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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
A pair of Wranglers and one carhart tshirt = $72.00….the dollar is fast becoming worthless
You musta got the fancy striped ones…


Cabana’s bitch
I hope you don’t have to break out the dark side on your neighbor. Too bad he cant Just stay on his side of the fence. You think he was planning on hitting Ivan with the shovel for barking at his dog?
I have no doubt in my mind. He was going over there to hurt Ivan. I wouldn’t of pulled a gun out on him if he hadn’t have had bad intent… I always keep an eye on his side of the fence just in case he pulls crazy shit like he tried today


Well-known member
Simple math
How to beat the banks when it comes to your mortgage

For any with kids (yes, it might be late for some of us old timers) there is incredible freedom in being rent/mortgage free. Paying property taxes twice a year is nothing like the burden of monthly stipends, especially where the banks are involved. They are not your friend, and will mercilessly take away everything you have worded so hard for with one misstep. Priority one in life is a safe and stable roof over your head. Before cars, malls, and eating out. It is hard to emphasize enough the true freedom, and very real and extended peace of mind, this brings. Teach your kids. (y)


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
I have no doubt in my mind. He was going over there to hurt Ivan. I wouldn’t of pulled a gun out on him if he hadn’t have had bad intent… I always keep an eye on his side of the fence just in case he pulls crazy shit like he tried today

just hide next time he does it and when he tries to hit Ivan with the shovel , let him eat some lead


In my empire of dirt
For any with kids (yes, it might be late for some of us old timers) there is incredible freedom in being rent/mortgage free. Paying property taxes twice a year is nothing like the burden of monthly stipends, especially where the banks are involved. They are not your friend, and will mercilessly take away everything you have worded so hard for with one misstep. Priority one in life is a safe and stable roof over your head. Before cars, malls, and eating out. It is hard to emphasize enough the true freedom, and very real and extended peace of mind, this brings. Teach your kids. (y)
baby throwing money.gif


Well-known member
Premium user
This is the same asshole that induced me to put up over 800 foot of fence on his side of the property. There’s still plenty of open areas in the wetlands, but my boys don’t go there… I am getting dangerously close to covertly changing the quality of his life… I like everybody else have a breaking point and this prick is dangerously close to it… I have no intentions of physically harming this man, but I’ve got a dark side that resides much closer to the surface than most people…:cautious:
A 6 ft rock wall snd you wouldn’t have to even see his ugly mug


Cabana’s bitch
I have hundreds of feet of 60" tall bamboo all down the fence line with a few barren spots...the encounter occurred in those areas...I plan on getting a few storage containers and painting his side with yellow paint and apply happy faces on them...he will look at them every day he walks in or out of his home... 😎


Well-known member
Premium user
I have hundreds of feet of 60" tall bamboo all down the fence line with a few barren spots...the encounter occurred in those areas...I plan on getting a few storage containers and painting his side with yellow paint and apply happy faces on them...he will look at them every day he walks in or out of his home... 😎
Lol that will teach his grumpy ass

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