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The ripe banana method to get more females.


I bought a pack of Mandela Hashberry last year, they were ALL males. So I got another pack Of Hashberries now, but they are in the Banana method. I will post the results when time comes. Right now I am at day 2 of 12.


This sounds very interesting.Couldn't you just use whole bananas?They release ethylene too.If not as much,use more bananas.If you put 6 or 8 green bananas in a bigger bag as they rippen up they would release a lot of gas.Easier I think then messing with peels.They could take days to ripen and you wouldn't need to worry about mold and rot.I guess I have to try it and find out.Bananas are cheap,some seeds are not.


AmishFarmer said:
This sounds very interesting.Couldn't you just use whole bananas?They release ethylene too.If not as much,use more bananas.If you put 6 or 8 green bananas in a bigger bag as they rippen up they would release a lot of gas.Easier I think then messing with peels.They could take days to ripen and you wouldn't need to worry about mold and rot.I guess I have to try it and find out.Bananas are cheap,some seeds are not.

damn genius,green bannannas, i saw on the food network put an apple in a bagg of bananas to help them rippen faster,maybe helps produce more ethylene faster.

OG bub

ICMag Donor
I dont buy it.. but I am a bit of a sceptic too.

If female gender is not determined when a seed is a seed, prior to germination, or even full development, why do feminized pollination techs work.........

just my, verry breif thoughts.

Peace, bub.
pretty interesting read I'm curious myself to see if this actually works. Hell what have you got to lose except a few peels that were headed for the trash or the compost anyway.


Active member
i have heard of the banana peels for ethylene gas method before and it's a really sad idea.

they make ethylene soaks for seeds and i've never seen that do anything either, and that's pure ethylene sans rotting fruit peels.

like OG bub says... feminization. your best bet. also keeping plants happy and more blue (MH) light early on, and other things would give more sway to a female than these ethylene treatments as seeds. i would not recommend anyone doin this. just an opinion. peace and green thumbs all.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
KingRalph don't you think it's premature to say it's a sad idea before it has been fully tested?
Nobody's asking you to believe in it. A sceptical attitude is healthy, but discarding it without trying or experimenting isn't, IMO.
You say you've never seen the Flower Seed Soak do anything. Have you tried it?
I've scanned the pot forums for info from someone who has tried it, and I've come up with nothing. I've seen those bottles in my local growshop, the owner just shrugs his shoulder at it. He hasn't tried it, he has heard nothing from clients who has.

So it's unchartered territory as far as I'm concerned.

Based on what I said in my earlier post, ethylene seems to have a proven influence on plant hormones. I concider Accent Hydroponics (that markets the Seed Soak product) as a serious company, one of the oldest hydroponics companies in Kangaroonia. So if it's just snake oil, they just went from cool mode to scam mode.
By the way, they say in their marketing that "Flower Seed Soak stimulates the seed to have a tendency to become a female plant."
There's no satisfied or reimbursed guarantee here.
If they'd said that it will make plants female, then I would have concidered it bogus, because I've never seen that happen. But I believe influencing male/female ratios is doable in large numbers.
These methods must be meticulously tested on hundreds of seeds.
ethylene in chemical form as foliar

ethylene in chemical form as foliar

Ethylene is found on the market as a chemical (actually the chemical is ethephon, which, as soon as the plant absorbs it through stomata, converts to ethylene.) Monterrey makes it, its called Florel
Most of the produce you eat from a grocery strore has been treated, it speeds up ripening. It can also induce senescence if not careful. It has been used to control fruit and plant growth and ornemantal fruit control for years.

I use it once in mid vegatative stage as a foliar. 95% successful thus far. Almost Never females from seeds :woohoo:

Don't expose growing medium or soil though, it concentrates in soil and can become toxic to plant. It really works!!

I found it in some article on Erowid years ago.... did some research and found other, more valid journals (found an article in a botanical journal w/ lots of controlled experiments called Hemp Husbandry) and utilized ethephon to increase females.!!!

Peace, love and hairgrease

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Very interesting EsotericMan, thumbs up.

I just read up on Florel, here's a link if anyone wishes to do the same:


Concider this part of the text:

There are three main effects that Florel has on many of the species we grow in the greenhouse. First, it stimulates lateral branching and eliminates the need to hand pinch crops including geranium, both zonal and ivy, fuchsia, verbena, lantana, vinca vine, garden chrysanthemum, impatiens, and many specialty crops. It has been documented that replacing hand pinching with a foliar spray reduces labor and the associated costs by up to 80 percent. Cutting yield from stock plants can be doubled as a result of this stimulation of branching.

Second, Florel maintains a plant in a vegetative state while under treatment. Flowering is prevented while the plant is under the influence of the ethylene in a Florel application.

This is desirable for stock plant development as every bit of photosynthetic energy is channelled into the vegetative organs of stems, leaves, and roots instead of flowers. On finished crops Florel treatment early in the production cycle prevents premature flowering at the same time that it stimulates branching resulting in more efficient growth and development.

Third, Florel inhibits internode elongation and results in compact growth to accompany the branching effect. The best example of this effect is vinca vine, whose unruly internodes commonly reach six inches in length. By using multiple Florel applications growers can control internode length on this crop to any degree desired. This is possible partly because vinca vine is not grown for its flowers and hence can be treated very late in the production cycle.

I think perhaps a few growers will find this interesting, if it has these effects on Cannabis Sativa.

A hormone that stimulates side branching while it reduces internode elongation - no topping, LST or supercropping needed - could be useful for hybrid and sativa indoor growers, especially SCROGgers. You could keep the plant as low as possible through vegetation.

Still, you could not use it to keep the stretch down when flipping lights, since it is said to maintain the plant in a vegetative state (which sounds strange to me, since what I've learned about ethylene presents it as a "ripening hormone"), but it could be useful for old motherplants that autoflower, or simply autoflowering genetics.

I might be up for some experimenting this summer.


Interesting thread here got me pondering myself of the potential of this technique. Great read so far i was not aware of florel, thanks rosy for the heads up :headbange


New member
According to wikipedia this is a reasonable idea - they reference papers which (apparently) say that ethylene has this effect on cannabis seeds. They also say that auxin (another plant hormone) has the same effect. Might be worth an experiment to see which works best. As far as I know auxin is easier to get hold of than ethylene, but that might not be typical.
Ethylene/ or rather ethephon (which is converted into ethylene upon absorbtion/digestion by plant through stomata) is very accessable. Check out many nurseries.
Florel is a product made by Monterrey, Ethel is another product on the market.
Used as a foliar...good stuff, probably a little more influential than fruit gases emitted (i.e. bananas) due to concentration and application.
I only suggest one application mid to late veg though--I dont wanna be smokin ethylene :nono: and it does enhance strechting...much of the other products I use do that as well at the intro of flowering (I use a mostly AN products so foliars such as VHO foliar increase lateral growth, strengthen stems[great for mothers & cloning too,] and other base nutes and additives I use do that,) so combo of the two really needs to be controlled but really does the work.
I use a lot of foliars that include amino acids, auxins, enzymes and vitamin B's in conjunction with beneficial bacteria and the like. I only do it up until 2nd week of flower though. AND Only ONE APPLICATION OF FLOREL. Nice, well developed calyxes, lotsa laterial... plus the ethylene almost ensuring FEMALE development does the job for me :headbange Less messing around w/physical stress and trauma to plant.

Peace love & hairgrease
Ehtylene is often sprayed on pre-formed fruit to speed up ripening of that already developed. I bet it has something to do w/ ability to speed up senescence?

It is also used to control development of "unwanted fruit" to regulate crop and remove unwanted deveolopment
Used to control carob and dwarf miseltoe. Thoughts?


The Tri Guy
If you grow a few seeds, and most of them are one sex, and you want the other, then you do something different next time, even though you are far more likely to get the other sex next time round, peeps tend to think that they influenced this by what they did. People just dont want to feel irrelevant. It may be possible to take a seed that wants to be one thing, and make it another through the use of chemicals or hormones etc, but is it wise? When looking for a girlfriend, do you guys want one that was born female or made female?


Active member
Rosy... yes i have experimented with ethylene as a seed soak and as a foliar spray (sensa spray). a miniscule amount of gas to a bare seed surely won't do a thing, based on the poor results of it during germination and living stages.

negative results as a seed soak. damaging results in germination water (hinderance of taproot). the only results where ethylene had any effect was as a foliar spray. and even then there was no effect on the sex in my attempt. perhaps i just timed the sprays wrong, it would probably need to be done by the 6th node and again in a week or so, as these are the only times where sex may be influenced (up for debate) as a plant will never indicate sex before 7th node or so.

i did not try it again like that, because there was no benefit. in fact it will make the leaves curl and droop for days, halting growth. herein lies the humor... the ONLY use i can see for ethylene spray is as a vertical growth halter. similar to bushmaster, superbud, those products. it will halt vertical growth in its tracks and amplify branching when growth resumes in a few days. so it has a use there at flower onset if someone so desires... as sensa spray is boatloads cheaper than other products that have this effect.

feminization/sts is the only way. peace and green thumbs.