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The Plumber System Test


Active member
Romberry Chunk sounds like a killer,a mix of strains that are known for their potency and type of high,can't be anything but good :)
So many strains and so little space..i'm going to do an inventory of all the seeds tomorrow,not sure how many strains and crosses i have in the fridge..more then enough i suspect :D

It's kind of hard to figure out if i'm doing things right..each plant shows different signs and are different in size !
Growing from seed in hydro is not the way to go..i should have grown one plant in soil then taken clones to test in this system..but what the hell..i'm happy that they're still alive and getting bigger:D



dam it - u should live next door.. i could walk rigth over with a bunch freshly rooted clones :D

i think you camera is taking some awesome pics! looking green and mean!



Active member
dam it - u should live next door.. i could walk rigth over with a bunch freshly rooted clones :D

Yeah would have made things alot easier :)
10 clones of your "BomB" SSHxPTK would fit nicely in my system ;)


hehe 10 clones of that would be dangerous :D

that gives me an idea for a future flowering.. :D 10 big bushes !!! gonna start selecting nice clones to veg BIG soon!!!


Active member
Time for a update..days just go by so fast...
Canged the water for the first time a few days ago..the res was full of hydoton dust and the hose to the air stone was a bit slimy,i should get a black hose instead of the transparent one.
Bought a fresh bottle of N and Super Vit and a bigger air stone..put in 41ml to 15L of water and changed the feeding to 20 min.
The plants literally exploded in growth..i think they are getting a bit to much nutes..the lower leafs have some rusty spots around the edges...but as long as the new growth is not affected i'm not backing off :D



New member
Marijuanaut said:
The plants literally exploded in growth..i think they are getting a bit to much nutes..the lower leafs have some rusty spots around the edges...but as long as the new growth is not affected i'm not backing off :D

That right there is a calcium deficiency in its early stages if I am not mistaken.
Looking great so far. :) :joint:


hm - so when i have gotten those spots it might be because sometimes i go too far with the distilled water... hm



Active member
well...i just had a close look at them..it's getting worse,never had this problem when growing in soil.
I think it's the PH..it goes up all the time..causing a nute lock out.
just wait and se i guess...it's part of the learning process to have things like this to happen :chin:
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Marijuanaut said:
well...i just had a close look at them..it's getting worse,never had this problem when growing in soil.
I think it's the PH..it goes up all the time..causing a nute lock out.
just wait and se i guess...it's part of the learning process to have things like this to happen :chin:

i bet you are rigth - a PH that is off is bad..

can you adjust ph 2 times a day? like for example before work and afterwork ? maybe that will sort it out?

you are rigth its all part of the learning process :D



Bozo - fancy meeting you here...wuts up brother, same show different channel huh....
Marajuanaut crazy system...GL w/ it..



hey man ;) where is the update you promised me friday when we were chatting huh??!! hehehe :D