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ICMag Donor
I'm sure most, if not all of us have had to stop smoking at one point or another. I've done it many times over the years. Whether its for a piss test, health reasons, birth of a child, or just a much needed break... quitting is never easy. Especially when you are surrounded by all this dank!
This time I'm taking a temporary break from smoking by choice. I have decided to give up smoking for Lent, which began on wednesday and lasts for 40 days, ending on Easter Sunday. I have stopped smoking for as long as 9 months in the past, but have not quit for more than a week since I have been growing. (3 yrs) Most people that know me say I have no chance of lasting 40 days. I intend to prove them wrong.

Right now I'm 4 days in. Some days are more difficult than others. I have told many ppl that I am quitting for a while, and they check up on me every now and then. Its alot easier to do this when I don't keep it a secret. The friends that constantly tell me that I can't do it are very motivational.

Hopefully I'm not the only IC'er that is on a break from smoking.
Feel free to chime in with your own story, add some words of encouragement, ask questions, or throw in some good ol' fashion hate. Its all welcome in here.

Marlo, this is really a great thread idea I think, and it's always something I'm interested in, having issues stopping when there's nugs always around, personally, and having felt that pseudowithdrawl crap..

Ive been on some heavy herb use since surgery a few months ago and am finally winding down. It's to the point where 3-7 grams get blown per day, it's too much, and worst of all it makes weed seem less sacred for me than it used to....why smoke 3 grams now with a gigantic tolerance to get as high as fraction might take when my tolerance is nothing...anyways

Breaks are good, and really are easy once you get passed the initial hurdles of feeling kinda crappy, or wanting it psychologically. Usually a week for me.
Feels great to take a break though, if you can. After that 1wk mark things really change, it's easier to avoid the want to get baked.. Feeling the difference of sober life is really good after being baked 24/7 for a while...takes me a while to feel fully cleared and back on track in terms of sleep and appetite- usually 2-4 weeks I'd estimate...

I've never taken Melatonin but some recommend it, going to get some soon and give it a try
Along with chamomile, which is always a favorite anyways
Someother calming things or relaxants would be nice to know. I have some basil extract which is supposed to destress but that could be full of shit, havent looked into it.

Of course, exercise helps too....anyways, good thread..it's hard to stop when you're surrounded by people who wanna get baked!


ICMag Donor
Wsup MFT

The first 2 days were not easy. I really missed my morning smoke....and my after breakfast,lunch, and dinner smoke....and my before I go to bed smoke. Then there's my just got to work smoke..... You get the idea

I agree on the excercise. Helps alot

Ah man it's tough. Ive been telling myself I'd stop for a while now but always make that trip and keep it goin.
For me it's easier to have external factors make me stop. Like a drug test. Or just being busy and not having the time (and therefore need, for me).

I think we all might have diff. reasons that make it hard to stop but we can all agree that once we do it sucks.
The sleep and appetite thing are worst for me, then comes the irritability in 3rd place. ;).

The third reason probably contributed to me deleting my account over the possibility of yummybud being banned, clearly this is the height of all ridiculousness that stopping immediately can drive some of us to.
LOL! But it's all ok now. Deep breaths. Haha...


Active member
Wsup MFT

The first 2 days were not easy. I really missed my morning smoke....and my after breakfast,lunch, and dinner smoke....and my before I go to bed smoke. Then there's my just got to work smoke..... You get the idea

I agree on the excercise. Helps alot


hahah yup i feel that same way. gotta have a bonghit after every meal. are you really jamie hecter haha. i never saw marlo stanfield smoking in the wire..
Although we're on a Cannabis Forum, I almost thought for one second that you were referring to cigarette smoking!

Although we all have our different beliefs in religion (please no religious bashing, I respect everyone's religions equally) this Wednesday was Ash Wednesday and started the first of 40 days of Lent. I gave up cigarettes for the 40 days until Easter Sunday.

As a Marlboro Menthol Lights 100's smoker (2 packs a day), it's been absolute hell quitting cold turkey. I am disallusioned, I feel dizzy, I feel nauseous, and even though my mind is saying "I don't want a cigarette" my body feels like the withdrawls are so bad that a cigarette can make this "dreamy" mood I'm in go away.

Oh well, no need to rant on about quitting cigarettes, best luck to you if you're taking a break from weed. We all need a break sometimes for a number of different reasons and although it's hard, it's definitely something you can do. I mean, hey, they say that quitting cigarettes is like getting off of Heroin. If you can kick Heroin - you can put the joint down!

God Bless this Carton of 100's Lights. I would go great lengths to hold you again my love! LOL -



ICMag Donor
hahah yup i feel that same way. gotta have a bonghit after every meal. are you really jamie hecter haha. i never saw marlo stanfield smoking in the wire..

Although we're on a Cannabis Forum, I almost thought for one second that you were referring to cigarette smoking!

Although we all have our different beliefs in religion (please no religious bashing, I respect everyone's religions equally) this Wednesday was Ash Wednesday and started the first of 40 days of Lent. I gave up cigarettes for the 40 days until Easter Sunday.

As a Marlboro Menthol Lights 100's smoker (2 packs a day), it's been absolute hell quitting cold turkey. I am disallusioned, I feel dizzy, I feel nauseous, and even though my mind is saying "I don't want a cigarette" my body feels like the withdrawls are so bad that a cigarette can make this "dreamy" mood I'm in go away.

Oh well, no need to rant on about quitting cigarettes, best luck to you if you're taking a break from weed. We all need a break sometimes for a number of different reasons and although it's hard, it's definitely something you can do. I mean, hey, they say that quitting cigarettes is like getting off of Heroin. If you can kick Heroin - you can put the joint down!

I've never been a cig smoker, but I know it must be harder to quit those than ganja. Gettin any monkey off ya back is never fun.
Good Luck


B. Self Reliant

Good luck my friend! I can tell you this:

I quit for about 8 months by choice. It wasn't easy AT ALL, but I was successful and I'm a better person for it. You remember how when you started smoking, you were like, "I love this stuff! It gives me such a great perspective on life!" Well, when you've been smoking non-stop for years, stopping for a while does the same thing.

It was hard though. I didn't sleep for weeks, I had the runs for about 10 days, I didn't eat ANYthing (and I mean anything!) for about 6 or 7 days. . . it sucked. BUT it was worth it and I'm glad I did it.

I'm sure you'll do fine if you've already made it four days. Most folks don't make it that long.
Marlo great thread ! I've been a daily smokeR since I was 14 ,I am now 23! I always wanted to take a break, jus never got around to do it. I got in a lil trouble so long story short I'm on ankle bracelet& get randomly drug tested!! Let me tell u the first month was hell!! But now it seems ok I guess. Can't wait till I'm off to tast that sacred tasty ganj once more!!( loony tunes high) lol peace green rasta


cant stop wont stop
interesting reason to take a break :D i commend you, breaks arent easy but they are definitely good for many reasons.
im on one myself, and while there are tough moments you'll get through them

when i cant smoke i end up eating alot more anf smoking more cigs.. for me its the boredom thing. gotta keep myself busy

wow moldy - what you smoke in a day lasts me a week, im not a heavy smoker :joint:
Hell yea dam straight rojo :D

And steppin, usually I'd be along your lines, it's just tolerance...it's easier to smoke an eighths worth of oil,or vape it, than to smoke an eigth of nugs


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
ugh, I don't want to quit. I love it TOO F*CKIN MUCH!!!!
docs told me, "quit smoking your lungs won't make it" I get reoccurring bronchitis every few months, and pneumonia about 2-3 times a year... I chill on the smoking.. like maybe 3/4 a pack a day.... compared to 2 packs a day... but then I start smoking more and more cause of boredom..... or lack of weed
ugh, I don't want to quit. I love it TOO F*CKIN MUCH!!!!
docs told me, "quit smoking your lungs won't make it" I get reoccurring bronchitis every few months, and pneumonia about 2-3 times a year... I chill on the smoking.. like maybe 3/4 a pack a day.... compared to 2 packs a day... but then I start smoking more and more cause of boredom..... or lack of weed
Boredom/not giving myself enough to do + Weed = total abuse
Working on that. lol.
If I'm busy I use 1/10 the weed I do now!!


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
Boredom/not giving myself enough to do + Weed = total abuse
Working on that. lol.
If I'm busy I use 1/10 the weed I do now!!
I'm the same way about cigarettes...
I guess its that old saying "idle hands... blah blah"... When I have a lot to do, I usually light a cig, and it will burn down a lot, so maybe I get like 1/2 a cigarette.... I think I'm at the point of trying to quit....(cigs)......
but I imagine I will smoke more weed if I quit cigs... normally I dont smoke cigs after I've smoked weed... it tastes different, kinda nasty too

congrats to those of you that are abstaining, I support whoever decides to...