seem to understand anyway - so we had best leave it at that since I have tried already at least twice to explain it.

And I do remember now why you were sanctioned before - for calling members stupid names - as you have done here again.

Look man, this was the fifth post on a thread that had nothing to do with race. Not. One. Single. Thing. None of the four posts prior mentioned or even implied a racial component. And with one sentence, you appeared to move it in that direction. Revise, justify, rearrange, deflect, but don't tell me I don't understand.


Well-known member
Zees there is not going to be a blue wave. The guy was a republican crazy. He made bomb threats in 2002. There was no Trump then.

When you wake up on Nov 7th what will you do if things don't turn out the way you think they will? Are you going to keep fanning the flames of hate? IMHO the republicans will rule the day. They have gained large numbers of black voters and middle class America is going to deliver a message to the democrats. A message they are not going to like.

If the republicans do win I won't be starting a thread to rub it in. If they lose I won't start threads to complain. I will support whoever america votes for. You should try it. America is a team not one party or the other.

Win or lose won't be the reason I post. People complaining will be the reason I post in the political threads. It is the only reason I have ever posted in a political thread. I got tired of being called racist, uneducated and misogynistic by the losing side. I was never any of those things.


Well-known member
Even though the zombie walked past me Zees I still shot him with the double barrel shotgun and beat on him with a baseball bat as per zombie fighting protocol.

PS thanks for calling me brainless. It proves your debate skills are weak.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Well - looks like you wanted to argue the point - by calling me 'a pussy' for stating it - so I defended my point.

You still don't seem to understand anyway - so we had best leave it at that since I have tried already at least twice to explain it.

And I do remember now why you were sanctioned before - for calling members stupid names - as you have done here again.

I just read the first page again as it unfolded. And you are 100% correct in that I still don't understand your explanation of meaning. But if you wish to close the dialogue, I will consider the matter closed.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
In the spirit of humor, I must take exception at the idea the names I used were stupid. I thought they were magnificently creative, dare I say....artistic?


Active member
Apparently the bomber's extremely low IQ coupled with his long-term mental illness left him especially gullible to Trumpspeak. Speculation is that he didn't possess the mental capacity to orchestrate or implement this plan on his own. Sort of like how Trump didn't have the IQ or mental capacity to get elected on his own. Who do you suppose helped them? Hint: They don't ride around the world in little dinghys


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
If you would have said something to me like: 'Shut your festering gob you git, your sort really make me projectile puke, you vacuous, toffee-nosed, malodorous nincompoop - then I might say that you had been creative with the name-calling.

But just calling someone a 'pussy' - doesn't get you anywhere near magnificently creative - so far as talented insults go.

Maybe we should start a thread on competition verbal abuse - just to get subrob up to speed on it?

*Naaa - its in the TOU - no insulting other members is allowed.

In the spirit of humor, I must take exception at the idea the names I used were stupid. I thought they were magnificently creative, dare I say....artistic?


ICMag Donor
They had him in about 48 hours and his devises fortunately were all duds.

Apparently the bomber's extremely low IQ coupled with his long-term mental illness left him especially gullible to Trumpspeak. Speculation is that he didn't possess the mental capacity to orchestrate or implement this plan on his own. Sort of like how Trump didn't have the IQ or mental capacity to get elected on his own. Who do you suppose helped them? Hint: They don't ride around the world in little dinghys

St. Phatty

Active member
If the republicans do win I won't be starting a thread to rub it in. If they lose I won't start threads to complain. I will support whoever america votes for. You should try it. America is a team not one party or the other.

Glad you recognize that.

America is 101% fractured, in large part because Americans allow their society to be manipulated by the Dem-GOP BS rivalry.

One sign of the fracture is the recently publicized China hack of the Apple-Amazon cloud. I would guess about 1/3 of the cloud is stored in the Apple-Amazon part of that. (Just to learn what's technical, I welcome feedback on that 1/3 estimate.)

Everything from small business files to classified DOD operations. From working for & with the military contractors in San Diego, "The Cloud" is where large military contractors like SAIC & Northop Grumman like to put their stuff. They are very in love with Supply Chain-ing technical operations that should be kept in house.

I can elaborate on why they outsource, if anyone is interested.


Bloomberg is probably too smart to let themselves be sued into non-existence by Apple & Amazon, for reporting any major falsehoods about their Cloud operations.

It's a moot point to debate whether this is the first, second, or third biggest Espionage incident in human history. Because of the way networks work, a hardware hack on one server compromises the servers near it. Whether that's 1 or 20 servers is probably being studied right now, and quite feverishly.

Software encryption does not protect against a hardware hack, but can slow it down.

America is too good at blowing its leg off at the knee and calling it progress, not to let other members' comparisons to the Roman Empire, not be apt.

Notice I haven't said anything about the hollowing out or destruction of America's middle class, in large part by the American "health care" industry. Another huge part of the story of America's devolution.

It's definitely a sad circus to watch, since I was raised on all the Motherhood & Apple pie concepts.

So far the Trump bomber hasn't killed anybody with this latest escapade, so it's basically a useful Conversation piece, with a side order of Make Work for the LEO types involved.

And it does sell ads for CNN, CBS, & small websites like Market Ticker.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
On a lighter note. We are just about through with all the commercials. Thinking we have about 8 months before the 2020 election.

End of the day and I am shaking my head again....Oh, did anybody hear that Alec Baldwin was disappointed that he didn't get a package. Good thing though....he would have been up shit creek with a turd for a paddle.....


Active member
They had him in about 48 hours and his devises fortunately were all duds.

It's a long-term demolition plan bro, and it's working. Trump's entire purpose is to divide, made even more obvious by his loathesome response to this dufous bomb-sender. They're sitting out in their boats tonight with the world's best hookers and vodka watching our citizens spitting on each other in partisan anger and they're laughing their asses off.


Well-known member
This guy is crazy but they say he is smart and articulate. He went to college. He was never political until the 2016 election. He has been crazy for over a decade though. His cousin said he would never want to hurt anybody and the bombs were not functional. It was just his crazy way to get his voice heard. And he isn't white. His mother is Italian and his father is Filipino. You could say he is half white but we know it never works that way. Case in point would be Derek Jeter. He looks mostly white just like this guy. His mother is white and his dad is black. For 20 years Derek Jeter has been called a black baseball player. Not a white baseball player. There are numerous examples like this in sports and they are never called white.

Cesar Soyac is a yellow man. Let that sink in. A yellow man. He is not a 56 year old white man. He is a 56 year old Filipino man.

We are not taking this hit Gypsy. The white man is not to blame for this one. This is a crazy yellow man.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If you would have said something to me like: 'Shut your festering gob you git, your sort really make me projectile puke, you vacuous, toffee-nosed, malodorous nincompoop - then I might say that you had been creative with the name-calling.

But just calling someone a 'pussy' - doesn't get you anywhere near magnificently creative - so far as talented insults go.

Maybe we should start a thread on competition verbal abuse - just to get subrob up to speed on it?

*Naaa - its in the TOU - no insulting other members is allowed.

I'm certain you understood the meaning of my post and the words I was referencing. I'm not nearly as good at this purposeful verbal slight of hand deflecting thing. I need vividly gross genitalic references and 'your momma' jokes to get the creative juices flowing.
I can give it a shot if you like, but I'm already a little bored and I'm juuuust high enough to enjoy game 3 of America's most boring sport championship


Active member
Prove it. Prove *anything*, please.

If you can't see it. The brainwashing is 100percent complete. The rest of us here are at least somewhat honest. Both sides have culpability in the political climate. You can do, think, or believe whatever you want. Just keep me out of it. I can't discuss things with a person who believes his ideaology, and politicians have no faults.
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