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I still have more seeds from this cross and seeds from a 2nd female of the same seed stock pollinated by the same Double Dutch male. At some point I intend to grow out more of these seeds to find select plants to make f2 seeds stock. The next round of seeds that I'm planning to start are the Double Dutch f2's seeds that I made with the intentions of making f3's. These Hash Plant x Double Dutch females will get to have a seat for some of the pollen from the DD f2's when they get grown up and flowered.


I wonder if I'd be able to document my Double Dutch f2's seeds in my Double Dutch thread. But when I started it, it was in the Magus forum and we all know the Magus forum got absorbed by Serious seed's forum. I don't know, maybe a new thread would be more suited these seeds.


I've been working on a new design for my newest prototype aeroponic unit. I finished setting the unit up last night. Which included connecting everything together and installing the misters. I was able to do a test run of the unit with 4 gallons of water (I did use RO water) filled into the res. The system is set up with two aero units that are connected together by the feed manifold and then by the drain line which are T'ed together to then drain into the Res. The way the drains are connected slowing the total flow of the drain line and water continues to build up in each aero unit as the pump continues to run. I think if I removed the T and added two L barbs so each aero unit has it's own drain line to the res would allow for faster drainage. If the drain line was a larger size, that would improve the drainage flow rate.

This design is going to be the template for the setting up of larger aeroponic systems that I intend to be constructing.


I have some cuttings in one of the aero units, to root them and they are about a week since I cut them.

After I cut all of the cuttings I did a little something different this time. I took a bucket with about a gallon of ice cold water and dish soap and gave the cuttings a good soaking in the cold water. This was done due to a slight population of spider mites. The cold water had two effect that I can think of, one, it causes the cuttings to not let fluids flow as easy, and two it causes the spider mites to have a cold shock which should help to drowned them in the cold water and or cause them to let go of the plant material. They where then rinsed with cold tap water a couple times and then they where cut and placed into the cloner.

I just finished with anti pest measures with the cuttings. the cuttings where sprayed down with 5-1 mix of canola oil and water + dish soap with neem oil added in. The canola oil and soap will kill the living mites with in minutes. I let the cutting set for about 15-20 minutes after spraying them, I then took a spray bottle with cold water and dish soap and sprayed the cuttings down again, but this time to rinse the previous spray off. After a few minutes (to allow the cold temp of the water to affect the leaves and stems so they are cold) I then rinsed the soapy water off and returned them to the cloner.

The point of rinsing everything off of them is since they are still un-rooted cuttings, I'm avoiding them having any solutions on them that may affect the leaves if they are covered in it. Once they have roots, they will be less inclined to be affected by the residue left over from spraying stuff on them.


Yesterday the first of the cuttings started growing roots and now this morning there are others that are starting to produce their first roots tips.

Sunday I started 24 seeds. 20 are Double Dutch F2's I made some years ago, and the other 4 are some seeds that a friend gave to me some 7-10 years ago, they are Purple Erkles. I checked them last night and all 4 had popped and the tap root was visible, they should be ready to go into the aero unit with in the next 1-3 days then it's full throttle in the aeroponic units.



The Purple Erkles

The DD F2's


I started the current round of rooting cuttings on nutrients last night. I used tap water this time in the aero cloner from the start and just added the nutrients into the water that was already in it, which is tap water.


Pictures from day 7 of the Purple Erkles

The one in the back is still alive. I didn't get the embryonic sack of off the that one after transplanting them, I thought I did though. I got it removed on their 2nd day but it got stunted and some how it managed to start growing out the true leave. By the look of it, it will be about a week behind the other plants.




An update on the Double Dutch F2's and the Purple Erkle

The Purple Erkle's are showing Way stronger growth then the DD F2's. I theorize that the DD F2's are showing an early sign of the gene pool being narrowed down.


Working on putting together my new pest spraying unit. I just have one thing left to do to it before I can finish setting it up for a first run. I need to put a bit of a lip on a hole so that when the water runs through it, it drips straight down ward instead of dripping along the bottom of the tub.


Here are pictures of the purple Urkles. I had some health issues and things got a little neglected. Not every one got transplanted out of the tub. The three in the one tub are the two males and one female. That female happens to have been the biggest plant of the whole group and has been numbered as #1. The other female got transplanted into one of the 6 inch bucket lid net pot and has been given the number #2.

There are two males and two females out of the 4 seeds I started.

Out of the two males the smaller one (which was the one that was stunted from the start) has more smells/scents then the other male. The other male has had some male flowers forming along a main branch and those flowers have opened. The pollen sack the formed where purple in color or had purple shades forming on the pollen sacks.

I just took cutting off of the the two males and the #1 plant. The three in the one tub are now most likely to big to transplant now or to even flower them out in the tub. One of the males might be able to be removed, but going to cuttings would be more space friendly at the moment. They are going stay around until the cuttings have rooted out and then they get chopped. I'll be needing the room that they are in for some females to be moved into so I can start flowering them.




I had text typed out for this then the browser f-ed the typed out text away, (will retype it later)







Finally got the timer on and set for the pollen room. I have a few plants in the the one large communal bubbler tub, I at first thought that all of these to be males, but now I'm sure there are at least three females in the tub too and all their roots have grown together. So it's not going to be an easy task to remove them and the two keeper males are to large to be removed with out removing the roots.

So these females where the last of the Double Dutch F2's to show that they where/are females. The two smaller ones have resisted showing any preflowers along the stem that could be identified by eye sights.

So basically I'd intend to cull them as they where some of the smallest out of the whole group of seedlings and I'd most likely cull them as they are so far the runts of the litter. I have rooted cuttings from 5 of the females, with some cuttings from the 6th in the cloner(who are from one of the females in the tub w/ the boys)


Just moved three females into the Pollen room before lights out. They are Hash Plant #6 X Double Dutch, 2 are #4 and the other one is a #3

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