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The Original Zamal is a Perennial?

Donald Mallard

el duck
I'd like to see some close up pictures of the Zamal landrace grown in La Reunion...I can't believe we are in 2015 and we don't have access to more information a photos

just more pics would be helpful and fun to view ,, surely they have some cameras there and an internet connection .. come on guys .. hehehehe ..


Well-known member
Re-reading that piece on the Colombian Scorpian....
It looks like for Revegging we should be collecting/harvesting all the secondary, tertiary, and all popcorn while leaving the main/primary to reveg.


Active member
I haven't got time yet growing these, but i remember the high on both, clear and very all in the head


ACE Seeds Breeder
May I present Mango Zamal x Mauritius ;)
These are beasts.Like Zamaldelica they take cold an humid very well.No mold, no shrinking.Little pots, huge plants.I have donated rest of the seeds to one guy who promises to work them even further.Some hermied a bit, not bad anyways, 2 out of ten or something.But you know to expect that.
Nice genes.
Taken down early, but these are big plants and I desperately need room for I have to take in rest of the plants that are in a greenhouse.Still got three of these growing and some more outside.

Hi scai,

Very interesting hybrid you have there :) and very nice plants, much more compact and manageable than i would expect from a hybrid of this kind.

We have been exploring an interesting Mauritius sativa lately, it's a super tropical tall lanky sativa of a least 4-5 months of flowering, low yielding but it has very nice effects.

Fortunately we found a nice and firm Mauritius male so we will try to reproduce her in pure form and maybe do some hybrids with her like Zamaldelica x Mauritius and others.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Hey dubi ,,,
i put some zamal in to check them out ,
just 2 girls as im restricted at the moment ,,

one looks like those lanky sparse,thin leaf, bamboo like thai plants we see now and then ,
the other fatter leaf , but still quite narrow ,and looking like some african sativa ive grown , , im keen to see the flower set ,
so far they have the appearance of varieties i enjoy ,
time will tell ..
ill be sure to report back when the time comes ...


I cough up honey oil
I realize this is an old thread.lol

Ive never seen proof that there are true perennial cannabis plants being grown on Reunion and believe the stories of perennial plants are probably really just plants that have survived the long nights and reveg from lower growth close to the grownd. but what do i know!lol

Im mainly posting these because i saw them the other day and remembered this thread.

The pictures were posted by @zamalabs on IG.

His post read : “Two stages of life.... on the same plant.
Very unique landraces and culture conditions here.”


(I spun this picture 90 degrees from how it was originally posted)

In the lower right hand corner of the second picture above, there seems to be a long slender branch with what looks like loose bud that is reveging.

This photo might not prove they DON’T exist but i think it may go a long way to show the possible misunderstanding that brought about the tales of perennial plants in the first place.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi resin_lung,

I realize this is an old thread.lol

Ive never seen proof that there are true perennial cannabis plants being grown on Reunion and believe the stories of perennial plants are probably really just plants that have survived the long nights and reveg from lower growth close to the grownd. but what do i know!lol

Yes, i also believe that's the reason why some growers from Reunion Island call the Zamal perennial, due to probably revegging after flowering due to increase on the outdoor photoperiod

His post read : “Two stages of life.... on the same plant.
Very unique landraces and culture conditions here.”

and due to irregular flowering development in different parts of the same plant on pure Zamal strains.

Our Zamal mothers typically start to flower in some branches when the clones are rootbound in the mother room, while other branches fortunately keep still growing properly, so more clones can be taken from those growing branches to be able to preserve the pure Zamals in clone form in long term... it's not easy and requires lots of attention to preserve pure Zamal mothers (same for ErdPurt and Lebanese) in a mother room for years. I think we at ACE are the ones who have been able to keep pure Zamal mothers in the mother room for so long.


K+ vibes
I've done a good bit of reveg'n in my little gardening history... I think its awesome.. Ive been successful more times than unsuccessful with every strain.. Indica, sativa..
Its all about high humidity... low light... and making sure not to drown the roots.. Trim roots, put in proper container.. etc.. Basically water them with moist air, instead of moist dirt ;) I still need to pop the 9 remaining GN zamal beans I have... Failed with normal techniques on a few.. Now I have a little income, so I want to try to invest in something to help encourage them to germ. Believe I will sanitize them, then dry, then scuff, then soak in a solution I have yet to decide though. Hopefully I can revive what seems to be a very rare seed. I would love any tips VERY MUCH!


Well-known member
I noticed that Zamaldelica seeds like higher temeperature to trigger sprouting, so I guess this might be the same with pure Zamals. Most other strains sprout readily (all seeds within a day) at 26*C, but Zamaldelica sprouts slowly (with higher chances of not sprouting) at this temperature. It sprouts quickly if the temperature is increased to 28*C-30*C. I think it's waiting for the sun to shine and warm the soil :) Good luck!


Well-known member
i was grow some cambodia seed,one plant she can flower about half year we cut the top bud then she can keep flowing ag let the low bud keep growing to big


Active member
Multiple crops

Multiple crops


When I started growing and especially studying a lot, I read the information that you can usually prune cannabis at the end of the harvest. And wait for the next harvest. So I did it for about a year with different varieties. But actually only the very first one I had worked like this. It's an Indian Kush (RQS). It needs to be turned around completely. Only a bare tree with branches will remain. And in a month you have a harvest of half the yield. More airy flowers. A little less resin. And I pruned it a second time and had another same crop.
It only worked on this one variety. Sativas should also tend to do this. I can try with the Golden Tiger. On one piece, how he reacts.
Did any of you do it with pure sativa? I am talking, of course, about inner cultivation.
It seems perfectly normal to me that under suitable climatic conditions at Reunione the Zamal continues for another season. It doesn't have to be every year. Certain pieces


Well-known member
Well, i started thinking about how there are many garden and house plants that are considered 'tender perennial' or 'short-lived tender perennial'. I don't know why we couldn't consider that equatorial-ish Cannabis could be a short-lived tender perennial.

I do hear that one should not grow sweet peppers near hot peppers, or they'll all go to the hot side. Carrots and onions are beneficial to each other because of the gasses they emit, deter the others' pests. Some herbs are said to increase the flavor of other plants. So, i would not be totally surprised to find out that a type of Cannabis can have taste that is altered by other plants.

Sounds like research project!


Well-known member
Perennial means the plant does not die after giving fruits. So by definition, cannabis is not. They grow, flower, make seeds, die and seeds make new plants. That’s the very definition of annual plants.

Oh by the way, speaking of carrots and onions... Hemp repels the carrots/onions/other apiaceae flies. So it can be a good idea to grow them together.


Well-known member
I do believe that SOME Cannabis plants could improve with maturity. Started some KongHaze x 8MilesHigh, got four girls, three have survived three reveggings, easily. The fourth was lost when it was not revegged, but lost her clone. Mouse is a clone killer. Anyway, there is at least one of them that surprised in potency the last time. Not that mouse was ever consistant in methods, so there is that. Oh, and these were not up potted or anything, all should have original main root. I've always wondered about the 'longevity' factor maybe having something to do with that main tap root.