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The Roadkill Skunk Fan Club

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time2unite hey man so i take it you are skeptical of the skunk#1 line every having anything to do with the roadkill then

thats mainly what i been trying to ask

have you ever selfed a female skunk#1 if you do shouldent it bring out a large amount of pheno's not previously seen?

thahashassassin ive been asking for 2-3 days trying to get sam to say what he felt brought the roadkill smell around and nothing

the oldest afghani i can get is a local oregon strain , its old maybe 20 years atleast, but i cant say it has any skunk smell deep musty strong but not skunky

its been clone so many times who knows, i think he kept a mother all these years but im not sure i know he still have it and only grow it though

contains large caylx and not huge buds more spear like very nice though.

anyway some strain somewhere makes the smell you want and it was passed onto the skunk or maybe to landrace cross making skunk

if there was a mom making the stink skunk smell imagine how powerfull the mommy would have been usally after a hybridaztion the smell it toned down a little

all im saying somewhere the plants come from to make skunk and these are what really need to find info about because its easier to find smell you want in a parental manner then to go threw hybrids of the 2 and try to find a phenotype that makes the smell you want

if afghani made skunk smell all the time it would be called skunk and people would be all over saying look at this smell and potency

as for looking threw new catalogs and getting afghani strain's well good luck all those probley have been had with northern lights or big bud or some type of indica its not going to be a afghani mom and afghani dad making the seeds you buy. and even if it was its not gona be easy to find the right pheno and once you do then you gota stablize it or once you cross it with something the smell most likely goes out the window this isnt easy work and thats why we gota find the parent that made the smells and gave them to skunk

sam skunkman please man whata think did you make the stinky skunk then can it or is the sk#1 completly differnt. and unrelated to sk1 like some of us think.
Time2Unite said:
my honest opinion is RKS is not related to skunk#1...until i see anything that even closely resembles RKS odor in any skunk#1 or cheese or any skunk#1 hybrid for that matter i just don't see it...or smell it lol

the buds we talk about that went around with the name skunk is because it smelled like a skunk....i see no proof or any smells coming from any skunk#1 that was like what we talk about...not even on the same map....i don't think it was the strain called skunk#1.

if i see a strain with skunk in it's title it should smell like a skunk....i wouldn't name a strain human feces if it smelled like roses.

if the name was changed to sweet#1 or fruit#1 it wouldn't even sell....people still buy the skunk strains today hoping to find the real skunk....which will never happen.

i'm not steppin on toes or disrespecting anyone...it's just my opinion on the matter...some people enjoy skunk#1...it's just not what i'm looking for....i've grown enough of them and crossed them every which way to realize it ain't it....i got thousands of skunk beans that i will probably never even germinate.

haha nah man you aren't stepping on anyones toes, this is great, it gives me hope that I can actually find something stronger than the skunk I have had(which imo was already pungent as I thought it could be)....I want to have that soaring head high once again..



pack your bags my friends, icmag is going to south america to get our skunk
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Active member
been lurking this thread for a while. i've definately smoked this RKS in the past. i remember it. but it was more twiggy and seedy leafy then current nugget-like buds. probably our local version of brick import. i agree with most peoples comments that most likely it was bread out for security purposes. same effects, less odor, why have it?

my girl has a skunky smell about her. it gets pretty pungent, and to me it smells like skunk spray, or dead bleeding out stinking skunk esp. when harvested (reeks) or just watered on. On your first wiff of her, she smells exactly like it. but then at other times, rubbing the stem and smelling it for a while, it has a different smell mixed with it, reminds me of maybe celery, or celery plant, lol. mentholly nose tingly sweet, just unique. that skunky thiol kinda runs in between those two odor extreams. but final buds do not retain this intense skunk smell, it sure does have it to a certain degree, but not pure skunky like vegging and flowerin, i guess hybrids have altered it throughout its time, but perhaps it posses some qualities of original road kill, it comes from some very old seeds.

curious cause almost every seed i've popped of my saved old bagseeds had that skunk odor. the first ones i ran were so strong i had to abort the grow at like day 18 from pop. even at a few inches tall, they were filling the basement with dead skunk w/a fan blowing on em. never will find out how those turned out :( but happy with the one that is to my liking.

wondering though, was this RKS really that much better smoke then current hybrids? or are you guys just questing for the skunk stink in final bud? my limited experience with crackin' seeds, and since i've only smelled that skunk smell everytime. i thought all pot had that same skunky odor in veg, and it was during bloom that the some other unique fruity smells came out. all the ones i ever grew STINK STANK STUNK. i was always so paranoid about odor control.




wondering though, was this RKS really that much better smoke then current hybrids?
...aparently the RKS ,, is a line of skunk with a PARTICUALAR smell and therefore taste*if properly dried*...so most likely the high and the smoking experience was the bomb too....i guess we can find something that resembles the rks if we know where to look and look a lot.....(talking about bagseeds)

:jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:

please if someone has pics or care to share ..... i have a thread devoted to STRONG , POTENT marijuana ... :bashhead: :bashhead:


please check it out and feel free to add input guys....
we are looking for a real king of the couch ,, strong stuff... :joint:

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Active member
oldtoker said:
time2unite hey man so i take it you are skeptical of the skunk#1 line every having anything to do with the roadkill then

thats mainly what i been trying to ask

have you ever selfed a female skunk#1 if you do shouldent it bring out a large amount of pheno's not previously seen?

thahashassassin ive been asking for 2-3 days trying to get sam to say what he felt brought the roadkill smell around and nothing

the oldest afghani i can get is a local oregon strain , its old maybe 20 years atleast, but i cant say it has any skunk smell deep musty strong but not skunky

its been clone so many times who knows, i think he kept a mother all these years but im not sure i know he still have it and only grow it though

contains large caylx and not huge buds more spear like very nice though.

anyway some strain somewhere makes the smell you want and it was passed onto the skunk or maybe to landrace cross making skunk

if there was a mom making the stink skunk smell imagine how powerfull the mommy would have been usally after a hybridaztion the smell it toned down a little

all im saying somewhere the plants come from to make skunk and these are what really need to find info about because its easier to find smell you want in a parental manner then to go threw hybrids of the 2 and try to find a phenotype that makes the smell you want

if afghani made skunk smell all the time it would be called skunk and people would be all over saying look at this smell and potency

as for looking threw new catalogs and getting afghani strain's well good luck all those probley have been had with northern lights or big bud or some type of indica its not going to be a afghani mom and afghani dad making the seeds you buy. and even if it was its not gona be easy to find the right pheno and once you do then you gota stablize it or once you cross it with something the smell most likely goes out the window this isnt easy work and thats why we gota find the parent that made the smells and gave them to skunk

sam skunkman please man whata think did you make the stinky skunk then can it or is the sk#1 completly differnt. and unrelated to sk1 like some of us think.

good luck with getting a response from sam, you could be waiting a very long time. Obviously not all afghanis are going to have that skunky smell to them, but alot of them do. A few years back I grew out some Highland Afghan cross that threw out some odd plants that had a destinct dead animal/skunk cabbage/chlorine smell to it. Crossed the highland afghan hybrid to greens GG#2, got the same skunky pheno to pop up again, so its in there. People just have to search for it. The hindu kush mountain range is not a small area, and genetic diversity is ALOT higher there then most people realise. I bet if you traveled to the paki/afghan border you could find some good strains that have a STRONG skunky smell too them.

RC Clark MB said:
Hindu Kush Range - Cannabis indica (Afghanistan and
Pakistan) - (30 to 37 north latitude)
This strain from the foothills (up to 3,200 meters
[10,000 feetj) of the Hindu Kush range is grown in small
rural gardens, as it has been for hundreds of years, and is
used primarily for the production of hashish. In these areas
hashish is usually made from the resins covering the pistil-
late calyxes and associated leaflets. These resins are re-
moved by shaking and crushing the flowering tops over a
silk screen and collecting the dusty resins that fall off the
plants. Adulteration and pressing usually follow in the pro-
duction of commercial hashish. Strains from this area are
often used as type examples for Cannabis indica. Early
maturation and the belief by clandestine cultivators that
this strain may be exempt from laws controlling Cannabis
sativa and indeed may be legal, has resulted in its prolifera-
tion throughout domestic populations of "drug" Cannabis.
Names such as "hash plant" and "skunk weed" typify its
acrid aroma reminiscent of "primo" hashish from the high
valleys near Mazar-i-Sharif, Chitral, and Kandahar in Af-
ghanistan and Pakistan.


Active member
Hashmasta-Kut said:
lol. i really thought all cannabis had that 'dog just got sprayed by skunk' odor even as a tiny little sprig, i never knew it was a rare thing? that's all they ever smelled like to me on or about 2 weeks from a seed sprout. if i knew it wasn't that bad with odor using the known seed genetics i would of started sooner, lol. i wasted 3 seeds because i had no idea how to stop the stink. lots of reading later..

you want that 1980s old school, man. you'll have it again. it's not gone, old timers must still have it somewhere, just not on the internet - you know how they fear the technology (not all of them though!). that soaring high someone else spoke about. i wonder if that's just classic 'skunk pure' high, the soaring uplifting from your chest outward feeling w/crazy plastic smile on your face you just can't remove. that aspect of the buzz is present in any skunk strain i'm guessing, but through the years people crossed them with their favorite strains making all those hazey indica skunky hybrids. the high is still there, it's just mixed in with the other effects of the other types. if it's just the smell you want, lol. believe me a stinker is a pain in the ass to contain, i wished one plant i ran was just as potent as my stinker, which really doesn't stink as bad as you guys describe, but i got a real sensative nose to it though . can smell that ode de skunk in very low doses and from a far, but this one plant had no odor at all., and it looked more sativa in veg. only on a stem or leaf rub did you get that celery like skunky (stink weed) smell. even 16 days into full flower, nada, no pungent wafting odor.. no odor control needed, no smell. i was like this is gonna rock, until the balls popped all over between the hairs ;( killed. that wish never came true. back to the stink weed version, lol.



honey oil addict
xOOx read the thread a bit. i have a seed from our old bc rks skunk variety germinated and growing into a big bush. gonna bud it in a few weeks.


honey oil addict
hells yas. saved some for a few people. also, like i have said b4, i still have more seeds, so i am gonna try for another pheno or 2 when i get time.


New member

BC Roadkill

BC Roadkill Skunk X Deep Chunk indica. The mother of this hybrid is our own proprietary clone, and in our hearts is as legendary as any of the others in our collection. Simply put, this is the stinkiest herb in any of gardens, rivalling even the UK cheese. The flowers exude an intense Skunk odour with astringent/citrus undertones. The smoke is thick and full flavoured, and the effect is an intense “stone”; narcotic and somewhat trance inducing, yet always enjoyable. Flowering 8 weeks. The yield is above average (325-450 g/ sq m).

Outdoors/greenhouse: ¼ per plant easily by late September


ruger 500
right on hashmasta-kut me one off too!what about yumbolt is it still around?it said to stink alot also ,


Tom 'Green' Thumb
My friend came over tonigh and showed me some bud he had done in his closet. I coudn't believe the smell coming from his pocket even before he pulled it out. When he did take it out I was amazed it was wrapped in three zip lock bags and still stunk this bad. I felt sorry for him driving with it - he took a real chance. When I took it out and inspected it, it reminded me of the old RKS I use to get in the early 90's. I have not seen any bud like this in years and the smell was exact. Actually, the bud looked a little different as it was a tad darker than I rmembered, but very similar in many ways. The smell was exact! He smoked a joint with us and all I could say was 'oh my god'. It was phenomenal! I wouldn't say it tasted like the RKS that I remembered, but it tasted great and had a nice after taste. So it had the smell down to a tee, the buzz was upitty just like I remember and potent as hell. Also, it looked almost the same as I remember with a few differences. I asked him what strain it was and he told me 'White Shark'. I don't believe it as it is like no White Shark I have seen before, but to tell you the truth any White Shark I have had in the past was not from a reliable source and could have been anything. It was gifted to him from a friend of a friend, so really they could have called it what ever they wanted for better lack of a name. He is going to give me a clone, so as soon as I get it I will post pictures here and log the entire grow.

This stuff blew my mind and is the closest thing I have seen to the old school RKS ever. I am extremely happy! I am not saying I found the RKS, but have found something very similar. This will have to do until I find the real deal. It makes me wonder though, if some people consider this strain the RKS.



New member
Love stinky pot. Springtime has me wanting to find a new stinker. Found an old stash of seeds I collected through the years. Whenever I would get a sac with a stinky bud in it. I would keep the seeds from the stinkiest skunky bud. Well I found 2 different baggies with seeds in them marked skunk. I dropped 7 into the wet paper towel today, (leaving several of each type to try at a later date) and am shooting for some stank. If I find the reeky ones I'll pass on some cuts to Time if he wants.
The seeds are noticeably different in color. One bag had some reddish colored seeds with mild striping. The others were more gray colored and also some tiger striping. I went with large and small size seeds from both bags. Hoping for a male and female stanker.
Now I'm an old school Hippy born in the late 60's. Always been a mad freek about the ganja. Specially the skunk buds. Loved the lime green red haired skunk, both thick chewy type and the more sativa lime green stuff. I've seen many a skunk plant and bud. I know theres some skunk genetics in these seeds I started guys. Have some patience and wish me some luck.
If I had to guess at the age of these seeds saved... 85-93 era. So they are old but with some love and luck maybe we can find that rks pheno for all you skunk lovers. :rasta:
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honey oil addict
good luck getting them to grow. paper towel is the worst i have tried for old seeds.

and we arent old school hippies bro. i was born in 68. my dad is an old school hippy, born in 46.


New member
Paper towel is the only method I've ever tried. Care to elaborate on any other better method? I'm always game to try other ways to propagate the ganj. Well HK now that we're about 40 I figured we could add ourselves to the oldschool category. Either way I don't see alot of harm in claiming im an oldschooler. But thanks for the good luck man.
I also started some others as well. Some *purple Kush* and also some adventure mix from the late 90's spice of life. I bet I get something interesting. Once things get going I'll get some pics going. Till then peace out.


honey oil addict
heres what i did with pretty good results, but even in a glass of water is better than paper towel i think...

Take a large wide mouth mason jar and fill with water.


1 teaspoon 3% Hydrogen peroxide
1 teaspoon mollasses(organic unsulphered)
1 teaspoon B vitamin/seaweed solution
Drop in the seeds

set up a small bubbler system and aerate the solution with a 1 inch stone.Cover the jar top with saran wrap and an elastic band

I like to sit the aerated jar on top of the flouros of the cloning shelf so that the temp hits 75-80F

As soon as you see the seed crack take it out and plant it in a STERILE medium,feeding it with B vitamin solution at the rate of 5ml/gal
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