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The Plumber System Test


Active member
After having a break from growing for 5 month i dicided to build my own hydro system.
This will merely be a test,i'm going to use this system only for clones and seedlings.
2 more systems will be built,one for late veg and one for flowering.
It's not really complete to my satifaction..some things need to be changed but i'm very eager to try it out.
I put some White Widow X Belladonna to germinate 2 days ago...the seeds are 4 years old so i guess it's going to take time for them to start..if at all !
don't want to waste some good ones for this test since they will be thrown away.
I'm going to use the same brand of nutes that i used in soil..the Hesi line.
I've put the timer on 5 minutes every 2 hours for a starter..the pump can put out 600L/h but i put a dimmer in to hold it down.
The watering parts are from Gradena and the drain parts are stolen from work!
So pull up a chair and watch me fxxk this up :D

And yes i know the air pump needs to be placed above the rez ! i'm just a bit lazy :D

The Plumber System

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looks great dude.......should see some explosive growth rates when dialed in

all the best ...cmoon

one Q

is that yellow fly trap tape? If not, just coat that tape with vasiline if you see flys and theyll stick right to it... Nice and clean. I like how close the vertical tubes are to eachother. Tried something similar with 4" Ts. It worked great but they were so far apart.


Active member
Marijuanaut said:

Sweet setup! :) Looks great..

I hope that rockwool cube doesn't look that wet all the time? Gonna drown your seeds if so.

IMO rockwool cubes hold too much moisture to properly sprout a seed. :(
I killed quite a few bagseeds before I figured out what worked for me. (ymmv)

I usually give mine a gentle squeeze to get the excess water out and then put them in a tray with plastic over them. I don't need to water them and in a few days they sprout normally.

For your setup I'd just run a short drip that doesn't completely wet the cube every few hours. Almost let the rockwool dry out.

Good luck!

Don Cotyle

Nice looking homebuild Hydro-Soil looks like you'll good results! Hey if you hang your air-pump from a rubber Bungie-tie down it'll take alot of the vibration sound out and your pump will run alot quieter! Just a thought, Don

Lava Surfer

Aint it problematic to acces the reservior and why the horisontal tubes holding the pot's, rather then just place the pot's in the tube?

Don't take it up bad, looks like a solid DIY and good job done. I just ask cos maybe you had some explanation/reason to do as u did. Never seen anything like, looks a bit like the old "2 liter Coke bottle setup" from Overgrow years back.

I'v build systems of plumbing parts since 2000, they are sweet to work with as they NEVER leak or breaks.

Also a little sugestion to your good loolong setup, maybe get the watering nozel mounted under the netpot. Drill a hole in the horisontal PVC tubes and let them water the root's directly, that will keep alge growth away from the RW cubes. Algea growth and soaked RW around the steam can create problems later on in the growth, so just a sugestion on how to eleminate this problem.


freaking awesome :D gonna be fun to follow the journey towards the buds :D im sure with your knowledge the plumbing part was done in secs :D thanks mate for what u did when u came over :D

the project eden got its door open for you any time you know it mate :D

im sure this is going to work out sweet!!

im pulling up the chair and grabbing some chips : :joint: and the bong of course :D

peace mate!
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Active member
Bone - you're welcome....i had a great time at your place..loved the treeking part..we should do some more next year,and plant some of your SSH X PTK outside...it was an honor to try that strain that you have grown,what can i say..top quality :yes:

Lava Surfer - It's not that hard to acces the rez...just lift the lid off..or push it aside a little when measuring ph or adding nutes and water..it's not to difficult to do..at least for now :D
I choose the horizantal tubes just becouse the net pots fitted perfectly in them and more air time for the rots..not having them on the bottom of the tube, which they would be if i put them right in the bigger one..it's just a theory...you tell me...i'm i wrong ??
I considered putting a mist nozle inside but choose to do it as simple as possably..it's just been fun building...i'll most likely bin this construcion later on :D
and thanks for the tip about algea..i'll keep my eye's open :)

one Q - the tape is just there to hold the pins for the small tubing...i know yellow attracs buggs so putting vaselin on is not a bad idea..i might try that one if the lille buggers come :)

planted 9 more of a another cross that i made NL/WW x Shiva,4 of them only took 1 day to sprout.The WWxB was not good..only 2 out of 10 came up.
I have changed the watering to every 4 hours instead.. they don't seem to need more at this moment

Thanks for the input guys i appreciate it :)

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Active member
I have moved the system to the flowering space just so the young ones can have some air circulation.took out the HPS and put 4x18 flouros instead.
The EC and PH is climbing all the time...EC is at 0.88 and PH at 6.3.it might be that i put in 4L of fresh water and more nutes last nigth but the PH has always gone up no matter what !!
I don't like the way the leaves look on the talest ones..they have a healthy green color but they drop a bit !
not sure sure were to go from here..I guess the best is just to let them be and ad PH down every day..and maybe some water if the EC goes up
Any suggestion guys ???

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Active member
I checked the rots this morning..the ones that are hanging out of the net pots are wilting.
My guess is that they need more water so i put the timer on 10min every 2 hours..the rots that are in the pots looks white and healthy..
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adding ph down will put up the ec.. :D ph down is sstrong stuff..

check if u can add a bit of distilled water every day - that will bring down EC - and also make the ph easier to controll.. maybe try to put in the same amount of distilled water, that gets used up by plants and evaporate etc

i had same problems when i made my bubbler cloners. its kind of in-evitable for the ph to go up and down - it might be a question of trying to control the cycle more than stop it. what i mean is maybe adding distilled water at certain intervalls will make the fluctuation in the ph less abrupt. but it will allways be going up and down :D air pumps bring up the ph slowly too. my rez goes up one whole PH step during 24 hours..

peace mate :D keep experimenting!


Active member
Thanks Harry :)

Bone - Thanks for the input mate :) but buying destilled water..think I'll skip that for now..maybe later if i notice that my tap water dosen't work well in bloom.
The EC and PH had not increased much at all over the night..EC 0.02 and PH 0.1.
I measured the EC from the tap today it's 0.25..don't know if that's good or bad :D anyone ?

Here's a pic of the rots..new ones have grown out..i'm surprised how fast they are.It's going to be fun to see how they develop :) that was not possible when i was growing in soil.

WWxB all 3 of them are very hairy and have what seems to be trics! I have never seen this at this early stage before...might be keepers if they are female :)

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WTF! did u get some new super camera ?? those shots are WOWOWOW :D :D

the second from the botom looks like some evil tarantula trying to squeez thru the screen...

man! anyway.. it looks impressive :D im sure things are going to go very well :D

i dont think ec 0.2 is a lot at all! sounds like your water is very pure!

an EC of 1.0 is roughly equalent to 700ppm acording to a converter i found on the web..

i read somewhere cannabis should have a ppm of 1200 when in late flowering?? taht would mean almost an ec of 2?



Active member
Thanks Bone and Green :) like you say it does look like a spider :D no new camera it's still the Canon SX100IS but i'm looking to buy a new one soon..


ICMag Donor
hej my friend :wave: nice to see going the dro route ... :D

my tap is 0.2 ec like your's , and like bone said the conversion for milwaukee's is 1.0Ec = 700 ppm , note their are different conversion's for different meter brands , just keep the ph around 5.8 and you will be happy ...

im on dro for over a year now and i will not go back ... :D



Active member
Hej FJ nice to see you :)
Going hydro is fun..it will be harder and more of a challenge..
after this test run i will plant some of the strains i got from you..first choise i think is Romberry Chunk,it sounds interesting..can you tell me something about it ?? my guess is that it has Deep Chunk and Blueberry in it..mostly an indica !?
Nebula x Blowfish sounds interesting to !
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ICMag Donor
hehe i had the same with them cube's getting green with algae ... , just cover em up with something white , a plain plastic piece over every cube is more than enough prevention

the Romberry-Chunk is Romulan/Blueberry x DeepChunk , and yes it will be quite indica leaning , i wish you much luck with those beans :smoke:

have a nice day

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