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The Bling

This is my proposed act pleas edit as you see fit to make it work.

The american Drug Responsibility Education And Moderation act

This Act would abolish the current Us Narcotics scheduling system and Rename the DEA as the Drug Education Agency.

The agency's primary functions will be educating the public about the sources of drugs, the psychological, physical, social and environmental ramifications of the use and production of Drugs and Moderation of Drug Use. Furthermore the Agency will be responsible for the rehabilitation and job skills training of self admitted or convicted citizen "Drug Abusers".

(for the purpose of this act "Drug abuser" shall be a US citizen of any age whom commits a felonious crime or repeated misdemeanor offense either under the influence of drugs or seeking funds with which to acquire drugs. Or any citizen who self admits "Drug abuse". Non-citizens committing similar offenses shall be deported)

A further function of the new DEA will be to maintain and operate and license "safe spaces" where Hard drugs can be purchased and used freely with onsite medical professionals, and onsite rehab and job skills training. "Safe spaces" shall also issue permits on an application basis for hard drug use and delivery. (Hard drugs should be considered drugs with a high risk for abuse, intravenous use of drugs, processed drugs, or drugs posing an imminent health risk to users. eg Heroin, Methamphetamine, PCP, Benzos, please expand this list) use of Hard drugs shall be tracked electronically.

The new DEA shall also license Drug gardens where "soft drugs" may be purchased (all purchases shall be accompanied by educational materials on the drug purchased) and used freely these locations should as well as commercially produced, also staff Emergency medical responders, and will not be required to have onsite rehab facilities. Soft drugs may also be used in public "DRUG FREE ZONES" and in private facilities. (Soft drugs should be considered drugs with LOW potential for abuse, plant source, or social acceptance. eg. Cannabis, Alcohol, Tobacco, Opium, Mushrooms, Peyote, Iboga, LSD oral, DMT smoked or oral as ayahuasca, please add more) All soft drugs will be legal to "grow" at private residences so long as HOME grown drugs are NOT SOLD though they may be shared.

all additions welcome lets write a good act then spam our senators with it!!:jump::jump::jump:

Questions Comments concerns? Grammar fixes? thanks yall


Active member
all for it already:)

all for it already:)

This is my proposed act pleas edit as you see fit to make it work.

The american Drug Responsibility Education And Moderation act

This Act would abolish the current Us Narcotics scheduling system and Rename the DEA as the Drug Education Agency.
havent even read it yet but you got my attention with that good bit right there....:good:


Active member
awesome....hey the Ibogaine is one of the most interesting drugs as my better half was trying to get her brother off of heroin with it but he couldnt have it administered here in the states as its illegal as coke and heroin and wasnt tryin to leave the country to do it...too bad they dont allow that type of intervention here cos it really seems to help...
earth medicine man......


Bodhisattva of the Earth
That's a Great great idea, because as we all know here, something has GOT to be done! This is the most messed up country on the planet, imo.


awesome....hey the Ibogaine is one of the most interesting drugs as my better half was trying to get her brother off of heroin with it but he couldnt have it administered here in the states as its illegal as coke and heroin and wasnt tryin to leave the country to do it...too bad they dont allow that type of intervention here cos it really seems to help...
earth medicine man......

if anyone is interested in Ibogaine in the states

look into high quality Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds aka Argyreia nervosa


they also contain ergine and a variety of other LSA's that similar to LSD. High quality seeds you only need about 4 to 5 seeds to get a good experience. no more than 10 seeds due to vasoconstriction, some people water extract to be able to take more...definitely will make one not so interested in alcohol or heroin cocaine after one is done with their trip

The Bling

Sounds logical, there for, the U.S. Government would not like it. But, I'm with ya.

well my thought is that it increases their profit margin on heroin and cocaine sales by distributing it in small amounts. this makes sense right like the cia and dea already sell hard drugs they just only sell large amounts like imagine how much they would make of blow if they sold it an 8 ball at a time!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
good idea but, FUCK THE DEA! Abolish the DEA 100% The people that work for them are NOT educators. LEO should have no say in drug policies. In my opinion the USA should deport every single member of the DEA to Haiti, or Somalia or some other third world country where they are sure to get rolled for their organs and left in a bath tub full of ice.
hgaha nice. they should just send the DEA to afghanistan or iraq where they will deal with an actaul enemy instead of just showing off their special guns and tools on defenseless americans.

fuckin fags all of them. most dea agents are MALL NINJAS. dorks who love dressing up their little swat uniforms and guns etc. i wish they would get car bombs blowing them up like in iraq. fuck the dea and fuck their families too only a dumb whore would marry a dea agent.

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