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The Roadkill Skunk Fan Club

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I have ran both blue dot and fallbrook roadkill though...
Not the same...Trinity I'm not so sure about....
I got an eliete called just "humm". It's really kush dominant. It's a family heirloom so it's the "humm" in humbolt.
I still think the JRH are the closest to the "le pew" part of the smell.
My next try will be hummx and JRH 20 Yr old hand me down pures.


yes blueberry was around in 82, atleast here in oregon it was. As far as I have heard DJ lived in Oregon in the 70's, not sure when he left or exactly when he got here, but I know I was getting some shit that smelled just like blueberry pancakes in 83-84 from some guys who had been scoring it every year from atleast 4 years at that time so I'm going with he had the blueberry way before anyone in A'dam even knew about it.


I was just curious because the Bluedot that we were growing...did not smell at all like fruit. We kept that plant going through seeds for 10 years. Didn't think much about keeping any seeds because everyone had it. It truly was RKS. You could not get within 100 yards of the plots and could smell it. We grew this strain in the early 80's in the Northeast.



Ok heres my story about roadkill, I am a bean collector and I do buy lots on line but I sometime scoop up bags of the local mid-grade as its usualy dank stuff that got seeded from a grow gone wrong. About this time last year my dude came across some shit from atlanta that was soooo skunky that even wrapped in a few plastic bags and in tupperware still stunk up the car and what ever room it was in. So, upon breaking up the buds I noticed the seeds were very developed, very big and tiger stripped not a one seed under developed. Not to mention when broke up the room will stink to the high heavens. So after going through 8 pounds(we broke it all up and got the seeds) we started 20 of these plants and as soon as the first true leaves came out so did the skunk and I mean DAMN! in veg the funk from these was crazy. I almost had to pull the plug as these plant stunk like a 100 flowering plants and you could smell it out side the house. ok, to shortin this story a little I got 14 females showing very little varation in appperance but 3 distint odors. 1 was a fruity/skunky type(very sweet taste sweeter than sweet tooth#3, #2 was a skunky/spicy type with a very sharp taste and #3 was the most stinkiest plant I have ever grown. Was a mix of a skunks ass and a morgue. I mean it reeked of rotting flesh/meat but still had a skunk taste. The high was a very good mix of head/body but it was more like thai strains around. The flower time ranged from 7 1/2 weeks to 10 weeks. This was indoors in multi-flow buckets and under 3 1k mh/hps. I got some guys who said this was the shit going around in the 80's in the northeast/new egland area. The best thing about this is I have 1000's of these seeds and I didnt keep a mother cause there was no room since I have 10 other mothers. But, many more seeds to go through. I wish I could get these to gypsy so they can be given out as freebies cause I know its what everybodys looking for without a doubt no fucking question about it. The roadkill pheno was pretty domiant to as 8 of them showed and got 2 sweet phenos and 4 spicy ones.
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You may be able to this year. I wanna do another run of about 50 to see if these 3 types are all thats in there. These plants show vigour that I have only seen in mandala's strains. I mean they pretty much jump outta there shells and grow them selves. They do tend to like higher levels of calcium and mag but, that is all. very strong plants. Now I gotta purchase about another 10 scrubbers to try to contain the smell!


ICMag Donor
have you got any pics of this (skunk) haze toker it sounds interesting


No I dont have pics. I never took any last year when these were grown. I dont really care to post pics over the internet but I will when I start these again. I want people to see the roadkill is here on the eastcoast hell its prolly all over the country. But its very underground. I get elite cuttings from the guy and he has connections all over but he remains a underground private breeder and the few who know are the few who have the skunk. The only reason this shit was out to be sold was it was most likely a breeding project and the grower got the seeds he needed and sold the herb. This weed was seeded but looked very nice frosty and all trimmed up. With out breaking it up it looked better than 80% of the so called kind bud out here. Plus all seeds were devloped very fucking huge I mean I have never seen seeds so big not even mandala's. Oh yeah the fruity type turned very dark purple. darker then soma's lavander. It was the only type that did this and it happened at 80 degrees so its not weather related. When I start these again there will be pics as I know people are gonna want these.


HazeToker said:
I want people to see the roadkill is here on the eastcoast hell its prolly all over the country. But its very underground. When I start these again there will be pics as I know people are gonna want these.

Without a doubt bro, start them big azz seeds up! Get some pics in yer gallery so we can all see 'em! I dunno what the big deal is with ppl sitting on elites :confused: , If I had the RKS you could be sure it would get back out there into the community. I guess some ppl feel more important or whatever, to let it be known that they have something elite?(In general speaking of course).

:rant: What is the deal anyways? Why the hell can't we all share with eachother? The RKS IS out there, we all know it.(at least hoping) I know the breeding and outcrossing and backcrossing and inbreeding is time consuming, and deserves compensation.....but come on ppl....if you have it, why hold onto it? Is it the cash? Is it the noteriety? And if you don't have it, why misrepresent? Fuckin' attention whores! Who's next? Tap tap tap goes the claws on the microphone? We dont need that kinda shit anymore. Why is getting this thing done become such a hassle? :rant:

Ok...I feel better now.

edit: That was in no way directed at you HT, or anyone else directly for that matter.



I agree with you brother monk. My guy hordes lots of hybrids that are not on the market and he keeps em a secret. I know hes got em and I can get cuts of whatever but he will never tell me the lineage of such strains. Fuck that I got these and some lucky members will to. The RKS will end up back in the mainstream you'll see!


"vc's Trinity"??

"vc's Trinity"??

Well VC got the "trinity" cut in trade from me and wasnt supposed to mention the name nor reproduce it. To set the record straight about "vc's" trinity. Its origins were through a vet buddy of mine down south who brokered a trade with a guy called KQ . He was from oregon and had produced a feminized cross which I believe he had stated the "male" was a reversed jamaican sativa female. I started 10 beans of this "trinity" that I had to trade something like several hundred of a dj short strain for. It did turn out to be a very stinky and incredible high strain in several phenos, one cut of which got traded to VC for the congo. However no discussion of this was supposed to take place online. But I wanted to clear up the history of "VC's" Trinity which was not his to discuss nor breed with.
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Active member
YEah i did a trade of my oxacan landrace to vision..
Not a bad trade on my part, 50 landrace oxacan for 12 chocolate thai...
But vision was supposed to work the oxacan gold and kandahar together.
Now i see gypsy with what seems to be my oxacan highland gold up for sale..
I got the thai though...No biggie..
THE real Oxacan is going to reeferman if he wants em....I got a raw 200 pack for him...
AS FOR Vision: He had enough rope with me, and he hung himself already...
" My words will fill the sky with flame" (Bob wier- estimated prophet)
I am trained to find un-cleanliness in the underground, and stuff like this makes me loathe this earth....Petty people with petty wars....
O.K I stated yesterday but my P.C. ate the mail: I am really happy where this thread is going.. WE are finally getting somewhere with this all. Elietes are elietes..
God love em.. But I would like to find males for all the eliete cuts i come up with in my garden. Like males even....
MY ROADKILL PROJECT : Now harbors much promise with the hand me down Jamaican red hair strain. It has the "pepe" smell. Just not the pew of death smell.
I am thinking hummxJ.R.H. Humm is the eliete cut of a parent to "humbolt"
I have done work on the bolt, but need the pure bolt back somehow.Humm is in my garden- reverted and beginning to veg now.. Susept is low on this one. Seemingly unaffected by PM whatsoever.. Great virility. Hella KUSH dominant..
It was humm and mean's "nl5xkush" that was in the car, as mom asked "Did you hit a skunk on the way down.?"
So hopefully the JRHxHumm will be it.......And hopefully someone WILL pull out the original to compare to in breeding...
Richard- thanks for the history on trinity...Haze toker and brother monk- welcome to our gaffled thread....L.O.L.
HT sounds interesting.. Hope you don't pull a firegod and dissappear.....


a friend of my gave me seeds from his freezer, they are supposed to be 15 years old and saved from really skunky pot. I got them going right now reports to follow in the coming months.


start with an afgan or hindu kush line either or dont really matter you'll find it there I did its simple as that


Active member
WOOOOO HOOOOOO i have found the roadkill i have been searching for for FUCKING years and i cant beleive how obvious it was 2 words BIG BUD , my aunty came down to my house yesterday not seen her for years when she got out of her car i opened my front door and was greete dby that NASTY ASS smell ,when she got in the house she
she pulled about a gram out and told me 2 skin up the buds had not to many hairs lime green and very frosty after smokin that roadkill taste stays for hours
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I've grown out a fair share of Big Bud in my days. It's anything but RKS to me. If you found something you like though run with it and grow the hell out of her!


Active member
i understand where your coming from breezy big bud i have had before was nothing like this it is a cut she gets so genetics arent 100 percent but she is adamant that the guy wouldnt lie and even my mother said 'whos got old skool skunk' when she rolled up i have only smelt stuff with that smell as undertone in the last few yrs or lil hints of it this smells full on like old skool skunk reeks to high heaven too and i didnt even know that big bud was a skunk x afghan and is not too stable which means it could make sense , im getting hold of the cut soon so when it is done i will make sure someone without a biased opinion gets some just too prove it
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