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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
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it is never to late for pizza and root beer floats





Well-known member
A lot of new houses are built using shitty materials by shitty home builders though. We replaced our 70 year old oil burner a few years ago. In the 20 years I owned the old one, I needed maybe 3 or 4 service calls. In the 3 years I have had the new one, I had to have the company who installed it come out and fix it about 10 times. Everything I buy these days I figure in getting no more than 3 years of use. Older appliances, cars and electronics all seemed to last 5-10 years or more. Too many ‘bells and whistles’ on new things so more that can go wrong with them.
I gave this one a 'love it' as it is so flipping true.

This house is 101 years of age and the LL has owned it 40 years.
He's kept pretty good care of it in that time but, she's an old gal.
When repairs need addressing, he sends someone over.

Until April 1 tenant downstairs lived there for 16 years.
She was diagnosed early onset dementia about 3 yrs. ago.
Those who know her thinks it's been much longer but the
gal didn't want to go to the doc so, hard to tell.
As she diminished she may not have even noticed
if that toilet tank was leaking so wouldn't have called him.

Who knows how long it's been going on. It's pretty bad.
Toilet has to come out and probably the vanity too.
Sub floor/ baseboards/ toe kick all need replacing.

LL intended to do long over due repairs/ paint/ general upgrades/
updates etc. I don't think he was expecting the floor to be rotted though.
Thank goodness he takes care of this property and it will get repaired.

This with the toilet leak has hopefully also solved a long standing mystery.
I have been landscaping as a means to stop water from entering the basement.
For a rookie with no 'real' training, it's doing as planned... yay.
Except... there is a spot that has remained wet that may be coming across
from the back corner towards the drain.
it happens to be right were the toilet was leaking today after I busted the line.
we shall see in due time.
I do hope that is what the water is from as that means my work at that back corner
has indeed been successful :)

I'm high and chatty (per usual) it seems haha.


Well-known member
I treat my cats well and they are all over me too. They rub themselves on me and knead my stomach and chest, preen themselves in my lap, et al and then sometimes suddenly scratch me and leave me bleeding.

Not currently any kind of animal keeper (unless there are rodents I am unaware of). I had two cats and two dogs at one time. I found I liked the cats, but after getting them declawed (this was some time ago mind) they seemed more distant, and began choosing corners to pee and defecate in rather than go outside like they did. Not good. :poop:

Have thought about getting a little something that would alert when there is an intruder, but yet to do so.
Not sure about cats again. Would not want to declaw (if they still even do that) them. More pondering time ..

This topic made me think of a now deceased friend, with a wonderful wit. and dry sense of humor, who stated:

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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Re: Medical care collapse --

Shoulda done it my way: My Witchie-poo had an upset stomach yesterday, so I told her to call Scotty and mention it. He got her all straight in no time. From 3000 miles away.

He's on a sixty-mile fargin hike on some trail in Oregon.

Now, had you sent yer brilliant kid through college and med school, you'da got all yer money back and more. Board Certified doctor on call 24/7/365.
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
View attachment 19008415
New mold to break in tomorrow and then see how they do.
Old school with this one all the way back to the 1850's.
I used to stop in gas stations and ask for their old wheel weights. They were happy to get rid of them.

The hard-lead wheel weight mix was perfect for punkin balls, conicals, and .45's. Made thousands of them.

All done with Lee bullet molds.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Not currently any kind of animal keeper (unless there are rodents I am unaware of). I had two cats and two dogs at one time. I found I liked the cats, but after getting them declawed (this was some time ago mind) they seemed more distant, and began choosing corners to pee and defecate in rather than go outside like they did. Not good. :poop:

Have thought about getting a little something that would alert when there is an intruder, but yet to do so.
Not sure about cats again. Would not want to declaw (if they still even do that) them. More pondering time ..

This topic made me think of a now deceased friend, with a wonderful wit. and dry sense of humor, who stated:

We declawed our rescued cat once to save our remaining furniture and it too started ignoring the cat box and both peeing and defecating indiscriminately. Bad idea.....................

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Merry Day of the Sun! All hail Sol Rex!

A gorgeous day predicted here starting at 44F and predicted to reach 67F.

After a Meloxicam, two extra strength Tylenol, the Jacuzzi, a heating pad, and an Oster Swedish Massage vibrator, my back is calmed down some from all my digging. OO raw!



Well-known member
We have 17 yo front load washer, dryer, & refrigerator...

Had repair guy come out for excess soap in washer code... apparently there was a wash cloth with some 'normal' soap in it tossed in the wash. FYI Have to use 'lo sudsing' laundry soap with front loaders.

He told us don't get a new anything with regards to appliances because the 'new' is crap.... all electronic goo gahs and ready to fail. Also very $$$ to fix.

I've gotten really good at replacing the dryer heat element. The key to long life on a dryer element is don't use "Hi" setting on down comforters... they eventually fluff up in the drum and air flow is blocked and the element over heats and blows the fuse, or the element.

Replaced the cooling fan on the fridge too. Piece of cake!

YT has all the instructions anyone could ask for.
We had a front load washer for about 5 or 6 years. Biggest piece of shit(aside from a 1996 Passat I once had) ever. The clothes frequently needed to be rewashed because they stunk. Had to replace the water pump probably 5 times(I got so I had an extra on hand and could swap it out in 10 minutes. We now have a top load washer and it actually cleans our clothes. Imagine that! I took apart the front load washer at one point and the caked on soap build up was an inch thick in some spots. We always used the ‘hi efficiency’ detergent. FYI-you don’t really save water if you need to wash the sane load of clothes twice. BTW-my old lawn mower(probably 20 years old) blew a hole in the engine a few days ago. The wife said we should just buy a new one. I reminded her how new stuff is junk and I bought another old mower for $70. Runs like a top.


Well-known member
Premium user
We had a front load washer for about 5 or 6 years. Biggest piece of shit(aside from a 1996 Passat I once had) ever. The clothes frequently needed to be rewashed because they stunk. Had to replace the water pump probably 5 times(I got so I had an extra on hand and could swap it out in 10 minutes. We now have a top load washer and it actually cleans our clothes. Imagine that! I took apart the front load washer at one point and the caked on soap build up was an inch thick in some spots. We always used the ‘hi efficiency’ detergent. FYI-you don’t really save water if you need to wash the sane load of clothes twice. BTW-my old lawn mower(probably 20 years old) blew a hole in the engine a few days ago. The wife said we should just buy a new one. I reminded her how new stuff is junk and I bought another old mower for $70. Runs like a top.
Good luck with your mower Brother ☝️😊
You know how to spoil your wife!😊