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the state of our western world.. and tv


cant re Member
Im not sure why but I felt compelled to post about this. I often watch tv and wonder wtf is going wrong in our world.

in the uk we have our fair share of crap, but I keep seeing ads for honey booboo and two broke girls etc. it makes me wonder who is keeping this shit on tv?

this isn't a rant about the usa as we have the same kinda shit going on here. question is, do you think what is popular in the media for example honey booboo etc is actually an indication of how many stupid people we now have living among us?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

entertainment, period. as soon as you start taking the talking heads seriously you've bought in too hard.

Honey Boo Boo = cuter than a fat baby's fart but I could never watch a minute of that shit.......

Green lung

Active member
You have to understand the demographics of people who sit home and watch hours of T.V. Its the same people who leave comments on news sites.

They market this crap to these mouth breathing losers because these are the types of people who watch this shit.


Lee Van Kief

I'm amazed at most of the stuff on tv anymore, when did watching guys make duck calls become entertainment?


Well-known member
after decades of slow desensitivisation via hollywood and co, no wonder the recent and future formats have to up their game??? after shows like maury and consorts, the level has been lowered repeatedly -> scripting the next lowbar is the aim of the day :)

ps.: is that honey boo boo shit for real?


Active member
The TV you are watching is a great reflection, as well as a tool for perpetuation of western values that include greed, mass consumption, violence (physical and otherwise), narcissism, and inequality amongst one species, along with a dominance over all other species. It may be wise staying away from that machine...


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
I don't know what you guys are talking about I inject 3 hrs of tv in my veins everyday like a true patriot.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Im not sure why but I felt compelled to post about this. I often watch tv and wonder wtf is going wrong in our world.

in the uk we have our fair share of crap, but I keep seeing ads for honey booboo and two broke girls etc. it makes me wonder who is keeping this shit on tv?

this isn't a rant about the usa as we have the same kinda shit going on here. question is, do you think what is popular in the media for example honey booboo etc is actually an indication of how many stupid people we now have living among us?
sifted,,check out the sad performing "monkeys" on this years big brother,,,doing totally almost anything for their 15 mins,,watching people selling their souls,,,very sad and quite pathetic really,,i insist that our son watches it in his bedroom as i cant stand it for longer then a couple of mins but reality tv is big biz now and cheap to produce,,so it will keep on coming for the next few years at least,,s2


ICMag Donor
Big Brother should be viewed by future historians as a crime against humanity.

The proliferation of channels seems to be the root of the problem , there is simply not enougth fresh interesting material to fill the space , led by viewer numbers and advertiseing.

Many of the imports do not work well outside there original culture and clever word play goes unoticed from lack of reference , so dumbed down is more sellable.

When there were only four terrestrial channels available i think the average programme quality was higher and better crafted , forty odd stations on freeview now and still only a handfull are ever watched here.

Most popular are the BBC news channel and Al Jazeera for a balanced view.


Active member
I like how news programs tell you what to think, by giving you an example of a perfectly good idea and how it's generally accepted as the way things are thought to be, then demonicly breaking it down and making you unsure of all of it, but not quite invalidating the idea, thus giving way to the "new" idea the experts have in that news-programming show.


No, they really do this. Anti-oxidants are known as bad in too much quantity, then good in mass quantity. Then in one study they are found to do nothing, then in another, something.

They really can tell us anything, until we talk to an expert who cares and has an encompassing understanding.

Like anti-oxidants are good, but are best kept in the food and eaten as a whole. And, while super-fooding is good, it is actually best to eat many different kinds rather than 10000mg lycopene, because each anti-oxidant is different by a little. Plus it works on cell cultures, but in the human more studies are needed. You can test an anti-oxidant outside our body, but our body has learned what happens when you eat an apple, because our DNA grew up on them. The anti-oxidants go with certain things found in the same foods.

They load us up on facts, but nobody watching is any healthier. The think all the short-cuts work.

There are only three health tips that I know of.

1)You need energy to burn fat. Things are needed to complete the reaction. Don't starve yourself, your body will try to lower it's metabolism then.

2) There are no superfoods. You know some with pigments and anti-oxidants are better, but for the most part, fat and carbohyrates are only energy, and if you eat extra..it is stored. You know how to eat healthy and get nutrients, you are just addicted to compact treats with high energy that your tongue tells you are good because that's how our animal has survived - that energy, but that aren't needed now that we control agriculture.

3) Cardio. Cardio means you sweat, and your heartrate is raised. "Oh no, I am uncomfortable!"

Maybe the fourth would be Nike's "just do it."


East Coast Grower
“So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance. Left to themselves, like cattle turned loose upon the plains of Argentina, they had reverted to a style of life that appeared to be natural to them, a sort of ancestral pattern...Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.”

― George Orwell, 1984


cant re Member
Well I dont watch these shows I cant stand them. I know that the pop scene is rife with justin bieber and the likes it always has been. But some fat little kid whos nearly due a heart bypass? Along with her repulsive parents? Who likes this shit? Ive never met a person who likes it once. Big brother is embarrassing to watch I just feel a deep pity for these peeps. Gypsy weddings? Duck dynasty? Operation repo, hannah montanna? Its dire


Active member
Tv these days...is...

Repeats and ads...ads and repeats, More repeats and ads...and ads dancing in the corners while show (repeat) is on for the few short minutes between the regular ad breaks every 5 mins or so. 100 bux a month paid to Bell for this shit - with this many ads stuffed in it should be free. The only thing on that doesn't repeat at least 4x/week is baseball games.

Cripes, I grew up in the days of 13 channels on a rotary dial, you had to get up to change it. Commercials then were 4x/hour - on the hour - :00, :15, :30, and :45. And why does it seem that it is harder to find good entertainment on the tube now than it was then?

They have us by the balls and know it - its the above or nothing. That's what happens when 1 or 2 companies own all the rights & can do what they want (no competition).

Ready to lynch these bastards yet? Torches, pitchforks & to The Hangin' Tree!

Edit: or more in reality here - 1 million plus ppl on the front lawn of Bell/Rogers/Shaw demanding to get what they pay for!

Last edited:


ICMag Donor
Some adverts are better than much of the programmeing that interupts it and have a higher budget.

Mererkats flogging insurance and cats with oposeable thumbs , they must be on drugs.
This may be low rent t.v but the honey boo boo clan had a charity drive at Christmas time.They all pitched in to set up all the displays and what not.These kind souls spent a whole week in an effort to help the hungry.In my book,that goes a lot further then their personalities.

They came up with 15K for the needy.Show,or no show,they do this every year.WOW!


lives on planet 4:20
don't watch tv for ages, the only exception is ID (Investigation Discovery) when I want an injection of how, we humans really love (to kill) each other ;)


Active member
Honey Boo Boo and crew are a national disgrace, they represent a new low for humanity.

TV pretty much sucks, I keep mine on as background noise most of the time.


TV sucks yep. I love it, as I no longer waste time watching it. Seriously, I don't think I've turned it on once this entire year. I've cheated a bit by downloading some shows though. Mainly animated sitcoms, some of them are ok. Good for laughs but heavy with the brainwashing.


Rubbing my glands together
Some adverts are better than much of the programmeing that interupts it and have a higher budget.

Mererkats flogging insurance and cats with oposeable thumbs , they must be on drugs.

I'm really liking the "return of Snuffy the Seal to the Ocean" advert that Shark Week is running right now. Sad and funny as all hell at the same time.
Check it here and laugh your ass off.


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