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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
some of this years volunteers

unknown , these were some that Swede just threw off the back porch after cleaning some buds to smoke

we are smoking the good chit


frost hammer x triangle kush


a mix of triangle kush and a few Ogers kush x triangle kush


grape haze x triangle kush and garlic


moar grape haze x TK



Well-known member


I used to stop in gas stations and ask for their old wheel weights. They were happy to get rid of them.

The hard-lead wheel weight mix was perfect for punkin balls, conicals, and .45's. Made thousands of them.

All done with Lee bullet molds.
Sadly lead is rarely used for wheel weights and the current regime is trying to outlaw it altogether due to its toxicity.
Yeah.............its come to that.


Well-known member
Premium user
since I am not growing this year , and , I may not be here in 30 days , or 3 months , whichever comes first , I am debating on whether to even start spraying them with Bt?

the miller moths are already showing up

decisions decisions decisions…😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
IMHO I would
"Better to do it than not do it and regret" : unknown electrician
My favorite line in my youth😊


Well-known member
I just attended a barn wedding a few weeks ago. They had poppies on every table, they were locally grown so maybe I could grow them too.
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Start planning the spot now. Get some thick black plastic/sheet metal ect.ect. and cover area you want to grow them. Keep it covered till dec. The plastic/metal ect. will kill all the weeds and grass there. In dec.or jan. till area up, fertilize and let set till late feb. Sprinkle seeds (lightly) over area just before a snow or rain. DO NOT BURY THEM. The rain n snow will plant them deep enough..... For big flowers, thin them out.

Bread seed poppies make the biggest flowers/ pods.

In a month remind me and I'll send some seeds of the pink ones I grow.

pre flower.jpg


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
IMHO I would
"Better to do it than not do and regret" : unknown electrician
My favorite line in my youth😊


on the contrary , who said “ waste not , want not “ ?……

I gave away my last bottle of Monterey Bt which means if I want to practice diligence , I ust purchase another bottle

moar decisions

on another note , the town museum is having a fund raiser and serving up,some bbq pulled pork sammiches!

and then this afternoon , the VFW will be putting on a Memorial Service at the town cometary , which I will put on what is left of my uniform , a white shirt , and will be there to salute our flag and honor those who have all

my namesake and great uncle who died fighting nazis in North Africa and is buried at a memorial cemetery for American soldiers who died in combat

this is the battle my uncle died in…..

The Battle of Kasserine Pass. The battle that defined for the American Army the tough realities of what war with the German army truly meant. In November 1942, the American and British forces launched Operation Torch, the invasion of North Africa through French Morocco and Algeria.
