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The Second tRump Impeachment.

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White Beard

Active member
another fine example of how the republicans and trumpers are incapable of hearing the unintentional irony in their own statements...or the outright hypocrisy...

Clearly, they are either paid well or thoroughly frightened...I can’t conceive of anyone that myopic, that foolish, being able to dress themselves, much less...well...they *did* offer up perhaps the worst possible defense, and did it badly, so maybe they are that stupid, they just haven’t drowned in the shower yet

White Beard

Active member
Hello all,
Looks like Haley has jumped ship.....

And Tuberville is letting mango the malignant hang out to dry about when he knew about his call with McCarthy and Pence being evacuated....

The Tangerine Tyrant is damaged goods...in the days, weeks, and months to come, the damage will be made more evident...

PS...Is it getting harder to defend your bad choices of tRump?....buahahahahaha
Not at all, bro: shake the faith of a fanatic, or even question it, and they become more extreme and enraged...xxxxxxxxxxx

Why did the Trump defense hold off showing videos of Kamala Harris joking about murdering the president in the elevator ?

Not like she deserves respect.

That and the pictures of Kathy Griffin with the bloody Trump head.

What effect do they think THAT has on Trump supporters ?

I dare say the Dems certainly shared the responsibility for riling up Trump supporters into an angry state of mind.

The Trump D. only showed a fraction of the footage available.
The effect on Trump voters? Probably not much different than the effect that 40 years of “Liberal Hunting Licenses”, the gleeful dragging of blacks to their deaths, the characterization of city-dwellers as traitors, fools and foreigners, the endless drumbeat of taking “OUR country back” have had on everyone who wasn’t caught up in those 4o+ years of deliberate demonization and intentional wedge-driving.

Kathy Griffin may not be a politician - but her behavior was considered acceptable by the Dem politicians.
Yes, NOT an elected official...and not at all funny...but not on the same page as deliberately trying to gin up an excuse to declare martial law, arrest congressional Democrats, and probably staffers, too. Then we could have the Stalin-era show trials that “conservatives” hated so much in the USSR but are so desperate to see HERE, *NOW*. Hang ‘em all: *YOU* know they’re guilty, no charges, no proof, no trials required; just hang ‘em, THEN lock ‘em up. Maybe hang their bodies from interstate overpasses to make sure ALL this Fukien ‘liberals get the message that the “fuck your feelings” crowd has FEELINGZ and we must bend over backwards to make sure they’re warm and fuzzy while they’re fucking everyone else’s feelings. Gosh, I bet that will fix *EVERYTHING*. Thanks for figuring that out for us.

Let's all walk around with Bloody Dem heads. Maybe we could make a line of purses or briefcases - Bloody Feinstein, Bloody Pelosi, Bloody Chuck Schumer.

ACCUSATIONS is all the so-called “right” needs, eh? Guilt by repetition, without evidence, just act out the shit in your head, no need to worry, Gawd told you to, on the radio, last night. “Extraordinary claims require extraordinarily compelling evidence”, or it’s just “crime under color of law” - AKA ‘Boss Hogg’ rule, ‘justice’ by decree: furthermore known as the end of the United States as anything but a name and two borders.


Believe it or not, I work hard NOT to issue insults, and I don’t mind them being removed when I goof...but I sure would like to know what y’all remove. “xxxxxxxxx” won’t help me improve future comments, tho I understand mods are under no obligation to do so. Just a request.
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ICMag Donor
Looks like Castor got caught lying about trump not knowing about the attack.

Two conversations documented with timestamps. Tubberville and McCarthy prove it.

McCarthy called trump asking for help and stating Pence and everyone was in danger during the attack and trump responded...

"Well Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are."

(no help)

McCarthy to trump "Who the fuck do you think you are talking to?"


Well-known member
we do have an interesting moment here
it's really a smoking gun
not that will change the vote outcome - probably
but it's a beautiful moment nonetheless


Active member
Looks like Castor got caught lying about trump not knowing about the attack.

Two conversations documented with timestamps. Tubberville and McCarthy prove it.

McCarthy called trump asking for help and stating Pence and everyone was in danger during the attack and trump responded...

"Well Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are."

(no help)

McCarthy to trump "Who the fuck do you think you are talking to?"

Looks like you got caught believing bullshit...

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus....


Bench Warmer

New member
just in, a surprise vote that is allowing some witnesses to testify
Graham just did a vote flip
now this is proper drama



Invertebrata Inebriata
I would say that a person of reasonable intelligence
And a objective disposition would have more questions than answers as to the validity of the 2020 election ....more so when given the events that have transpired over the last 4 years at the hands of the democrats
For me personally I find it a struggle to logically
Square the results with all things considered
I would also say if there ever was an opportunity for anyone to commit election fraud this election was ripe for it...

One thing I do believe if any election laws or rules
Were changed or implemented without state legislation
It would without question have to be nullified...I see no
Way around following the constitution....this is why the scotus
Should have weighed in before the election when petitioned, to rule on these questions...we would probably not be here at this point had that taken place

How bout you?
The election was fair and square. The only ones disputing it are butt-hurt trumpers. When Mitch McConnell said it (a few minutes before the insurrection), that pretty much solidified it for me. Is Mitch McConnell deep state? LOL? Is anybody NOT deep state? fuck sakes man


Well-known member
........ it's like driving a stake through the heart of a dying vampire, he won't be back, ever, no matter what the vote is!;)

St. Phatty

Active member
YEEHAW ! ! !

Where's Stoned Trout ?

In 2 hours 10 minutes, the Senate will begin something related to voting.

How long does it take for them to record 100 votes, with all the formalities ?


Active member
I would say that a person of reasonable intelligence
And a objective disposition would have more questions than answers as to the validity of the 2020 election ....more so when given the events that have transpired over the last 4 years at the hands of the democrats
For me personally I find it a struggle to logically
Square the results with all things considered
I would also say if there ever was an opportunity for anyone to commit election fraud this election was ripe for it...

One thing I do believe if any election laws or rules
Were changed or implemented without state legislation
It would without question have to be nullified...I see no
Way around following the constitution....this is why the scotus
Should have weighed in before the election when petitioned, to rule on these questions...we would probably not be here at this point had that taken place

How bout you?

The Time article, that brags about an elite cabal conspiring to fix the election says it all. They admitted to it, because they know the corrupt media, and law enforcement will not hold the elite cabal to account for those crimes.

While any election with a democratic candidate, will undoubtedly have election fraud, the fraud was the wrong argument. The constitutionality was the correct argument. Ultimately, this is where the QAnon, psy-op played its role, to delegitimize the right( we are talking about you Hempy).They flooded the court with insane cases, with no chance of success.

Couldn't agree more the Supreme Court dropped the ball. The probably had flash backs to Schumers incitement :Dto violence against them. They knew Trump would have won on the constitutional violations of not going through the legislature to change election law.

Ultimately, now that Biden has been placed in the presidency, the courts will rule that it was unconstitutional but it's to late to correct it. It will be a stain on the history of America.


Active member
The election was fair and square. The only ones disputing it are butt-hurt trumpers. When Mitch McConnell said it (a few minutes before the insurrection), that pretty much solidified it for me. Is Mitch McConnell deep state? LOL? Is anybody NOT deep state? fuck sakes man

Deep state? :dunno:


Active member
:jerkit:....dems better try everything possible....
Cuz their case is weak sauce...:D

I hear, the defense will call 100 witnesses. Including Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Maxine waters, ect. I would say you call every Democrat from the local level to the president, who has ever made a speech similar to Trump’s, there are thousands of potential witnesses.

Let's put the Democrat Party on trial. Let's bring all the widow's from the BLM/ANTIFA murders. The families of the 6 Dallas cops murdered by BLM during Obama's term. Let's call Obama too. Let's show it all, to the American people.

No doubt CNN, MSDNC, will demand people don't watch it, because muh Orange man bad.
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