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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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View attachment 19008761 Thats all cool and shit but does he have one of these?
And not even good looking😊
We rescued a mix between a German Shepherd and something big and burly named Bodhi and he would sit quietly at the table without begging but soon a huge puddle of water would collect on the floor underneath his chops, which we laughingly named Lake Bodhi!

Smelling something like your roast cooking would have had drool streaming from the scuppers at the rear of his chops
me too.


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A teenage granddaughter comes downstairs for her date with this see-through blouse on and no bra. Her grandmother just pitched a fit, telling her not to dare go out like that! The teenager tells her "Loosen up Grams. These are modern times. You gotta let your rose buds show!" and out she goes. The next day the teenager comes down stairs, and the grandmother is sitting there with no top on. The teenager wants to die. She explains to her grandmother that she has friends coming over and that it is just not appropriate... The grandmother says, "Loosen up, Sweetie. If you can show off your rose buds, then I can display my hanging baskets FFS! .


Well-known member
Talking about those striped pants got me ta thinking.
14th. BD my folks bought me my first pair of jeans
as well as a T Shirt. These were given with trepidation.
Growing up in the depression, 'dungarees' reminded
them of hard times. T shirts just were not what young
ladies wore.
The jeans were just jeans but the tee shirt was well,
my folks being of 'the older generation' haha.
Led Zepplin was hot hot hot back then and the
phrase going around was...
Get The Led Out!
My tee shirt read: "Get The Lead Out". :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I wore it anyway and when someone said something,
my reply was along the lines of... they tried or... they
are old (my folks).

That Christmas they got my step sis and I
Led Zeppelin LP's woo woo!
Sis pitched a bitch because she received LZ ll
and she wanted IV. Where as I wanted II.
I had to play it off when I told her I'd trade if she
really wanted. If I had said I WANTED II she wouldn't
have traded. We did and I still have that same LP
in my collection.

I also had this tune on 45 rpm years b4 the LP :)



Well-known member

I've always wanted one of these:

Just like that too... factory all the way :)


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High-Potency Cannabis Linked to Increased Psychosis Risk in Young Adults: Study ​

During breaks from his deployments in the Afghanistan war, Craig turned to smoking cannabis to alleviate stress, just as he had done as a teenager. However, one evening, things took a turn when he barricaded himself and his two young daughters in the master bedroom. Personal Note: the Chinese Communist Party has turned marijuana into a powerful hallucinogenic bioweapon having financed the legalization efforts in 37 states. Their plan is working.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
any you old folks have insurance...?
That just triggered sumpin' important. It is a way I beat their system.

I had an annuity/life insurance. It would go to my wife. We looked at it, each other and both of us said:

Her: "We don't need to save anymore."
Me: "Let's cash it in and turn it into silver."

And so it was done. <-- BEFORE the inevitable run on derivatives blows the price of silver up.

Unca Walt

Well-known member

High-Potency Cannabis Linked to Increased Psychosis Risk in Young Adults: Study ​

During breaks from his deployments in the Afghanistan war, Craig turned to smoking cannabis to alleviate stress, just as he had done as a teenager. However, one evening, things took a turn when he barricaded himself and his two young daughters in the master bedroom. Personal Note: the Chinese Communist Party has turned marijuana into a powerful hallucinogenic bioweapon having financed the legalization efforts in 37 states. Their plan is working.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
my asshole next door neighbor was out burning today(total ban on fires)when he noticed Ivan barking at his dog...Ivan was in our yard but Orville got angry and headed towards the fence with a shovel in his hands...there's no discussion his intent was to whack Ivan...I was watching and realized he was intent on hurting my boy...I pulled out my .357 from the ranger glovebox and went flying over to Ivan...the fool threatened to call 911 on me so my reply was it'd be hard to dial while bleeding out...the fat bastard went inside and didn't return...he's always been a dick but he's gone to another level now...fuggin people just don't know when to walk away...
@Boo -- My brother, you are not quite going about this properly... by that, I mean the fat bastard has got to be taken out of the Alpha position.

At the moment, you are the Beta. <-- You react to his crap mostly by seething and semi-reacting.

It is time to put your helmet on. Next time you see him, call him over peremptorily.

Have your speech ready, having written it down in the house and studied/memorized the bullet-points from A-Z, and give it to him. Make him know to the bottom of his boots what he WILL NOT do anymore. But make no threats. When you are done. Remain looking him in the eye until he moves. Then you leave. Ignore him completely if he says anything.

Example: The speed limit is 25MPH. The sign does NOT say "exceeding this will result in a fine". <-- Be the speed limit sign. He will understand.

[/Unca Alpha]

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

So much trouble in the world - I'm glad that I can get along with my neighbours - never had a sharp word with them - even when our washing machine sounded like it was about to launch itself into space - not a word from anyone in this apartment block - the Mrs even apologised for how noisy it was - when she met Mrs Downstairs - on the stairs - she was cool about it -

- and its good now - because we saved up and bought a new and very quiet washing machine - a Hotpoint - should be at least 6 years before this one sounds like it's trying to break the sound barrier -

The good people underneath us even sent me a 'Get Well Soon' card - when I was in hospital - and we send each other Christmas cards too - so we have peace and understanding ❤️ - which is nice - 😊
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Well-known member
I have hundreds of feet of 60" tall bamboo all down the fence line with a few barren spots...the encounter occurred in those areas...I plan on getting a few storage containers and painting his side with yellow paint and apply happy faces on them...he will look at them every day he walks in or out of his home... 😎

Sounds like much of the fireworks are over. That can be a good thing. There's peace in silence.
It is easy to overreact. Keeping it internal when involving others can also be a very good thing.
Sounds like you have a peaceful plan. And, like the Master says. Better to turn the other cheek.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
We've lived here 37 years and have watched neighbors come and go but are fortunate to continue to have good ones that we either get along with or can ignore.

A retired LA cop on disability lives across the street and we used to get along, but he suddenly doesn't like us after Miss Layla wouldn't let him pet her and then she kicked his male Doberman's butt. We now just ignore each other. It doesn't appear to be a physical disability, soooo I suspect mental issues.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user

High-Potency Cannabis Linked to Increased Psychosis Risk in Young Adults: Study ​

During breaks from his deployments in the Afghanistan war, Craig turned to smoking cannabis to alleviate stress, just as he had done as a teenager. However, one evening, things took a turn when he barricaded himself and his two young daughters in the master bedroom. Personal Note: the Chinese Communist Party has turned marijuana into a powerful hallucinogenic bioweapon having financed the legalization efforts in 37 states. Their plan is working.

epoch can send some scientists over to the island of Jamaica and study the risks of psychosis on some subjects who have been smoking cannabis for 300 years

moar reefer madness propaganda supported and funded by big pharma and the alcohol industrial complex , or BP-AIC

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
We've lived here 37 years and have watched neighbors come and go but are fortunate to continue to have good ones that we either get along with or can ignore.

A retired LA cop on disability lives across the street and we used to get along, but he suddenly doesn't like us after Miss Layla wouldn't let him pet her and then she kicked his male Doberman's butt. We now just ignore each other. It doesn't appear to be a physical disability, soooo I suspect mental issues.
Livestock - Dogs - can always be a flash point - when getting into neighbour problems -

When I lived on the beach of the Sulu Sea in Palawan - on 14/15 acres - was breeding security dogs - and one day a pack of 6 of them caught the neighbours dog on our land - and set upon the poor thing - pushed him into the sea - and killed/drowned him there 😢 - I came out of the beach house and tried to stop it - but it was too late - so sad -

- all I could do was apologies to the neighbour - and give him a new dobie/rott puppy - then spend a fortune on fencing the beachfront - and the rest of the property - to try and stop it ever happening again - never letting too many dogs run together - or they will try and take down huge water buffalo (Caribao) even - pigs and goats too - had to restrict their freedom - to prevent mayhem -