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The Toking Tent


Grow like nobody is watching
Will do, mate. I hear you about stealth - it's a hard thing to do perfectly, and it has to be perfect, nothing else. Luckily I'm not quite in that boat although it's obviously a good idea to keep things quiet as possible. Never know where I'm going to end up living next.

I found some pics of my old cab just now in my old gallery. This thing never quite got finished and has been stored since shortly after the seedlings pic. I'll probably be dumping a lot of the tent's gear into this after I relocate soon. It's great having those big thick wood walls, kills so much sound. I'd like to redesign it so I have two or three levels of scrogs, and I'd envision vegging/propagating in the tent I use now, with some quiet PC fans.

Also decided for the next tent grow, if that's do-able, I'm going with automated drip to waste pots of coco - 2 plants scrogged (over the whole tent this time). Have a wikkid day!


Yea, I have a 4" centrifugal that I can't use cause it sounds like a freakin vacuum cleaner.
ire4i is right when he says it's all about compromise between temperature and stealth.
If I had a bigger spot I'd hook that thing up and crank up my wattage!


Could anyone be so kind as to help me quantify how loud this thing is actually gonna be? They give 2 different decibel ratings for starters.

Hey scrub nice grow, u r the scrog man for sure.

The different dB readings is dependant on if the fan was suspended during the test or attatched to a cabinet, the cabinet acting as a resonating chamber increasing the sound level. The suspended fan would be a lot quieter due to no vibration. Usual company propaganda!:noway:

To be safe go with the higher dB level and isolate it from the grow box if/ when you go with the wooden cab. I've seen rubber screws that absorb vibrations and reduce the noise levels or a layer of rubber around the edge of the fan that comes into contact with the cab.

Hope some of that makes sence and helps you.

cheers m8


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks, dude - always learning. When I built that wooden cab I used weather stripping to mount the fan on, lol. Works good! The good news is, I can actually suspend the fan! I have my current "jet turbine" suspended. If it needs it, I'll hang it in a box too and pack it with fibreglass.

Here is the thread that got me onto this fan, except I think you need to have an account to read.


Selected quote about this model: "all im thinking is my 125mm mixed flo is super quiet so the 100mm would have been non-existent as far as sound is concerned. " I pick it up tomorrow so we'll see. :joint:


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks homies, appreciate you taking a look. I was freaking out but I'm feeling confident I can get these suckers over the finish line in good condition! Positive thinking has changed my life for real in many ways so here goes! :D

Well, *drum roll*, the fan turned up and I have to say it's exactly as loud as I had pictured. It came wired on high speed and didn't really kick out as much air as I was expecting but still a fair bit. It also has less back pressure than I was expecting but plenty for me. Don't forget I'm used to a big ass centrifugal so I'm probably more picky than most at this point.

Noise: definitely a very quiet fan IMO in terms of anything that isn't a 12v PC fan or small axial. On high speed, unrestricted, just in front of the tent out in the open, it's slightly louder than my big fan (which is muffled to hell, carbon filtered, suspended from above, and run on lowest speed). I can't listen to my 120mm Thermaltake PC fan (46.5dBA) cos it's in the tent but yeah, pretty much as loud as a loudish computer fan unrestricted etc.

On low speed unrestricted etc, it's a good bit quieter than the current big fan muffled etc. I'm high so this is about as accurate as I can get, lol. But it's seriously a quiet fan from the ones I've heard. It's running right beside my couch here on low and I can still hear the big fan whirring away in the next room, although obviously the new fan is slightly louder of the two right now. Not to undermine Freeze's comment about his old fan, but there's no way my neighbours would hear this fan at any point, at any speed, even if I had it on my doorstep I reckon. I suspect this difference is to do with the different testing methods mentioned by basscadet. Or a faulty fan or something, I don't really know. I very much trust FB would know a faulty fan, so it shows you how much the manufacturers falsify their specs sometimes.

When I put my hand over the intake part to simulate a carbon filter, it drops to half the volume, I would say. And now we are talking pretty freakin' quiet but certainly not silent. I have no doubts that when set up in a cab, the only noise issue would be the air rushing out of the duct. And that will be a GREAT problem to have, frankly! (in comparison to sheer mechanical whirr noise)

So there you have it, a noise report on the Westaflex Mixflo MF-125S. Gonna try to hook this shiznit up tonight if I get energetic. Yes, finally ScrubNinja buys the right fucking tool for the job. Amazing, I know! :D :yes:


Grow like nobody is watching

Old setup:

If you look at the upper left, you can sort of see a pinkish wall? That is the wall in the other room, and that gap runs right along the top of the wall towards the camera. It's a 13 inch gap.

New setup:

When the duct hits the floor, it now runs straight towards the camera, under a bed. and exhausts there on ground level.

Temps used to be 2c over ambient, now they're 4c above ambient @ 26.9c after running full 208w for 90 mins. That's 80F.

I only did some makeshift soundproofing for now. You can see I wasn't even running insulated ducting but I'm extremely doubtful it would have helped much.

The fan is on low and I'm in that room next door, and my rather quiet PC drowns it out. It's amazing, my music sounds so much clearer fidelity without that confounded whirrrrrrrr. It was so nice to hear the old fan slow to nothing when I unplugged it.

Plants don't look too bad. They stunk out the room while the fan was off. I'll try to shut up for a bit now.


Grow like nobody is watching
It's about that time

It's about that time

All is well in tent land :pimp3:

Day 42 - 12/12


:smoke: Yummo

Here's a random Shiva bud, and the underside of the Pure:

Things are looking good. The problems have definitely not gotten any worse and they are slowly fattening up. First time in ages where I actually saw visible chunking up. Red hairs are appearing. I've been watering every day with heaps of runoff, about 0.8ec and 5.6ph.

Dude that gave me the clones saw these a while back and suggested they may go a week or two longer than we originally thought. I sure hope they do because they are pretty small buds right now lol.

In a strange way it was a good thing having these problems along the way because I've learnt a heck of a lot, and it hasn't wiped out my crop out or anything. I'm still a big coco fan!

I also got a grip on a few basic things stopping me from using sketchup. I've scrapped all earlier plans for now, and want to build a small box about 115cm x 45cm x 90cm high. Dual layer scrogs with two of my scrog screens each level. One level will be 220w pl/l, and the other level will be 226w cfl. And there is even room for a small veg/mom chamber. I'll be using the new fan in it, plus some PC fans. Probably a lot of PC fans, lol.

I won't be re-using the tent in case it did contribute to these problems. But I'll miss it. :puppydoge

Can you use trichome colour to judge when to flush? (as against when to harvest). I want to give them 2 weeks flush, they'll probably need it. I might get some mollases. Any thoughts?


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks y'all. :) Forgot to mention, got 3 new strains coming. To be announced when they all turn up!

Here's an unrelated pic from last year.

One of my favourite shots because not only has the caterpillar caused the bud to die, he's then gone and shat all over it. These caterpillars have serious balls to do something like that, lol. I was pissed at the time but you just gotta laugh.

Till next time.


Grow like nobody is watching
Day 46 - 12/12

Okay that killed the thread pretty well, heheh! So back to the grow, I've been watering every single day and things really have picked up. Buds have put on a lot of weight and not much die-off.

I realised something really dumb. This is the first time I've ever grown with a town tap water supply and I'm fairly sure it would have chlorine in it. Now, for some reason, I was under the impression that the chlorine dissolves in a couple of hours with no bubbler but it turns out those figures were with a bubbler! So maybe my plants were ODing on chlorine? What I've been doing before this is trying to let it sit (no bubbles) for anywhere between 12 to a couple of hours. There have been several times when I used it straight from the tap, near enough. That could be a factor in the problems I had, I'm thinking. :chin:

So, I dug out my trusty air pump and bubble wand and ran that tonight. I'll continue using it from now on. Things are going great but I just have no idea when to start flushing! I bought some organic molasses from the hippy store and will use it for the flush. Any opinions on that please go ahead.

I came across this great thread by petemoss concerning his modular scrog. Very impressive scrog and he mentioned somewhere the two main points for a succesful scrog and I couldn't agree more.

  • Determining when to flip 12/12, and
  • Determining when to stop training

I definitely flipped too early, which meant I was training too long to make up for it and thus flopped on both points. A lot of the bud is all tied up in the screen. Knowing is half the battle.


The last one is of the edge of the screen:

I just about finished designing my new cab in sketchup but then I decided it's all wrong, lol. I'm hoping to score the perfect wardrobe soon enough so I may as well hang about until I have that and know the dimensions. Definitely sticking with the multi platform scrog idea though. It's nice having most of the equipment already. This fan is awesome. I worked out most of the noise coming from the room is actually the computer fans in the tent!

Safe growings.


Grow like nobody is watching
Day 51 - 12/12

They've really been chunking up nicely. I gave em all their first molasses flush today. I think I'll continue flushing the shivas now until harvest and hopefully I've picked a good time. Approx 50% red hairs. My scope isn't good enough to distinguish between clear and cloudy but I think they may be just starting to cloud...maybe not, lol... *blind noob*

The Pure still has some way to go. Won't get as much yield but it should be some primo material. Once the Shivas are done it'll get blasted with extra CFLs. :muahaha:

Here's some wider shots of the shivas:



And here's some screenshots of that dual layer scrog cab I was planning. I never got round to adding holes for the mom cab there. And the two inlet tubes would actually be flexible ducting.

And finally, some piccies from my outback adventures last year. All the ones in the first pic started life in my pc cases - thanks micro forum! :respect: All were in 35l bags of straight coco.

If you think I'm too early on the flush, please holla at me. Ta.


That looks amazing scrub. Those shivas look as frosty as a snowman's nuts!

Are you going to give them 48 hours darkness before harvest or go straight to chop? I even read in BOG's thread about removing all the leaves and leaving the lights on for 48 hrs before harvest. Supposed to increase resin production.

Can't wait for the pure to finish, I was thinking of getting some but dunno about a sativa in a PC, so I'll live vicariously through your grow :joint:

Nice work!!!


Grow like nobody is watching
Hi bass thanks. I'm reading up on that light stuff now. I think I'll give it a go on the Pure. I'm always down for some experiments! I was thinking the Pure because it'll be logistically simpler for me as the Shivas won't be interfering.

I gave the shivas another feed last night, nutes and molasses. No more nutes now. :) This molasses seems like great stuff.

I was always expecting stringy airy buds from the pure considering how little light it got but they're dedicated nuggets. You're right, it's not the perfect choice for a PC grow. "Gangly" is really the best way I can describe it, even seeing it outdoors. Stick-bud-stick-bud-stick sort of thing, but the seeming sparseness of the buds allows better penetration inside the middle of the tree/bush and low down so it yields good (outdoors). I seem to be getting a bit of that effect with mine. Peace out :abduct:


Grow like nobody is watching
Greetingz, chaps and lasses. Plants are looking fantastic. I've obtained a bunch of new grow things!

  • A sturdy stylish cupboard about the same dimensions as the tent
  • A water pump - 1500 litres per hour which is probably 3 times more than I need but I have a plan, heheh. ;)
  • Several adjustable desk lamps
  • A magnetic fishtank cleaner - the magnet is so strong. Will be good for a door magnet I reckon.
  • A coffee grinder for my weed, lol
  • And this tiny 8w aquarium fluoro.

It's so cute, I love it :) Good for cuttings I'm thinking. The bulb has no markings but it's a very pink/purple light. Could anyone take a guess at what kelvin it would be? Even a rough estimate would help me a lot. It's secondhand. I stuck it under the scrog screen, shining up, since it's there.

This is the pump:

And here are the last two nuggets of the Australian Blue from my sig. They've been curing I guess 7 or 8 months now and should keep me happy till the Shiva's come in. Otherwise I have a large pile of trichomes. :rasta:

Speaking of strains, the aussie blue I would recommend to anyone any time. No matter how I grew it, it always had the chunkiest buds I've ever seen. Really newbie friendly and just the perfect plant imo. The seeds I ordered don't seem to have turned up... 2 seperate orders... Might have to reveg the pure :eek: See what happens.

More pics in a couple of days.


space gardener
Those buds are looking really good!!!
Nice score on all those goodies too, That pink light is for color enhancing freshwater fish tanks. I never found the spectrum for those bulbs but they really bring out the red colors when used in a freshwater tank. Couldn't hurt to throw it in the mix.


Grow like nobody is watching
Awesome, yeah it throws out a tiny purple glow on the underside, hopefully mix up the spectrum a bit. I just got back from picking up 2 4ft fluoro holders too. :) (free!)


Grow like nobody is watching
Day 56 - 12/12

Day 52 - started flushing Shivas
Day 56 - started flushing the Pure




There are already amber trichomes around on some buds. I get the feeling I've left it a little bit late. Luckily I'm a big fan of couchlock. Another saving grace may be that I was flushing/light feeding so much in the lead up to now, they won't need as much flush now.

This one is an underside of scrog shot, basking in the purple light

And this one is a Pure closeup

In summation: :woohoo:

Cozy Amnesia

Those are some big trichomes!

I realised something really dumb. This is the first time I've ever grown with a town tap water supply and I'm fairly sure it would have chlorine in it. Now, for some reason, I was under the impression that the chlorine dissolves in a couple of hours with no bubbler but it turns out those figures were with a bubbler! So maybe my plants were ODing on chlorine? What I've been doing before this is trying to let it sit (no bubbles) for anywhere between 12 to a couple of hours. There have been several times when I used it straight from the tap, near enough. That could be a factor in the problems I had, I'm thinking. :chin:


I came across this great thread by petemoss concerning his modular scrog. Very impressive scrog and he mentioned somewhere the two main points for a succesful scrog and I couldn't agree more.

  • Determining when to flip 12/12, and
  • Determining when to stop training

That's true about what petemoss says about Scrogs, and that's what I'm trying to figure out for my scrog grow. Would you say that the whole screen needs to be filled in before flipping to 12/12 or should I flip a little earlier to accommodate the stretch?

Also, chlorine is not bad at all for MJ plants, and in fact I've read that it's a required micronutrient (here the post: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=792514&postcount=1 ).

It's so cute, I love it :) Good for cuttings I'm thinking. The bulb has no markings but it's a very pink/purple light. Could anyone take a guess at what kelvin it would be? Even a rough estimate would help me a lot. It's secondhand. I stuck it under the scrog screen, shining up, since it's there.

I think it's one of those crazy flouros for reptiles and aquariums and I think they through out a little UVB. :confused:

Also, one more thing, I really like that "cooler master aero" fan! I'm thinking about building a mother/clone/veg chamber out of a PC or something and a fan like that would be perfect!