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The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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i feel ya nomad

i feel ya nomad

if you're pushing for a win on 19, I suggest you leave the subject of amnesty out of your discussions as we approach November. Not a political winner. Not ever. Now, tax amnesty... parking ticket amnesty... those might win you an election in California.

but personally i believe these are the issues to be discussed weather popular points , winning stratagies or not, it needs to at least be discussed. playing only to win is not at all productive, hence our current govt. playing to be real, or for the love of the game? better translated "for the love of your fellow human bieng" that is reality. though id like to see cannabis decriminalized in my lifetime, and will do my part, in the end i could give a shit really if it passes. i survived before, and i hope to survive after...lol change is inevitable. but its our job as the mmj community to focus the discussion to "real" issues.
who's gonna get all the money should not be the focus of our debate, as it shows our true motives. and that itself is a non seller.
like for instance if we renamed the " compassionate use act" the " taking the money from the large landowning white barn growing elites, and distributing it into the hands of the mom n pop/collective local farmers act" that probably wouldnt sell well either. and definitely wouldnt have passed.
but none the less your point is valid and point taken.


ICMag Donor
it's a repost of my two cents on this issueBut as an open letter to everyone else....

it's a repost of my two cents on this issueBut as an open letter to everyone else....

It's a fight
but secretly a lot of closet smokers will not say so publicly but will vote yes for their own legal self interests. and a lot of parents of a certain generation don't want their kids and grand kids facing arrest for trying a joint either.
it will be close either way so every vote will count

This election is not about 5x5 grow spaces and retail chains and Phillip Morris like industrialization.

This election is about sending a message to Washington that Prohibition is a failed public policy. Period.

If you think Prohibition works and 800,000 cannabis users arrested every year is a good thing then vote to send them to jail like the GOP, DEA and cops want you to. Be their punk bitch.

Any other argument is just loaded with greed and self interest. no taxes better bill blah blah blah. all against MORE OVERALL RIGHTS FOR ALL CITIZENS.PERIOD.

When do you think you will get a chance to send this message directly again?
Can you vote on this every year?

The time is now and the people to do it are us and that my friends is that.

This may be the only ballot battle for cannabis rights in CA for years because failure can kill momentum, So if you not willing to get on the horse and ride it into the battle for every vote now when the CannaBarbarians are at the gates trying to kill this with every force of condemnation and dollar they have then you don't realize what victory means to the other side.

Roiling back SB420 and Prop 215 would be next.

For gods sake the GOP is running this year on a platform of Repeal Everything.

You don't think 215 and MMJ is on their hit list - wake the fuck up.

This is the new civil war and you are either for Slave States or Free States.

Make CA one of the free ones and the rest of the country follows.

Again, Prohibition is a failed public policy. Period



Does anyone else think this Prop 19 discriminates against the poor? Especially those that have to share housing.


It must be missing the part that says this will strike down all medical marijuana patient rights and protection provided therein.

Where you been?

Second draft added that I think right? Also added support against workers testing positive and keeping their jobs yes?

You never got back to me on that one.

As it turns out there is support from the conservative McClatchy papers now mostly in the way of being centrist.

I wanted more freedom than this Prop 19 and I still think 2012 is the year.
Does anyone else think this Prop 19 discriminates against the poor? Especially those that have to share housing.

can you stop with the nonsensical stuff. DO you understand the concept of precedent? That the law is evolving and not static.

if you allow people to do what they please with property, they don't own, what kind of world would you have? say goodbye to the basic tenet of society that is contract law. Say goodbye to private property period.

You can't legislate that borrowers of property should be able to alter and or destroy property that is owned by another person. i can't even begin to explain how illogical this is.
If you want to start a campaign that safe marijuana cultivation doesn't harm the house or the surrounding land then so be it. I'll sign up and help you campaign, but saying the bill is some how discriminatory to lower income citizens is insane.


can you stop with the nonsensical stuff. DO you understand the concept of precedent? That the law is evolving and not static.

if you allow people to do what they please with property, they don't own, what kind of world would you have? say goodbye to the basic tenet of society that is contract law. Say goodbye to private property period.

You can't legislate that borrowers of property should be able to alter and or destroy property that is owned by another person. i can't even begin to explain how illogical this is.
If you want to start a campaign that safe marijuana cultivation doesn't harm the house or the surrounding land then so be it. I'll sign up and help you campaign, but saying the bill is some how discriminatory to lower income citizens is insane.

I disagree with your concept of freedom. Freedom is for everyone not just the privileged.
What you are suggesting is Fascism.
If you rent under Prop 19 your Landlord controls your cannabis freedom. That reads like low income folks are being discriminated against to me. How does Prop 19 make us all equal binaryfission?

Oh and it's not a Bill.
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I disagree with your concept of freedom. Freedom is for everyone not just the privileged.
What you are suggesting is Fascism.
If you rent under Prop 19 your Landlord controls your cannabis freedom. That reads like low income folks are being discriminated against to me. How does Prop 19 make us all equal binaryfission?

Oh and it's not a Bill.


How does allowing people to do what they want with property that isn't theirs sustainable? or workable in our current system?

Answer the question sir. Didn't your mother ever tell you not to answer a question with a question? o wait lemme guess, the rules don't apply to you. You're a rebel, huh?

You are setting up a precedent for the removal of personal property. How would i define an object as mine if you can just alter and or damage that object when you gain possession? Your system would not allow for the existence of rental anything.

I don't think you understand the difference between possession and ownership. They aren't the same thing.


New member
Two ways of looking at this??? Are you kidding me?? Very elegant in your delivery but you are excluding so many factors.

A few more important questions are:

Do you trust the government to control and tax your medicine? Remember in California marijuana is already decriminalized and is considered medicine.

Since this bill will change marijuana from medicine to that category of alcohol and cigarettes than ask yourself, "has the government ever shown you that they are 1.trustworthy with alcohol or tobacco
2.have you seen those tax dollars benefit your life."
Last I checked Taxation for cigarettes and alcohol keeps going through the roof and class action lawsuits have no end in sight. Do not kid yourself, these are the realities of this passing prop 19.

Would it be better for the "movement" itself if it continued to be labeled as medicine?
I feel much better about the positivity this label represents.
Medicine is not taxed in America and prescribed drugs are write offs. In my mind, I think this is a much better road for "the future movement".

Why would you ever vote to tax something that is not already taxed?

California is the 8th largest economy in the world. We do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem..

Voting for taxation would be admitting you believe the government will spend your earned money more wisely than you and that your tax dollars will benefit you better in the hands of the government than in your pocket.

This is about control, regulation and taxation just as the title suggests. 25'ft, what a joke. You can distill your own alcohol and create barrels of wine on your property but you only get 25'feet to grow a plant that is completely safe, even if you are the only one capable of supplying your loved ones???

With a the free market system in which this country was based, the best product at the cheapest price is what will end up in the hands of the consumers.

We do not have to take the first peace of crap that made the ballots. We need to continue the GOOD fight and push for the medicine label. With that we can push for not only a safe, tax free medicine but a safe, tax deductible medicine.

How does allowing people to do what they want with property that isn't theirs sustainable? or workable in our current system?

Answer the question sir. Didn't your mother ever tell you not to answer a question with a question? o wait lemme guess, the rules don't apply to you. You're a rebel, huh?

You are setting up a precedent for the removal of personal property. How would i define an object as mine if you can just alter and or damage that object when you gain possession? Your system would not allow for the existence of rental anything.

I don't think you understand the difference between possession and ownership. They aren't the same thing.


ICMag Donor
Does anyone else think this Prop 19 discriminates against the poor? Especially those that have to share housing.

You talk about freedom from Governmetal orders, yet you think the Gov't should tell a landlord what he can and can't allow on his property. Make up your mind. Do you want the Govt to order Landlords to let people smoke and have pets while we're at it?

If you rent and your landlord doesn't want growing on the property you still have the right to possess. Buy a house, rent it to someone and let them destroy it and you'll change your tune real quick.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
edited...too many toolbags on too many threads to fight w all of em(not speaking of the post above this one)
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New member
I'm voting no on 19; as there are many points to the bill which I do not agree with. :tiphat:
Fuck u u capitalistic fuck think about Obama wanting a bush crony for head narcotics enforcer, or when another Bush type president gets into office whats better something or nothing!!! Prohibition does not work!!!!


Kiss My Ring
Had it not been illegal we would not have had that suave sophisticated cannabis culture providing a balance of price and availablitiy.

Please the issue is greater than that.

Why when people get so excited (agitated) over the possibility of state regulation do they overlook the most important aspect of decriminalization, the ancillary industries created?

Focusing on the inebriant qualities, or the medicinal qualities alone is transparently shortsighted.

The multitude of beneficial applications provided by hemp (cannabis) is beyond any other product (except perhaps oils contribution to the chemical conglomerates) and is practically ignored in this genre of media.

I have seen but two accounts of individuals jockeying for position in this new realm. The potential rewards of these enormous stores of wealth will inevitably go to the ones whose foresight was not limited to the one aspect, inebriation.

Some of the more noble rewards the cannabis plant offers:

Complete food source from cannabis seed with every required nutrient, plus fibre.
Cordage for cloth, rope; the finest known cloth is from hemp!
Paper. Renewable every year without a single tree being cut!
Plastics, just like petroleum products produce, but biodegradable.
Fuel source. Believe that you can make gasoline from plants! Bio-fuels are in use now!
Medications!!! Many here are already adamant about its efficacy as medication.

How many more could an enlightened mind conceive?

To overlook any of these, under any circumstance, is criminal abdication of the governments responsible role in protecting, honoring, and serving its citizens. Denying these benefits is the sole purpose of the Drug Enforcement Administration and their dutifully sworn cadre of heavily armed and uninhibited LEOs, intent on depriving you of your assets and freedom.

Righteous indignation aside, and as humbly as I say it, I am embarrassed for this and other ‘cannabis communities’ who disregard the true potential of cannabis by percentage of THC.

THC is a constituent of cannabis, not the whole plant. Just as your presence at ICMag is not your whole being.

There is nothing bigger here than solving world hunger, providing opportunities for billions to arise from poverty, and provide for your needs too.


Active member
got this in my email today...from a local dispensary..

Dear [Patient Name],

As many of you may know Proposition 19 - The "Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act" - will be on the November 2nd ballot and we feel that it is our responsibility to provide you, our patients, with relevant information about the proposition. Below are a number of excellent resources that summarize and comment on the legal and economic ramifications of Proposition 19. We urge you to educate yourself so that we all retain the rights afforded to us for the past 15 years under Prop 215.

1) A recent review of expected legal effects was published in the October issue of The Connection Magazine, "Marijuana Patients & Lawyers Say No on 19". www.ConnectionMagazineOnline.com Download the October issue as a PDF and scroll to Page 15.

2) Many cannabis patients and users are against Prop 19. The content below has been extracted from the following website - stop19.com/2010/08/19/how-will-prop-19-affect-you

How will Prop 19 affect you?

. Are you age 18-20? You will not be allowed to consume cannabis legally under Prop 19. You will still need a medical recommendation to do so.

. Do you live in the same "space" as a minor? (Space could mean anything from the same house to an entire apartment complex.) You will not be allowed to consume cannabis.

. Do you rent your home? Prop 19 will only allow you to grow cannabis if you have permission from your landlord. Due to the risks involved, many (if not most) California landlords do not allow it.

. Do you grow cannabis with a doctor recommendation? Prop 19 may be interpreted by law enforcement and judges to limit your grow space to 5'x5'.

. Do you provide your extra medical cannabis to dispensaries? It may be a crime to do so if Prop 19 passes. In addition, large Oakland growers and tobacco companies will take control of the market and push you out.

. Do you currently have to use your medical cannabis anywhere but home? Prop 19 may prevent patients from using their medicine anywhere in public. Which for many people with illnesses is not always possible.

. Do you sell your extra medical cannabis to other medical patients? Prop 19 may make this practice illegal. Even if you are only selling it to cover your growing cost.

. Do you currently enjoy the use of cannabis free from Government interference? Not only will the Government impose excessive taxes under Prop 19, but the federal government will likely respond with unprecedented action against California cannabis users. "The federal Controlled Substances Act makes it a felony to grow or sell cannabis. California can repeal its own marijuana laws, leaving enforcement to the feds. But it can't legalize a federal felony. Therefore, any grower or seller paying California taxes on marijuana sales or filing pot-related California regulatory paperwork would be confessing, in writing, to multiple federal crimes."

3) Please find a comprehensive summary and review of positions both FOR and AGAINST Proposition 19 on this website: http://www.ballotpedia.org/wiki/ind..._the_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2010)
. Do you live in the same "space" as a minor? (Space could mean anything from the same house to an entire apartment complex.) You will not be allowed to consume cannabis

Whats the law on this now for compliant med patients?


I'm sorry, I don't live in the U.S but I have a question:

how does this new law stops feds from busting dispencaries/growops ?

other thing: over where I live, the law is very exact. Statement as "space" would not be allowed in an ordinance, as it can be interpreted in too many ways and therefore, the law is not clear.

I hope I make myself clear ;)

after all, I would vote for "The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010"

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