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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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We need to have a party

Genius idea and let me work on the snack menu


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I will attest to that Jan...your salve has made a believer out of me and 2 of my buddies that have tried it...Lesso is a boxer and it made his soreness go away...he's gonna be fighting on the 15th, a few of my friends and I are heading there to be his cheerleaders...that guy is like a rock...
Very cool☝️
My Nephew was a 2x heavy weight champ at Notre Dame and I (Humbly said ) was his snack coach☝️
Best of luck to Lesso and even though I cant be there ,I will be cheering him on wearing my cheerleader uniform😊
Morning Boo and Friends
A BEAUTIFUL day today❤️


On a mailtrain.
Premium user

I watched that a dozen times, and I think I may have a possible explanation that does not require the CIA.

It appears that the sparkles show right at the second a huge external explosion begins <-- If the explosion was due to the airplane striking the building a few milliseconds before, it could be collision debris going through the building.

Not as much fun as Bldg 7, that's for sure. That one is off the debate table. nem. con.

the destruction of all three buildings were deliberately planned

those that died were murdered


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I watched that a dozen times, and I think I may have a possible explanation that does not require the CIA.

It appears that the sparkles show right at the second a huge external explosion begins <-- If the explosion was due to the airplane striking the building a few milliseconds before, it could be collision debris going through the building.

Not as much fun as Bldg 7, that's for sure. That one is off the debate table. nem. con.
It was the most horrific thing I have seen ( so far)


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Oh so when you said "Boy o Boy could I tear into that but I won't" you were talking to everyone? You went and put "angry" emoticons on everyne lse's post that related to politics because I checked and I didn't see that on any of those others likely because you agree with them since you not only didn't talk about tearing into any of those others. Frankly I just don't see why you couldn't do like dogzter and just give a "Haha" emoticon and not reply. I get that few if any agree with me on my political views and it's because of reactions like yours that the ones who might agree stay silent lest they be singled out for criticism. Really though it's that need to "Boy o Boy could I tear into that" or at least let it be know that you could but then say you won't for the good of the thread.

It's not the discussion of politics that gets threads watched or moved, it's the need some feel to vehemently disagree with any view they don't agree with. If people could just state their views without making it an attack on the opposing view then there would be nothing for the mods to respond to.

As far as "like the other night" not only did you not direct your comment alsso to the person I replied to but you said that it would be a blessing if young people responded the way he suggested, but went on to say they probably won't.

So no you made it clear that you, like OleReynard have a zero tolerance for any and all democrats as well as a few otheres that reponded favorably to OleReynard's talk of disowning any friends and family that are Democrats. Now you've played your cards a bit closer to the chest and don't put it in such blunt terms but in you innuendo's you seem to imply the same attitude. Anyone thinking that way, that all Democrats are crazy,or evil or responsible for everything wrong with the world, have drank the koolaid and you confine yourself to information silos of like minded people and you drive off or stifle any thoughts that don't allign with yours. You are completely and utter wrong just like anyone who labels everyone of a particular group as being all the same. You probably think you're too cute by half with that move, that you've "owned the libs" but you're not and you haven't. All you've succeeded at is proving you're close minded and don't exercise critical thinking, because if you were open minded and judge things for yourself rather then by what Steve Bannon and people like him tell you. You would learn that not all Democrats think alike or support all of the same views and they don't all have the same agenda. As long as you sit her in your safe little silo's where you pat each other on the back you'll never learn any different.

So like I said I'm done with this thread, you all just go aheadd and keep owning the libs in your minds. In the meantime the Democrats and the real Republicans now labeled as RINO's and the Independents will be busy making sure you guys are very disappointed come November.

good post , well articulated

my two centavos for what it’s worth which is about nothing




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Well crap.... So much for sleeping in grrrrr. Why is it? The dogs can sleep in but oh hell NO they wont let you???? Damn shitters.

Once we get the seadoo's seat reupholstered this morning. Going to take it over to the flood control lake to make sure everything is fixed and water pump is working. (fingers crossed) Water should be warm enough.....

We're under the gun for a supercell brake out later today. They will have more than enough Nader juice to work with. I'm betting we'll hit the national news Again.... Come on EF5 the finger of GOD!

Enjoy your day.... I'm going to do whatever it takes.


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
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Well crap.... So much for sleeping in grrrrr. Why is it? The dogs can sleep in but oh hell NO they wont let you???? Damn shitters.

Once we get the seadoo's seat reupholstered this morning. Going to take it over to the flood control lake to make sure everything is fixed and water pump is working. (fingers crossed) Water should be warm enough.....

We're under the gun for a supercell brake out later today. They will have more than enough Nader juice to work with. I'm betting we'll hit the national news Again.... Come on EF5 the finger of GOD!

Enjoy your day.... I'm going to do whatever it takes.

View attachment 19008164
Miss Layla has taken it as her duty to wake me at the appropriate time every morning, even though she has her own dog door and doesn't need to go out.

She does it affectionately by rooting under my neck, while moaning, and wiggling with her her tail going whap, whap, whap against the wall or side of the bed.

I didn't train her to do that, she learned it on her own, and her only payoff is a big huggy, scratchy love-in, because her very next move is to go back to sleep herself.

However, if I love her up and then fluff her off, she will continue to return and encourage me until I do get up, before going back to sleep herself. If she has to return to encourage me, she will start bringing a toy with her to up the ante.

Layla with ball 4.jpg


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Well crap.... So much for sleeping in grrrrr. Why is it? The dogs can sleep in but oh hell NO they wont let you???? Damn shitters.

Once we get the seadoo's seat reupholstered this morning. Going to take it over to the flood control lake to make sure everything is fixed and water pump is working. (fingers crossed) Water should be warm enough.....

We're under the gun for a supercell brake out later today. They will have more than enough Nader juice to work with. I'm betting we'll hit the national news Again.... Come on EF5 the finger of GOD!

Enjoy your day.... I'm going to do whatever it takes.

View attachment 19008164
You ever make cauliflower pizza crust with all that cauliflower?

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