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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Miss Layla has taken it as her duty to wake me at the appropriate time every morning, even though she has her own dog door and doesn't need to go out.

She does it affectionately by rooting under my neck, while moaning, and wiggling with her her tail going whap, whap, whap against the wall or side of the bed.

I didn't train her to do that, she learned it on her own, and her only payoff is a big huggy, scratchy love-in, because her very next move is to go back to sleep herself.

However, if I love her up and then fluff her off, she will continue to return and encourage me until I do get up, before going back to sleep herself. If she has to return to encourage me, she will start bringing a toy with her to up the ante.

View attachment 19008174
I was awakened by a wet nose and a puppy French kiss this morning. Zig has learned that is the key to him going out for a quick(or a very long) pee. He would go out late last night because the local coyote pack was shrieking for about 10 minutes. He always gets a good patting for waking me up to do his bidness though. And he is back to snoozing.


Well-known member
My Maryjane is the sweetest waker upper. She gently taps me with her paw till I wake up then gives me I gotta go out kisses. I get up usually early pre 6:00 am anyways, let her and dimwit Arlo for a “long pee” then we come back in and I let her up in the bed until I’m ready for coffee. I really never go back to sleep but enjoy the morning snug time.


Well-known member
My Maryjane is the sweetest waker upper. She gently taps me with her paw till I wake up then gives me I gotta go out kisses. I get up usually early pre 6:00 am anyways, let her and dimwit Arlo for a “long pee” then we come back in and I let her up in the bed until I’m ready for coffee. I really never go back to sleep but enjoy the morning snug time.
Zig isn’t allowed on the bed(yet). He has already gotten my wife to cave on getting up on the couch because he snuggles up like a pro.


Well-known member
Our dogs are really not allowed in the bed either. Only MJ and only for a short time in the morning. She loves that morning time and knows it’s a special treat so she’s very still until it’s time to make coffee

we don’t let them on the couch either. Their hairy paws get too dirty.


Well-known member
Good Morn to all the fine old farts :)

Drizzly and cool this a.m.

Had hoped to get into the apt. downstairs to do some more 'detailing'.
The fella doing the flooring is working though so... my plans changed.
I am kinda the clean up after and detail before (esp. prepping for paint).
My LL's 'paint' guy isn't really a painter and he preps nothing. Painting
over 16 yrs. of cig smoke, cobwebs, etc., etc. The kitchen is soooo
greasy and dusty that I just can't let him do it in there haha.

My LL let me choose the wall color, flooring style and I am in charge
of choosing kitchen and bath hardware + installation. Also chose the
updated ceiling light fixtures and the vanity/ above the mirror in bath
I have also been pulling the toe kicks around the floor/ base boards
as If I do not, the flooring gets laid just up to it. Can't have that either :)
I've worked on all the old windows to get them unstuck and freely opening.
Just all the small things that the guys won't bother with sadly enough.

LL told me yesterday that the apt. is going to be BEAUTIFUL due to
my assistance and eye for details :)

Neighbor asked me the other day, why I was doing all of this work for him.
What do I get out of it?

I LOVE fixing things to make them work/ look good. I keep myself busy
doing what I like to do. Keeps my skill set active so I don't atrophy in
that area. The sense of accomplishment is very satisfying for me.

Also folks... my rent has remained way, way below current fair market rents
since I moved in nearly 15yrs. ago. I fix things, he pays for materials :)
Improves my environment and gives me a sense of 'home' rather than
just a place I'm occupying.

He has stated that "we make a great team" and... we do.

Was all juiced up to get downstairs but...
guess I'll do some laundry instead (boring) haha

First though... another cup... or two :)
:coffee: :coffee:


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Morning OFC. Finally caught up.

Big day here. Visitors from the great state of Kansas are visiting today. My son says he is a ping pong player and claims he can beat me playing left handed!!! Ok! I'm not the least bit competitive......

Should be s nice day for a visit.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Good Morn to all the fine old farts :)

Drizzly and cool this a.m.

Had hoped to get into the apt. downstairs to do some more 'detailing'.
The fella doing the flooring is working though so... my plans changed.
I am kinda the clean up after and detail before (esp. prepping for paint).
My LL's 'paint' guy isn't really a painter and he preps nothing. Painting
over 16 yrs. of cig smoke, cobwebs, etc., etc. The kitchen is soooo
greasy and dusty that I just can't let him do it in there haha.

My LL let me choose the wall color, flooring style and I am in charge
of choosing kitchen and bath hardware + installation. Also chose the
updated ceiling light fixtures and the vanity/ above the mirror in bath
I have also been pulling the toe kicks around the floor/ base boards
as If I do not, the flooring gets laid just up to it. Can't have that either :)
I've worked on all the old windows to get them unstuck and freely opening.
Just all the small things that the guys won't bother with sadly enough.

LL told me yesterday that the apt. is going to be BEAUTIFUL due to
my assistance and eye for details :)

Neighbor asked me the other day, why I was doing all of this work for him.
What do I get out of it?

I LOVE fixing things to make them work/ look good. I keep myself busy
doing what I like to do. Keeps my skill set active so I don't atrophy in
that area. The sense of accomplishment is very satisfying for me.

Also folks... my rent has remained way, way below current fair market rents
since I moved in nearly 15yrs. ago. I fix things, he pays for materials :)
Improves my environment and gives me a sense of 'home' rather than
just a place I'm occupying.

He has stated that "we make a great team" and... we do.

Was all juiced up to get downstairs but...
guess I'll do some laundry instead (boring) haha

First though... another cup... or two :)
:coffee: :coffee:
Nice to have a good LL that works to make a nice environment for you both.


Well-known member
Our dogs are really not allowed in the bed either. Only MJ and only for a short time in the morning. She loves that morning time and knows it’s a special treat so she’s very still until it’s time to make coffee

we don’t let them on the couch either. Their hairy paws get too dirty.
We bought new furniture a few months ago. Before going on vacation(before we adopted Zig), I bought furniture covers because our cats are arseholes and will vomit hairballs on any cloth covered surface instead of a hard surface where it is easily clean.😡 The covers don’t look too bad so we left them on.

The vomiter-in-chief, Goo, is on the left.


Well-known member
We bought new furniture a few months ago. Before going on vacation(before we adopted Zig), I bought furniture covers because our cats are arseholes and will vomit hairballs on any cloth covered surface instead of a hard surface where it is easily clean.😡 The covers don’t look too bad so we left them on. View attachment 19008213
The vomiter-in-chief, Goo, is on the left.
Our MBR floor has been covered in sheets for almost a year now. Need to start looking at flooring.


Well-known member
Good Morn to all the fine old farts :)

Drizzly and cool this a.m.

Had hoped to get into the apt. downstairs to do some more 'detailing'.
The fella doing the flooring is working though so... my plans changed.
I am kinda the clean up after and detail before (esp. prepping for paint).
My LL's 'paint' guy isn't really a painter and he preps nothing. Painting
over 16 yrs. of cig smoke, cobwebs, etc., etc. The kitchen is soooo
greasy and dusty that I just can't let him do it in there haha.

My LL let me choose the wall color, flooring style and I am in charge
of choosing kitchen and bath hardware + installation. Also chose the
updated ceiling light fixtures and the vanity/ above the mirror in bath
I have also been pulling the toe kicks around the floor/ base boards
as If I do not, the flooring gets laid just up to it. Can't have that either :)
I've worked on all the old windows to get them unstuck and freely opening.
Just all the small things that the guys won't bother with sadly enough.

LL told me yesterday that the apt. is going to be BEAUTIFUL due to
my assistance and eye for details :)

Neighbor asked me the other day, why I was doing all of this work for him.
What do I get out of it?

I LOVE fixing things to make them work/ look good. I keep myself busy
doing what I like to do. Keeps my skill set active so I don't atrophy in
that area. The sense of accomplishment is very satisfying for me.

Also folks... my rent has remained way, way below current fair market rents
since I moved in nearly 15yrs. ago. I fix things, he pays for materials :)
Improves my environment and gives me a sense of 'home' rather than
just a place I'm occupying.

He has stated that "we make a great team" and... we do.

Was all juiced up to get downstairs but...
guess I'll do some laundry instead (boring) haha

First though... another cup... or two :)
:coffee: :coffee:
You are a landlords dream tenant. Mine were mostly all nightmares which is why I got out of owning a rental property. The final straw was a $20,000+ flood in the basement apt because the tenant was flushing cat litter down his toilet(he was not supposed to have pets but I am a softie for animals and would never want someone to be forced to choose between housing and taking their pet to a shelter). He said garbage bags were too expensive! Fkr…


Well-known member
Morning OFC. Finally caught up.

Big day here. Visitors from the great state of Kansas age visiting today. My son says he is a ping pong player and claims he can beat me playing left handed!!! Ok! I'm not the least bit competitive......

Should be s nice day for a visit.
The meeting will undoubtedly be a great experience for the whole family. I met my biological mother for the first time when I was 32. Never having met anyone genetically related to me was a trip. Turns out mannerisms and quirks are genetic. I see a lot of that in my half brothers who are both nearly young enough to be my kids(and oddly remind me of my two sons ). Have fun and good luck with drop shots with plenty of backspin.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
We bought new furniture a few months ago. Before going on vacation(before we adopted Zig), I bought furniture covers because our cats are arseholes and will vomit hairballs on any cloth covered surface instead of a hard surface where it is easily clean.😡 The covers don’t look too bad so we left them on. View attachment 19008213
The vomiter-in-chief, Goo, is on the left.
My cats are hard on the furniture......I don't care. The both sleep with us every night.


Well-known member
Why you guys make the liberal brain melt like you do?
I am on a couple forums for some other hobbies that are pretty left leaning and I don't feelt the need to correct,chastise or attempt to counterpoint their political comments I just ignore them.........prevents rage quitting.
I try to refrain from political stuff here. It is hard though so sometimes I feel the need to just put a laughing emoji on a post that is filled with the CNN checklist of talking points. As big pointed out above(and others have said here), politicians all have the same goal and it isn’t doing their constituents bidding. Maybe that is political.😂


Cabana’s bitch
While I would love to have Ivan to snuggle with in bed, there’s absolutely no way my boys are getting on my furniture. My back porch has the three walls facing the backyard and all glass. It’s kind of like my smoking room and my chill out room. There is a couch on the back that Ivan has dibs on one cushion and he sits there like he owns the backyard perusing it… when he thinks it’s time for me to let him out he sits directly next to my face on the bed and just stares at me. You can’t see him because there’s no light in the bedroom and he’s black, but his presence is very readily known… At this point in life, Dutch is just going with the flow, but he seems to be enjoying life more now than before… it won’t be long before I’m looking for a companion for Ivan. I told him the next puppy to come in this house is going to be a nightmare for Ivan because he’s going to get paid back for the way he’s pestered Dutch…

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