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The ripe banana method to get more females.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Fair enough. Interesting results. I might play around a little with ethylene in my upcoming grow, so we'll have a broader base of experience. The more I look around, I find proven horticole applications for it, but you never know how a product will react with a particular species, such as Cannabis Sativa.


New member
I have a few questions for you expert fellows:

Would using ethylene turn hermies into straight(being the operative word) females??

So, since the females are most certainly still genetically 50/50 approximately, any breeding would be out of the question, but could you clone them and still have a female??

This one is the doozie for all you breeder dudes. It assumes u use Esoteric Man's technique of foliar feeding the plant.:
Could you take your males and keep clones, subsequently spraying the plant. Then testing the final female buds, and choosing the best male??

Fassinating stuff..



GMT said:
When looking for a girlfriend, do you guys want one that was born female or made female?

Yeah, it'd be tough to get high thinking about how those bracts used to be stamens... wait a second, what are we talking about?

What's up GMT, just had to pull your chain. I'd have thought Mr. Polyploidy could handle the idea of tranny buds. :biglaugh:
I don't know if ethylene can flip hermies---
even though plant gender is nothing genetically like animal gender or sex I can't help the dumb joke window of opportunity----
is that like trans-trans sexual (kinda like a double negative)

Ethyelene is known to produce female flowers on male plants, however.

thats when applied in flower.
I reccomend reading the article I posted a couple spots up. its got a lotta need info on gender and all sorts of things that potentially influence it in cannabis--I have yet to test electrical current as mentioned in the studies :sasmokin:

peace love and hairgrease
(or ethylene)
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Well-known member
I'm currently trying this with Kali mist, SAGE, and blueberry seeds.
i will post my results in about 2 months.
if this works it'll be fantastic!


New member
This seems to be a very interesting concept to contemplate.

My question would be then, that does compost 'stop' composting once it begins to be used?

If not, then wouldn't the compost itself still be giving off ethylene?

BTW, if my chemistry is not incorrect, if you were to smoke any ethylene, the ethylene would be reduced to CO2 and H20. Same thing in any combustion reaction.


Interesting stuff. I'll sure try it next summer for my next grow. Even if it doesn't work, at least it's free to try it.
Actually sometimes it all comes to luck. This year I got 3 fems out of 4 bagseeds. 75% fems, guess that's the so called beginners luck :)
yea, luck does play a big role in female to male ratio, as well as environmental conditions. I have found in a very good environment, i usually get over 50% females, usually around 60-70%, but i also noticed in not so good environments (light leaks, wild temperature fluctuations, etc.) i would usually get only around 30-40% females.

A good test would be to use a good environment, and grow alot of plants, maybe even in several batches using the ethylene and then do the same thing without using the ethylene. I would be alot more convinced seeing someone getting mostly/all females on a huge grow, as opposed to someone getting mostly/all females on a small grow.

Storm Crow

Active member
OK kids, as a LEGAL MMJ user in California, I am limited on how may plants I can grow. I presently have 4 seedling going. All have been exposed to banana peels, which give off ethylene gas, from day one. I'll get back to you if I have any males- by the odds, I should have 2. - Granny

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Storm Crow, I appreciate your contribution, but personally I don't think you could read anything out of 4 plants. It could go either way, all males or females, and it would prove nothing.
IMO, ethylene is not a substance that will change the sex of a plant, it is a substance that can influence the biochemistry of the plant and perhaps provoke a sex reversal, depending on X factors such as hormonal ratios, and that IF the epigamic sex theory of Cannabis Sativa is true, which is not at all sure.

400 or even 4000 seeds treated under controlled circumstances might indicate something, if it would repeatedly change male/female ratios (compared to non-treated seeds).

Storm Crow

Active member
There is more than one way to skin a cat!

There is more than one way to skin a cat!

True, but most of us can't do 400 or 4000 seeds. We make do with what info we can gather and the situation we are in. If I get all 4 females, I will repeat the experiment. Then, in 4 or 5 grows, if I end up with an unusually high number females, I'll post an article inviting others to try it.

Small and repeated attempts are OK for preliminary, "anecdotal"-type research. And where do you think a lot of the ideas for big studies come from, anyway? Someone found something weird that worked! It always starts with one person's "oddball" idea or chance discovery.

Many medical growers are on very limited incomes. $25 for some ethylene spray would be a hardship. If banana peels can be used in place of the spray with seedlings to give a higher ratio of female to male plants, it would be an affordable alternative for low income folks, since most people eat fruit and bananas are inexpensive. I feel it is worth exploring on this more "primitive" level, for that reason.

So I'm just going to keep on going on as I always have, trying this and that, and seeing what works. You guys do your trip! I'll enjoy reading your findings. There's room enough in this world for BOTH styles of research! Have fun!- Granny :joint:
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Rosy- i totally agree. 4 plants is not going to prove anything. Maybe a 50+ would, but not 4.

Storm- Who is to say most medical growers are on limited incomes? I know alot of medical users, and most of them can certainly afford to spend $25 on ethylene spray if they needed too. Not to mention, most medical users and growers pay high prices for medical bud anyways, the small costs of growing equipment is nothing compared to that. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but if people really want to use those types of chemicals to get more females, then they can certainly spend the money to get the ethylene.

I don't know many growers that would want to use it anyways, i personally have seen some info about it. But i'm a little skeptical. Does anyone know if using ethylene makes certain females more hermie prone? Just a thought, just doesn't seem very natural.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
KingRalph said:
Rosy... yes i have experimented with ethylene as a seed soak and as a foliar spray (sensa spray). a miniscule amount of gas to a bare seed surely won't do a thing, based on the poor results of it during germination and living stages.

negative results as a seed soak. damaging results in germination water (hinderance of taproot). the only results where ethylene had any effect was as a foliar spray. and even then there was no effect on the sex in my attempt. perhaps i just timed the sprays wrong, it would probably need to be done by the 6th node and again in a week or so, as these are the only times where sex may be influenced (up for debate) as a plant will never indicate sex before 7th node or so.

i did not try it again like that, because there was no benefit. in fact it will make the leaves curl and droop for days, halting growth. herein lies the humor... the ONLY use i can see for ethylene spray is as a vertical growth halter. similar to bushmaster, superbud, those products. it will halt vertical growth in its tracks and amplify branching when growth resumes in a few days. so it has a use there at flower onset if someone so desires... as sensa spray is boatloads cheaper than other products that have this effect.

feminization/sts is the only way. peace and green thumbs.

I had quite the opposite results. I used my entire bottle of sensa soak through a period of 5 grows. Germed 4 seeds each grow in sensa soak, never did get a male and never had germ problems for that matter. No BS


goldking said:
Howdy folks,anyone know if ethylene gas comes bottled, seems that would be less mess and seedling in cups could be put in bags full of gas during their first days of growth to boost the fem ratio. just a thought :)

I,ve had 100% success reversing sex of females with my homemade colodial silver solution, made Sour Diesel fem seeds and others with absolutely no hermies resulting from 100s of plants, and CS is free, when made at home.

stay warm GK

You can buy bottles of Ethylen gas, look up you local Commercial greenhouse suplyer. It's use in many greenhouses and fruit companys, it's used to ripen banans with and to introduce flowering in bromeliads and much more.

Should not be to hard to get your hand on, I have worked several places in dutch greenhouses where they used it.



thats awesome i will most def try it out on my next grow..cant hurt ne thing

agent 420

I read about this method in a grow book, forgot which one though.
I tried it on some beans a few grows back and got good results, something like 4 outta 6 were females.
I've only tried it once however, but this has inspired me to give it another shot.
One friend of mine who is really into herbs once told me that sage contains alot of estrogen. I then decided to soak my beans in some homemade sage tea prior to germ. Once again I got good results, 75-80% female.
I guess I'll have to do some more research for myself to be sure. Thats really the only valid way of knowing something, first hand experience.